RE: VOP: Righteous Anger Shows As Government Involvement Appears To Grow

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VOP: Righteous Anger Shows As Government Involvement Appears To Grow

in backyardbrawl •  6 years ago 

I would think you would be wary of making slanderous statements. I didn't read your entire hit piece here. The first couple sentences told me all I needed to know. Let me set the record straight, in case you care about such things...Rachel Krause is not a Luciferian. That's just stupid. She's not a cartel member, or drug smuggler, or child trafficker. She's a housewife and mother who lives a quarter mile from where VOP set up their scamming encampment. Her husband is a Pima county law enforcement officer who works border patrol. She simply wanted/wants the VOP circus, drug use, and garbage out of her neighborhood and the VOP scamming/criminal activities to stop. Can you blame her? Trust me, if you were here in the thick of what has REALLY been going on, you wouldn't want it in your immediate neighborhood either. Shame on you for being a VOP PR mouth piece and not doing real research to know the truth. The question I have fot you is, will you write to Screwie Lewie when he's in prison? Because that IS where he and his very unprofessional, felonious side kick will be heading very soon. Write about THAT! SMH.

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Perhaps Rachel shouldn't be using the terms so loosely then to give others this idea if it isn't a correct measure of who she is.



If she does not wish to be known as a Luciferian, maybe she shouldn’t be using witchy pics while using hashtags in her posts such as “pickuplucifer” and savelucifer with the hashtags. But then, I come from a time and place where words meant something. I understand that it is becoming more the norm for people to say whatever sounds edgy and cool and if called on it to say something lame like I didn’t mean it, or I was joking etc. But really, the purpose of words is to communicate which sort of begs one to have a set meaning for the words and stick to them to avoid the tool of communication becoming less effective.

I find it telling you say her main problem with Lewis over the years is because he brings homeless vets who were abandoned there to help them find a foundation. This is exactly the attitude that has driven our communities into what they are resembling. I find his love for his abandoned brothers and sisters to be inspiring, but then I do not find those in distress to be disgusting and wish them to go away (not sure where that away would be where they won't encounter more like this woman you portray as the innocent loving mother).

As to covering this if Lewis and Paul get railroaded into prison, yes I will. Unlike some, the thought of those innocent women and children being raped and tortured out in that desert bothers me. It bothers me too that so many would persecute those who have the balls to do something about it. Shame on you and the rest who would have it go on business as usual out in that desert.

I have placed many links in my many posts on them from the lamestream authorities admitting this goes on out there. It's only when the people get fed up with the decade after decade of the government doing nothing to stop it (and appearing to be aiding it) that suddenly it still exists, just not where Lewis is ever at. Amazing considering how much of that desert VOP has covered along with all the finds. In your mind though perhaps the home made condom wasn't really that, perhaps it was some of that sick art work that would appeal to the Podestas of the world.

I am through feeding you now. I suspected on your last comment that you set this account up solely to troll in case this ministries valor gained a foothold here despite the traitors who changed their stories. Since you joined in April (when the attacks on VOP intensified) your only two actions here have been comments on my last two posts. You will not be fed again.

Well said @practicalthought! And bless the blockchain, it's so easy to see who's who here.