RE: VOP: Fraud Against Lewis Arthur And Journalist Paul Flores

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VOP: Fraud Against Lewis Arthur And Journalist Paul Flores

in backyardbrawl •  6 years ago 

I do hope that once your book about VOP is complete, you at least categorize it as fiction. Lewis' and Paul's fraud will fully be known by most sooner rather than later. Many already know of their previous fraud campaigns. VOP and DSW have lost most all of their following and support they initially attracted. They've managed to rack up some criminal charges, court dates, many potential criminal and civil charges, and a few criminal investigations against them over the past 5 months since starting operation backyard brawl. At the end of the day, what they claim they have accomplished, even if it were true, is insignificant. Although, I think they should stay on as desert/border clean up crews. Many like that the garbage is being picked up.

You seem like a smart enough fellow. How is it you would permit yourself to be a pro propagandist for Lewis and Paul? Why would you allow your talent to be squandered and reputation tarnished by representing these fraudsters? It's a serious question.

There is no doubt that child/human trafficking is occurring at the AZ/Mex border...hell, throughout our country and the world. I hope you have informed yourself of the organizations and operations that ARE actually combating the problem. Legitimate organizations who have done significant research on the problem, who have documentation, reports and statistics showing their research, operations, and successes. My point being, all the support, financial or otherwise, that has been given to VOP over the past 5 months, could have gone to such organizations and operations that actually know what they are doing and have had much success in fighting trafficking...and will continue to do so with support. Anyone, with even a modicum of intellect and critical thinking skills, anyone who has some idea of how the world actually works...while looking at VOP, Lewis, and Paul, can see their con job.

I hope you come to realize what you seem to either not know, or refuse to know about VOP, and you are able to avoid destroying any future you may have had as a credible and successful writer and author.

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Look, it is obvious you created this account to combat them online in case they developed any support here. It is also obvious that the charges and harassment against them, not only from troll groups but government officials prove they are hitting a nerve. That is the only reason anyone would go to these lengths to slander and fight against what they are doing.

You mention other groups you claim are more respectable. I assume one of them is the one run by Craig Sawyer, who explained what HIS experts conclusions were. Only to subsequently try scrubbing it as he backpedaled hard enough to blow his knees out. As so many have been scrubbing as much as possible. The coverup that has been attempted, the smear campaign taking place is indicative that there are people of power shitting their pants right now. I also notice that I don't the see the other so called experts out there daily uncovering and informing the public of what is going on out there.

I believe in what Lewis, Paul and the rest of VOP are doing out there. It has long past been evident that no one in government is going to do shit about this trafficking, no one in the other groups you are talking about. VOP is deterring the traffickers by shedding light on their doings, documenting with live videos what is going on. As public awareness of this continues to grow from their efforts, I see the seeds they are planting grow. See it and give thanks.

I would hazard a guess that most of the support they may have lost are from cowards who cave under the threats, the intimidation of the strong anti-VOP movement (how the hell could there be such a strong movement against?), advocates for open borders and trafficking. Those of you who have aligned and spend your time and resources fighting them only validate how entrenched this has become, as no one in their right mind would be against this unless they had a stake in it continuing. Those who act like what VOP is doing is the end of the world long ago lost their credibility, and the more thrashing about they do shows their despair that the old ways of business as usual are coming to an end.