Follow Me into a Viking House in Norway - im Haus der Wikinger in Norwegen!

in backpacking •  8 years ago 


Hey Guys, I decided to go in into the house of the vikings. It is situated in Borg on the Lofoten Islands. Borg is a former viking village. You will find some informations about the village in my last post. It is incredible, archaeologists have excavated a complete village and created a replica of a complete viking house in the 90 s.

It was build circa in the 5th or in the 6th century and it is 83 meters long and nine meters wide. Half of the building was just for animals the rest for families. Let s go in and look around !! :)

Someone is editing some arrows to shoot

Why not to take a nap?

A woman is making a carpet



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Wich game could it be?


looks like some cozy shoes

The house was found where the stones are laying, the replica was build not far away from this place

See you soon! Big Hug Lena <3 <3

deutsch / same post in german


Hallo, wie schaut es eigentlich in einem Haus aus, indem Wikinger gehaust haben? Diese Frage wollte ich selber beantworten und habe so ein Gebäude mal einfach besucht. Das Langhaus befindet sich in Borg auf den Lofoten Inseln. Borg ist ein ehemaliges Wikinger - Dorf. Archäologen gruben in den Neunziger ein komplettes Dorf aus und bauten das Langhaus möglichst Originalgetreu nach. PS: Informationen über das Dorf habe ich in meinem letzen Post genauer beschrieben und einige Bilder hinzugefügt.

Das Langhaus wurde im fünften oder sechsten Jahrhundert erbaut und ist 83 Meter lang und 9 Meter breit. Die Hälfte davon wurde für die Tierhaltung genutzt, die andere Hälfte für Familien mit mehreren Generationen unter einem Dach. Und jetzt geht es hinein :)

Pfeile zum schiessen werden erstellt

Da hab ich doch glatt Lust auf ein Mittagsschläfchen :)

Die Herstellung eines Teppichs



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Welches Brettspiel könnte es sein?


könnten gemütliche Schuhe sein :)

Der Fundort des Gebäudes wurde mit Steinen markiert. Die Nachbildung wurde nicht weit vom Fundort nachgebaut.

See you soon! Big Hug Lena <3 <3

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WoW! These posts are fantastic, surprised I wasnt following you sooner. Thanks for your support as well!

thanks a lot :)

Amazingly beautiful place, thanks @lenatramper for sharing your adventurous ride....

you are welcome, thanks a lot for reading :)

Good one lena.

Dont forget to check out my last post for a link to collect free crypto..a once in a life time opportunity.


Welcome, keep steeming

wow, you are back and adding value here again. Very beautiful locations and great shots..keep steeming @lenatramper , glad to see your post.

thank you very much :)

you are welcome

I waiting for your new post in four days, @lenatramper. I always miss your post. Thanks for you comeback.

thanks a lot :)

So I have this weird theory about the Vikings. I really believe they are from inner earth. I've read some very interesting manuscripts and researched the subject. No one seem to know where the vikings came from before the Norway and Finland area. DO any of you believe in the inner earth?

hey, where there any vikings in Finland?

Of course. From what I one seemed to quite comprehend where the Vikings came from. It was said by many cultures that they simply came out of the farther , coldest, northern area of the planet. That's why I believe that they came out of the inner earth.

Wow! Amazing post and great photos:))

thank you very much :)

You`re welcome :)

Getting to be in a Viking house, count me in! I'll pass on any pillaging though :)


That place looks fantastic, thanks for sharing.

thank you very much :)

Good photos ,looks you really great spending time there 🙂

hehe yeah thanks :)

I'm officially ready to go to Norway. I always wanted to see the fjords, but this looks awesome too!

yeah Norway is a great place to visit :)

Wow!. Good location and photos

thank you very much :)

It's a very beautiful Valhalla place for vikings ,-) My dentist complains that i brush my teeth like a viking (means too hard) lol. Well, probably i have viking blood in my veins, lol. have a great day !!!

hahaha lol :D maybe you have , you will never find it out muhaha :P just joking, thanks a lot, wish you a good night :)

lolll ! ,-)

You are really good with your camera and the story is nice! Thanks for sharing this with us from norway!

What can you read on @steemboost today:
[ANN]: The "Happy Birthday Project"

Thank you very much for your kind comment :)

Good post

thanks a lot :)

Haha the bed looks so comfy..My eyes are droopy now :)

but now at midnight they can be droopy :P :P

hehe best time to get droopy eyelids :))

schaut sehr interessant aus in so einem Vikingerhaus :)
muss wohl ein sehr abenteuerliches Leben damals gewesen sein ;)
schönen Sonntag noch meine Liebe! :)

hehe ja Abenteuer stand bestimmt jeden Tag aufm Programm :P Danke , wünsche ich dir auch, und jetzt ne gute Nacht :)

danke :)