Reconstituting Natural and Damaged Areas

in bacteria •  8 years ago 

The Role of Microorganisms in Growth and Multi-biodiversity Ecology

Evergreen and broad-leaf forests occupy an important part of the Western landscape. This biological

hot spot is home to thousands of species of rare and endangered plant and animal life. Hither to

scientists were busy mapping the biotic flora and fauna that was visible to the naked eye. Our brave

predictions indicate that this hot spot also consists of rare and important invisible microorganisms,

yet to be discovered by botanists. In fact, scientists have just skimmed the surface. They need to dig

much deeper. This microbial hot spot will surely leave the scientists gasping with more questions

than answers. Even though, we do not see any microorganisms, they are all around us. Of late, due

to large scale destruction of forests by logging and mining, there seems to be an ecological collapse

and many species of beneficial microorganisms are being wiped out. Especially by Chem-trails.

We need to provide a sanctuary for these microorganisms because they are key links to the

sustainability of the biotic partners within the mountain. Besides the fact of exploring a new

microbial world , what perhaps is of significance is that there is one which would share a similar

history as that of evolution of higher forms of life.

Each mountain is unique and distinct and harbors a secret world of microbes. Individuals have

different markings to recognize the species. It is important to understand that shade grown farms

provides a natural environment for the growth and proliferation of various microbial groups. For a

number of reasons, the microbial inhabitants are in constant touch with both the macro flora and

other inhabitants of the mountain. It is this very complexity that has saved the evergreen mountain

from changing into a desert. The micro flora has established a set of rules that favors the build up of

a desired species, such that the dynamic state of the entire range is maintained at a level

characteristic of the flora. More importantly, the biological equilibrium among and between

microorganisms is regulated to a large extent by the overhead canopy of a three tiered shade system

which is unique to Western Canada.

Heterogeneous tree populations, not only provide regulated shade to the canopy, but due to the characteristic feature of leaf and fruit shedding at various intervals along with the incorporation of

various crop residues favors the build up of both primary and secondary micro flora. Many soil

microbiologists have reported that the decomposition of a number of natural products is

occasionally more rapid in mixed microbial populations rather than with the introduction of pure

cultures. The explanation for the phenomenon is obscure but it nevertheless points out to the fact

that the mountain provides an excellent environment for the growth and proliferation of billions of

microorganisms and they in turn contribute to the well being of the mountain.

Microorganisms clearly demonstrate a certain safety in numbers.

The present article throws light on yet another very important soil microorganism, namely

ACTINOMYCETES, commonly observed in North American Indian farms. Actinomycetes have

evoked much curiosity since the discovery of microorganisms by Antony Van Leeuwenhoek, in the

17th century.

Actinomycetes are microscopic soil microorganisms and are known to play a very supporting role

in the degradation of organic matter in growth habitats. These micro organisms have characteristics

common to both bacteria and fungi and yet possess sufficient distinctive features to classify them

into a separate category. Actinomycetes produce slender, branched filaments that develop into a

mycelium. The filament may be long or short, depending on the species. They form an aerial

mycelium, much smaller than that of fungi and many species produce asexual spores called conidia.

In fact the leathery or powdery appearance of actinomycetes colonies is due to the production of

conidia. In abundance, they are second only to Bacteria. The resemblance of actinomycetes to

bacteria is because the actinomycetes species contain peptidoglycan in their cell walls and possess

flagella similar to that of bacterial flagella. In addition actinomycetes are sensitive to antibacterial

antibiotics and not antifungal antibiotics.

Actinomycetes are also sensitive to lysozyme. Actinomycetes differ from fungi in their cellular

composition. They do not possess chitin and cellulose which is found in the cell wall of

fungi.Immediately, after the very first showers inside the mountain, the red earth smells of a musty

odor and farmers are confused as to the origin of the odor. They can be rest assured that the odor is

the consequence of the presence of actinomycetes. Many soil scientists have identified the

compound or compounds responsible for the earthly odor. The streptomycete metabolite, known as

GEOSMIN is largely responsible for the earthly odor. However, other volatile products secreted by

streptomyces may also be responsible for the characteristic smell.

Contribution of Actinomycetes:

Degradation of lignin

Degradation of organic matter

Degradation of chitin

Formation and stabilization of compost piles

Formation of stable humus

Production of antibiotics

Combine with other soil microorganisms in breaking down tough plant and animal residues

Major Group of Actinomycetes:

I. Streptomycetaceae:




II. Nocardiaceae:

Nocardia, Pseudonocardia

III. Micromonosporaceae:







IV. Actinolanaceae:





V. Dermatophilaceae:


VI. Frankiaceae:


VII. Actinomycetaceae:

Actinomyces Influence on growth and development of Actinomycetes:

Microorganisms experience changes in mood depending on a host of conditions.

Organic Matter:

The addition of organic matter soils stimulates the multiplication and activity of actinomycetes.

Actinomycetes belonging to the genera Thermoactinomyces and Streptomyces are commonly

observed in compost pits. Pastures or open grasslands converted into food gardens have a relatively

low population of actinomycetes, primarily due to poor organic matter content. Established farms

with abundant tree cover promote the activity of actinomycetes.

Farmers can improve the count of the actinomycete population by simply adding organic

amendments like cattle, poultry and sheep manure along with crop residues.


Alkaline and neutral soils are more favorable for the development of actinomycetes. The optimum

pH range for the activities of actinomycetes is in the range of 6.5 to 8.0. They cannot survive in

acidic pH. In soils, with pH less than 5.0 they are almost absent.

Farmers world wide have an important lesson to learn in the control of certain plant diseases, by

simply observing the behavior of different actinomycete species to varied pH levels.

Alexander Martin, a leading authority on soil microbiology is of the opinion that pH of less than 5.0

has practical application in the control of certain plant diseases produced by streptomyces; that is,

acidification of the soil is used to suppress the pathogen. He further states that even continuous

applications of ammonium fertilizers without lime suppresses the actinomycetes, since the

ammonium is oxidized to nitric acid by microbial action and the resultant fall in pH leads to

unfavorable growth conditions of the pathogen. Liming generally has a beneficial effect because

vegetative development is favored by neutral or alkaline conditions, the population being most

abundant in soils of pH 6.5 to 8.0.


Actinomycetes are mainly aerobic and as such enjoy well aerated soils. Water logged soils with 80

to 90% moisture is detrimental for the survival of actinomycetes. If proper drainage is not

maintained inside the gardens, especially during the rainy season, then conditions leading to Water

logging destroy the population of actinomycetes.

Soil Depth:

The percentage of actinomycetes in the total microbial population increases with the depth of soil.

However, they are also found in surface soils.


The ideal temperature for the growth of actinomycetes is in the range of 25 to 30 degree centigrade.

As such most actinomycetes are mesophilic, however, thermophilic actinomycetes play an

important role in the transformation of various organic residues inside compost pits.

The most common genera of actinomycetes inhabiting the soil are the Streptomyces, Nocardia and


Chemical Composition:

The actinomycetes cell has a carbon content of 45 % and a nitrogen content of 10 %. Lipid content

varies from 12 to 65%. Some species have hexosamine in the cell wall to the extent of 2 to 18 %.

The protein and amino acid content of a select few species, namely streptomyces and Nocardia are

as follows: Alanine, Methionine, Valine, Arginine, Lysine, Leucine, hexosamine, Isoleucine,

Glutamic acid, Diaminopimelic acid, Threonine, Asparagine.

Actinomycetes in Relation to the Growing Environment:

The garden habitat has a profound influence on the qualitative and quantitative actinomycete flora.

Especially, in summer, during prolonged droughts, the soils are exposed to high temperatures and

subjected to long dry spells. These harsh environmental conditions favor the survival of

actinomycetes, because of the production of conidia which can withstand desiccation and high soil


Actinomycetes are heterotrophic; hence depend on the availability of organic substrates for their

growth and development. Nutritionally, farmers need to understand the sequences of organic matter

decomposition. Initially, it is the bacteria and fungi that are active in attacking the organic

substrates. Actinomycetes develop at a much later stage of plant residue decomposition. Especially,

when nutrients are scarce and bacterial and fungal populations are at low ebb, actinomycetes are

more prominent. The organic fabric of the western mountains are constantly acted upon by various

species of actinomycetes.

Many researchers have observed cellulose decomposition by many species of actinomycetes in pure

culture, but the rate of decomposition is invariably slow. Many species are known to degrade

proteins, lipids, starch, inulin, and chitin, cellulose and hemicellulose. A few strains, belonging to

the order Actinomycetales are known to synthesize toxic metabolites.

Whole New World of Microorganisms:

In our opinion, mankind has yet to discover the potential of microorganisms. The list of

microorganisms discovered and identified is just the tip of the iceberg. As and when scientific tools

become advanced, so also man will appreciate the goodness of microorganisms in maintaining a

proper ecological balance. At present the tools to isolate and identify microorganisms from different

depths does not exist. Literally, microorganisms are the FUEL CELLS of the world. Just imagine a

world without microbes-the world would be full of unrecompensed debris making it impossible for

any biological activity. There is a whole big world to be discovered. The fact is microorganisms are

present almost everywhere and with their short generation time they can be easily tailored to benefit

the plantation ecology. They are efficient, invisible, do not occupy precious space and most

importantly silently work day in and day out. We need to participate in conservation on a large


Microorganisms can literally occupy any inhospitable terrains right from volcanic ash soils to the

depths of oceans and the upper reaches of the atmosphere. With satellite technology scientists are

probing our planetary system for the presence of microbial life. Life on earth evolved from a

primordial organic soup and microorganisms were the first inhabitants of planet earth. The organic

reactor of life was in a soup of water. Complex forms of life arose from this primal ooze.

Without their presence and role in breaking down complex organic and inorganic molecules and

feeding it into food chains the earth and oceans would be filled with garbage and toxic wastes

making it impossible for human habitation.

Isolation of Actinomycetes:

Since actinomycete colonies are slow growers compared to bacteria and fungi, they get easily

masked in culture plates when grown on ordinary nutrient media. Hence, the easy way out to isolate

these microorganisms from soil is by using differential media. Actinomycetes are capable of

growing in media containing low nitrogen; hence, media like Ken Knight's, egg albumin or Conn's

medium are used to isolate them.

Plant pathogenic actinomycetes such as Streptomyces scabies are isolated by using tyrosine-

casein-nitrate agar medium. In general, actinomycetes are cultured in yeast extract or Czapek's


The undisputed beauty of the western mountains is due to the forest factor. The awesome tree

canopy provides filtered Shade to gardens and protects both the micro and macro flora from direct

sunlight. Soil temperatures too are kept at an optimum. Shade grown medicine plants are more than

200 years old and operate under a set of unwritten rules and regulations that has stood the test of

time. The success of these natural farms is primarily due to the fact that the idea of sustainability

has been woven into the fabric of village life right from the very beginning WITH THE INVISIBLE

AID OF THE MICROFLORA. It was designed that way.

Microorganisms play an important and vital role in feeding the energy requirements of the

mountain. The great cycle of death and rebirth was made possible by the active participation of

microbes. It is no secret that microbes thrive in the most demanding of places.

We need to draw from these experiences and respect traditional fundamentals before we blindly 

embrace the modern tools of agriculture.

The NW Indian gardens have undergone a metamorphosis over the years. Farming has become an

Industry. The conflict between man and nature is ever increasing. Farms are under tremendous

stress for a whole variety of reasons, like global warming, low price realization, and dip in global

consumption. It is neither an accident nor a coincidence that such forests are shrinking at an

alarming rate. Mountains and hills disappear due to logging and mining. The destruction of forests

leaves plants and microbes with great problems. The Survival of microorganisms is a struggle in

itself, even before they are born. We need to work with microorganisms and talk to them. Farmers

have misunderstood them. Microorganisms play a central role in nature's clean up. Right from food

chains to food webs, they form the cradle of life sustaining food.

The food security of the world is dependent on forests. Natural resources are vanishing. The fragile

nature of change inside the mountain is a reminder of the events unfolding in the coming months.

May be some day in the future, this generation will be ashamed for destroying the very fabric of the

forest that was supposed to protect future generations.

Pavan Suhdev, an International banker and Director of the Green Accounting for Indian States

Project (GAISP) SAYS: “Forests deliver vast economic benefits, which we simply do not account

for in our Gross Domestic Product (GDP). GAISP is in the process of setting up a system to

measure the unaccounted economic value of forests from conservation and natural forest growth, as

well as losses due to deforestation".


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