Freedom in Mongolia!

in backpacking •  8 years ago 


Hey Guys,freedom can mean something different for each person. I think you can agree if I am writing:

  • Freedom is not to worry about tomorrow
  • Freedom is to live not in fear
  • Freedom is to be able to live your life
  • Freedom is to have no diseases
  • Freedom is to have best friends and be sure you can rely on them
  • Freedom is trusting each other
  • Freedom is to be financial independent

I think we will never reach all points together, but some of them can feel us free!

During my travels I feel freedom. I have never ridden before. Locals taught me how to ride a horse. Step by step, I learned the skills to guide a horse. I was only concentrated in the present of my life. No thoughts about tomorrow or the things that were happened yesterday. Just the horse and I, no one else could disturb my thoughts.It was important to trust myself and the horse. It was possible to live my life that I chose. It was still a nice feeling to know that I could ask for help if I get problems or have some questions. I could rely on my Mongolian friends. I felt I do not need any money. I could not buy anything, the next shop was 2 hours away. I got food from animals and had a roof over my head in the local yurt. I could be social and sing some Mongolians songs. I was able to go out into the valleys and explore unknown new areas. I felt free!

I summed up my points in a situation were I felt very free

Bildschirmfoto 2017-05-27 um 20.51.47.png


Wild tenting is forbidden in Germany, I wished it would not be like that

Mongolian boy is sitting on his cow!

In wich Situations do you feel free? And what does freedom mean to you?

See you soon! Big Hug Lena <3 <3

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I think material possessions restrict freedom. That has always been the case for me anyways. With your backpacking lifestyle, you have little that you need to take along, so you can move about freely. What do you think?

I very much enjoy being able to travel freely with you through your blog :)

thank you very much for your nice comment and your support! I think in general that material and consumer society are making people sick after a while. I dont want to think what to buy next, If I can buy stuff yeahh why not but if not then just accept , sometimes little things can make us more happy then big material stuff :) (sry for my not correct english :P

If you feel too much restricted by your material possession, feel free to deliver it to me.

Haha! You are a backpacker as well, yes? Would the kitchen table my computer is sitting on assist you with that? If so, you are welcome to it. One day I will need to rid myself of this as well as many other less practical things. Then maybe one day I can go backpacking.

In what way have material possessions restricted your freedom? I am curious.

I was just underlining how important and paramount freedom is in my mind and my heart yesterday. This is one of the main reason why the lifestyle of the steppes has such allure for me.

Thank you so very much again for such a great and inspiring posting. Namaste :)

thank you very much for your great and warm comment <3

A country full of history. I remember John Mann's book about Jengis Khan. Are you searching for Genghis Khan's trail there?

I have been in Ulan Baator and saw his statue :) I agree a great country full of history :) wish you a nice evening !!

I feel free now. I quit my job of 16 years a few weeks ago. I had been so unhappy because of a high pressure job, and then I just decided its not worth the suffering for the money. Now Im unemployed, but doing volunteer work, teaching myself computer programming, going to the gym, working in my garden and getting a sun-tan. Freedom was under my nose, I just had to dare to see it!
Free, until the money runs out :)

this is a nice comment, enjoy it and you will find your way that will make you happy, intuition is the key :) greetings Lena <3

Thanks Lena

Is it possible to feel free when you know in the back of your mind that it is only temporarily if you don't find a solution to your gonna-run-out-of-money situation?

I guess for me its ok because I have decided to no longer chase the money; when I have to get a job its ok for it to be minimum wage. I no longer want to see work as a status symbol either. So all the aspects of working that made me stick at a job that was so punishing, I have let go of.

That's very admirable. Then you truly have let go of that status/debt/slavery paradigm, awesome;

Thanks mate, Im no blogger, but hopefully the little STEEM I have will help with the retirement fund :)

Beautiful post great landscape..upvote

thank you very much !!!

Nice perspective! I never thought about visiting Mongolia or looked at it as a place for freedom until now! I hope you follow up with more information about your experience. Following

Thank you very much for you warm comment and a big thank you for your support !! <3

Beautiful , you and Mongolia !

thank you very much :)))

Thank you so much for this Lena and I could imagine myself in those photos and the horses were gorgeous. That sense of freedom is ingrained in our human DNA and when travelling it's released like endorphins during a work-out. It's the greatest high in the world, for me anyway. Upvoted, Followed and looking forward to your further posts. :-)

thank you very much for your warm and great comment <3 <3 I love that kind of high :) travel is like a real drug :)

You know that Lena, nothing else beats it, nothing. :-)

What a great travel adventure... Mongolia seems to be quiet and beautiful place.

thank you very much :) yes I found peace in Mongolia :)

Enjoy Mongolia and safe travels!

thank you very much !!

"Wild tenting is forbidden in Germany". This is like some made up rule against nature and the human experience in it.

Well, glad you got to experience it there in Mongolia and have amazing pictures to share. To freedom! ;-) @lenatramper

thank you very much :)) experience was great :) , yes Germany has many rules some of them are strange :))