Last Glimpse of Moscow- Gorky Park - einige letze Eindrücke aus Moskau!

in backpacking •  8 years ago  (edited)


Hey Guys I made a long walk from the city center to Gorki Park, have you ever been in this park? For me it was the first time and I was pretty surprised cause it was huuuuggeeeee :) It is worth to visit while exploring Moscow, it was the last day and I just wanted to enjoy it.

it is sure: Moscow has great architecture

The brown thing is a water heater, did you know that? My parents have one of these in the garden :)


I reached Gorki Park :)

Someone is planing to make art out of sand

Citizens are enjoying their hot summer



A statue of Stalin


Moscow is also very colorful, the sentence on the house : I love Moscow

Irish Pubs are almost all over the world :P

See You Soon - big Hug Lena <3 <3

deutsch / same post in german


Hallo! Einen langen Spaziergang hatte ich vom Zentrum bis zum Gorki Park in Moskau, war einer von euch schon mal dort? Für mich war es das erste mal und der Park ist echt rieeessssiiiig :) Währenddessen kann man Moskau erkunden, es war mein letzter Tag in der Hauptstadt und ich wollte ihn einfach nur geniessen.

Eins ist sicher: Moskau hat eine grossartige Architektur

Das braune Ding da ist ein Wasserkocher, hättet ihr es erkannt? Meine Eltern haben so ein Ding im Garten :)


Gorki Park

Jemand plant wohl aus Sand Kunst zu machen

Moskaus Einwohner geniessen den heissen Sommer



Eine Stalin Statue


Moskau ist auch sehr bunt und fröhlich, der Satz auf dem Haus: Ich liebe Moskau

Irish Pubs gibt es fast überall auf der Welt :P

See You Soon - big Hug Lena <3 <3

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you look great on your long dress, thanks for sharing all these beautiful pictures. More success and hope that your arm is now ok...
Schöne wochenende

Hello ! You beautiful girl :) good luck 🍀👍

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

wow...looks like u had a nice trip. good one. Voted!!!

Great journey

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

Gute Heimreise.

I can understand some of the Deutsch!

The words "Gorki Park" is part of a lyric to a song I can sing from top to bottom.

It's definitely beautiful, Russia is actually quite beautiful despite the negative notion popular culture associates them with.

You have been traveling alot! I really like your travel logs and how you prove one don't need to be born with a silver spoon to travel the world!

Great post, thanks for sharing!

Nice shot of you with those leaning trees.

Awesome photos dear friend lena Up&Resteem

Sehr schöne Impressionen hast du uns da mitgebracht!

Weiterhin gute Reise!

Travelling is always fun. Thank you for sharing your beautiful journey with us. The pictures are fascunating and you look amazing 😍

Thanks again Lena, very interesting!!

When I read your story, I remembered with song of Scorpion , "Follow the Moscow, don't to Gorky Park. Listening to the wind, of change..."

Do you singing that song there @lenatramper?

The white heart pub is pretty good :-) Airining lots of football matches for those who fancy such entertainment :-)