~ Sometimes, You Just Gotta Finish The Story ~
Monday Freewrite Prompt: Benevolent Dragon
The delivery truck groaned it's way up the steep, winding hill. The dual tires crunched loudly in the heavy gravel, then slipped and spun as Sid slammed the weary old beater's shifter back down into second gear. He wondered if the aging Studebaker would even make it to the top of the mountain.
Sid looked over at his younger brother, bouncing around on the passenger seat, always righting himself like those Bozo the Clown punching things you couldn't knock down. “You sure this is the right place? Looks a bit dicey to me. Check the address again.” Marty pulled the dog-eared clipboard out from under the worn bench seat, and glanced down at the day's work list. “Yup, written right here. Number one Castle Drive. There's even a note attached, says to make sure to stay to the right, over the old bridge, toward the top of the hill. Says it's the strongest part.”
Sid shook his head. This was definitely the oddest place they'd been sent to yet, and certainly the creepiest, since taking this gig for some extra cash. Sid pointed out the window with his left hand, until the madly jerking steering wheel reminded him he needed both hands for the crazy drive, “ever seen forest like THIS ?” The deep, dark rows of gnarly trees on either side of the road slowly marched past the truck windows, blotting out a good part of the mid-day sun as they drove on. His brother just shook his head. The truck continued struggling up the hill, finally topping out at the peak of the mountain in a clearing in the forest.
“Will you look at THAT !” The truck slid to a halt in the gravel drive, in front of an enormous, crumbly house that looked more like a storybook castle than something requiring a county address. Sid wiped his brow with his dungaree sleeve, then climbed down from the driver's seat. He shot a glance down the long, curved gravel drive, finally settling on an enormous pile of furniture and other household goods, stacked haphazardly by the old carriage garage beyond the house.
~ § ~
Marty jumped down from the running board, and caught up with his brother in front of the cab. “That stuff won't all fit in the truck, that's for sure. And why is it all grimy and black? Not sure the boss will even want it.” Sid shook his head again, as if he was well practiced in the habit. Then grabbed the clipboard from under the seat, and read the description on the sheet, “Says here, household furniture and 'other goods'. Doesn't mention nothing about damage.” It was Marty's turn to shrug, as he headed toward the enormous wooden front door on the stoop, noting the heavy metal loop of iron at the center of the door that served as a knocker. “Not sure I can even lift that thing !” But he never got the chance.
The door clunked, then slowly creaked open, the hinges obviously struggling to hold the thick oak door to the massive, stony walls. Soon, a tiny, hunched-over man dressed in an all-black robe of sorts shuffled slowly out and down the front walk, and stopped abruptly at the side of the truck. Glancing at the huge, red stenciled letters on the walls of the truck box, he blurted aloud toward the two men, in more of a statement than a question, “Salvation Army !”
Sid almost left his boots. “Yup, that's right. You called for a pickup? ”
The old man smiled, “oh, good. I'm Eugor, pleased to meet you.” He held out his bone-white, craggy hand, shaking a stiff greeting with each of them. Marty was quietly marveling at the odd little fellow, wondering if it was possible to still be alive after 150 years or so, though this seemed highly unlikely. Then again, I suppose…the pinched voice from under the black hood broke into his stream of thought, “thanks for driving up. Not many people make the trip out this way anymore. Not since the big forest fire of '27. First visitors since, oh, I don't know...”. He quietly trailed off, looking wistfully into the distance of the far horizon.
Neither of the men was sure what the heck he was talking about, and didn't get a chance to ask, as the stooped little man abruptly turned, and shuffled his way over toward the pile of household goods in front of the carriage house. Sid and Marty followed close behind, and upon further inspection, noted a slew of small burn holes in the back of the man's black tunic. Eugor suddenly spun on his heels, hand outstretched, “This is the stuff. Hope you can take it. We'd like to have someone make use of it.”
Sid and Marty wondered who the 'we' part involved.
~ § ~
The pile was enormous. Household and kitchen appliances, old wicker porch furniture, huge, block-y, very heavy wooden living room easy chairs and a couch, straight out of the 1970's. Looked a lot like the furnishings Sid and Marty's uncle Derwood had in his 'Man Den', years and years back. Only MUCH larger. The brothers looked at one another, cracking a faint smile of fond remembrance between them.
There was a LOT of other items in the pile too. Metal hand tools, yard implements, used lumber, lawn ornaments, even an old baby buggy. It was a whole household of treasures. But that wasn't the odd part. Sid and Marty had seen just about everything in the 'stuff saving' business. What really set it all apart, was the condition of each and every piece.
All of it looked like it had been in a fire. Not a BIG fire, just lightly singed. A black, greasy tinge covered the edges of everything. Accompanied by an odd, distinct odor of burnt fish and oily creosote. The brothers felt a cold shiver zip up and back down their respective spines. Marty piped up, “did you have a fire?”
The little man gave them a blank stare, then a moment of perk washed over him. He let out a quiet little puff of a laugh as he spoke, “oh, no, that's pretty normal for around here. Everything has that...um...look to it. No problem though, it'll wash off. Just a dab of baking soda and water, and some elbow grease. Be right as rain, I always say.”
Sid glanced in Marty's direction, then back at the tiny, hunched man in black. The look of downright puzzlement obvious on his face. Eugor noticed, then continued, “belongs to the owner, of the castle. He'd really like to get rid of this stuff. See it gets put to good use.”
Marty nodded in feigned understanding, still wondering about the blackened edges. Eugor flipped a piece of gravel from the edge of the driveway with is boot, then went on, “The owner, he's a bit, um, how would you put it? Different? A rather large...fellow. And a bit of a recluse. Stays to himself most times. Usually deep down in the basement. He's not overly popular with the neighbors. You know, after all those...incidents. At the turn of the last century?!”
“Oh”, was all Sid could eke out. Marty remembered reading about some of this in the County History section of the newspaper, years back. The details were a bit fuzzy. He just stood in the driveway with his mouth agape, like a bass fish up on a grassy bank, hoping someone would toss him back, before it was too late.
Eugor continued on, undaunted, “and the owner, he has a slight, um, how would you say it? Difficulty? Particularly after meals. Can't help it, I suppose. You know, those weird things you get, deep down, after eating too much...waa-aay too fast. Think some folks call them the hiccabelches. I just call it unfortunate. And darn hard on the furniture. And everything else.” Eugor waggled a finger through one of the burn holes on his tunic.
Neither Sid nor Marty had a clue what the little man was going on about, but went with it anyway, as the whole place was giving them a serious case of the heebie-jeebies. They just wanted to grab the stuff, and move on down the mountain, as fast as possible. Eugor broke into their silence once more, “can you take the whole pile? He'd LOVE to get rid of it. Would make him very happy. And it's always a good idea to keep the owner of the castle happy.”
~ § ~
Eugor didn't have to ask twice. Sid backed the truck into the pile, slightly crunching the baby buggy in the process, then the two men loaded up all that would fit in the back, tossing it in as fast as possible. Promising to return for more loads, after they got back to town. They started down the driveway, driving as fast as the old truck would take them. Sid noted Eugor in the rear view mirror, tipping his bony finger to his black hood, as they headed out of the drive and on into the dark woods.
The trip back down the curvy mountain road went a whole lot faster than the way up. I suppose a huge, heavy load of torched furniture and a serious dose of the willies will do that to a man. Or two, if you've got them both handy.
Neither spoke a word, as the old truck roared down the mountain, straining hard to stay on the road, and doing it's best to not blow a gasket while downshifted into first gear for mile after mile. I have NO idea if Sid and Marty ever returned to the castle, for the second or more loads, since I'm not privy to the delivery and pick-up records at the Salvation Army.
What I CAN say, is that they quit their jobs shortly thereafter, and headed on to other 'greener pastures'. Beyond the picking up of old, previously used, partially blackened furniture and other valuables, from scary castles in the woods.
I suppose we'll just have to assume the rest of the story is the stuff of entertaining history.
~ Finto ~
Five Minute Freewrite Post by @mariannewest
Post: Five Minute Freewrite ~ Monday Prompt: Benevolent Dragon
Author's Note:
This is not a true, Five Minute Freewrite. Or even a Standard, 28 minute- Five Minute Freewrite. So I made up a NEW category. (We seem to be expanding...). Sorry, couldn't help myself. There I was, laying in bed yesterday morning, pondering getting a start to the day, when I noted @mariannewest's Monday prompt for the 5-Minute Freewrite. And something upstairs just went 'bing', and next thing you know, this is what came out. I have NO idea exactly how long it took. All I can say is, it took. ( I punched the electro-timer off after about 5 cycles of telling me to stop. Goofy little time-clock sometimes gets in the way.)
So thank you for reading, and have a most wondrous day, if that seems like something you would like to do. -dds

Thanks for stopping in and viewing another Twenty Eight Minute, 5-Minute Freewrite, that morphed into an even LONGER thing, after the timer got tired, and went kablooee. (OK, I helped.) If you have any thoughts about fire breathing dragons, burnt home offerings (to Thrift), those odd things that emit from the gastro-tract when you eat your dinner a bit too fast, large crowds of angry neighbors with pitchforks and yard implements waking you in the middle of the night, or anything else this post reminds you of, please feel free to comment away in the spaces below. I'd love to hear from you.

Please UPVOTE, COMMENT and FOLLOW if you enjoy my works.
And go to @ddschteinn -- There's a whole lot more...
Posted: 06/27/2019 @ 10:20 ~ Post No. 318
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Thanks a whole bunch for the huge vote, inclusion in the daily compilation, and nomination to OCD. I really appreciate it, and all that you do for the smaller folks of Steemit. The recognition is very nice to receive. I shall go peruse the things you've listed here. Once again, thanks for the incredible vote. Cheers.
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I did not envy the pick-up men and wondered just what the block in the basement was like. Dracula means dragon and I wondered if you had thought up and a new twist to the tail. Abloodsuckerr who belches fire when he eats too much. Clever and funny:)
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I have visualized the basement, don't go down there, it is a rather scary place.
As for Dracuula, I didn't realize that was the name for dragon. I like your take on this though, and wish I could say this was my thought process. But alas, I was just thinking your standard, run of the mill dragon with those annoying hiccabelches. And visualizing what that would do the the household furnishings. And Eugor, if/when he ever got in the line of 'fire', while vacuuming, dusting, polishing the armour, keeping the Dr. Frankenberry Strickfaden machines running during electrical storms, and other important, daily chores involved in keeping your average, run of the mill creepy castle functional. So glad you enjoyed the tale.
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This post was shared in the Curation Collective Discord community for curators, and upvoted and resteemed by the @c-squared community account after manual review.
@c-squared runs a community witness. Please consider using one of your witness votes on us here
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Thanks a million for the vote and nod, C², I really appreciate it. And all you do for Steemit, encouraging authors and content creators. Helps make the site as great as it is. Which as Tony the Tiger once said, is GREAT! Keep up the good works, and Cheers on a Friday in June.
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All of our furniture is used, and I love to go to thrift stores, but now I will be giving all that stuff a second glance :)
Great story. Poor Eugore - it must be hard to work the same job for so long...
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Ah, the good old used thrift furniture. Pretty sure just about everything I own except pillows and my 'finerie's are from there. (Gotta draw the line somewhere...). But do keep a look out for the large reptilian heat damage as you shop. Tends to make things a bit odd in the olfactory department. Subtle, but very present, once you put it in the living room.
Glad you enjoyed the tale. As for Eugor, he's been at if for quite a time, but the perks and benefits are pretty good. Though no dental. W.E.I.N.?
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I really enjoyed this. I can just picture it all vividly. You can really spin them, my friend! Maybe my friend @swedishdragon would know about burning things up LOL
If you have time grab your free Pal tokens. It is run on Steem, everything is there just the same. All of your friends like @dswigle are over there. With your amount of SP you should have a nice amount of Pal waiting for you. Time is almost over to claim. To post there just use the palnet tag. If you need any help just yell :)
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Howdy, so glad you enjoyed Eugor's little world. Maybe there is more story here, hmm. Thanks for the nice thoughts too, muchly appreciated.
I shall go check out the Swedish Dragon some more.
As for Palnet, thanks for the head's up. I'm usually plenty clueless enough on here to just get in trouble, so often let things like this pass on by. Missed the last one, though I don't remember it's name. But a little knowledge goes a long way to getting yourself straight into the soup. That said, I am looking into it. I'd like to keep you as a bud, and helping me on here might drive you straight up the bat-loaded tree. Can't have that! I think HH is going to figure it, and eventually help me. I looked, and have a chunk I could grab. Not quite sure exactly what it does or how it works, but just getting it is the first bridge to wander over. Thanks again for the note to get going. Sounds like it's only for a couple more days.
Cheers, my friend, and Happy Michigander Wednesday.
UPDATE: I went in to the keychain and claimed my rewards, but nothing has happened yet. I think there is some sort of problem with the site or something. I shall wait and see what transpireth...
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Here is a tutorial.
Did you go on to steem-engine. You clain your coins. Then you can either sell them or power up (they use the word "stake"). I think you claimed them but have not staked yet. You actuall started to earn see your wallet.
Yes for sure get HH her coins too!! Sure dont want her to miss out! Personally I staked mine, but some folks sold. Either way something is better than nothing :D.
After all this mess all you have to do is use the tag #palnet and your post go on there, like mine...
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Thanks for the info. I'm in the process. So far, it's working on it. Pokey peunias.
HH did hers, and it worked, so with a bit (ha haa) of help, I may just get there. Appreciate all the help and tutorial. This stuff helps. And you're still not up the batty tree ( :
I will no doubt keep mine, just like Steemit and all the rest I do. Just keep building toward SOMETHING or other.
If I wasn't so clueless, I'd be less clueless. Have a good night.
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Nothing wrong with taking your time and doing it right. You make mistakes when you hurry.
Oh I am glad to see she got hers. Nice score because who knows what they may be worth one day. I didnt want to bother you guys, but didnt want to see you miss out either lol. We may as well think big about the future coz it doesnt cost any more than thinking small lol.
Well its pushing 4am here and I am rambling, so I wish you good people a good night :)
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Ah, no problem, we greatly appreciate it. Otherwise, it would be lost. No one here is known for exceptional speed. But I'm with you, see what it will bring. Like you said, can't hurt. Though I'm still having trouble. Think it is with the site. But I'm on the list, and worth 400 or so, so hope it works. HH is talking to them. At least SOMEONE knows what the heck is going on on here ( :
Otherwise, I'm madly trying to finish up a 4th post, before it becomes the fifth.
This site is SUCH a cure for sleep-niacs, isn't it?! Cheers and happy 4th my friend.
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Haha if this was a five minute write Im a dragonrider! Congrats on the Blocktrades, curie AND ocd on this one... well deserved! A VERY entertaining and suspenseful read. I enjoyed it muchly. Irs to your credit i read beyond three paragraphs as theres too much to read here so I often get impatient and move on. This was worth reading EVERY word.
Posted using Partiko Android
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Thanks, glad you enjoyed the little romp through thriftland, even in all it's long winded -ness. My Freewrites keep getting longer and longer. I have a 28 Minute version and now the 56 Minute. Sometimes it's hard to stop, when the mind gets cranking along. I just tell that little clock to buzz off and continue on.
So glad you made your way through this one to the end. I do realize...I often write a ton load, probably TOO often, but have decided this site for me is about learning what I'm doing writing and then practicing, so hopefully the occasional folk do stay and read. And it looks like you are an occasional folk today. Thanks for that, muchly appreciated. (Though I'm still waiting for someone to get the Sid and Marty reference. It's probably too ancient TV history.)
I feel very lucky to have gotten so many responses from all these groups. Amazing, actually. I greatly appreciate their support.
BTW, what does Irs mean? I'm so clueless on these things. I still have a 1910 Model flip phone, and Steemit is the only place I mess about on the Interweb. But what a place! Love it here. Thanks for the reply, and have a nice night. Stay warm, (from your other comment.) Looks like fun. I I just realized you are probably reading this on a phone, in the van, and now hollering to the trees, "good grief, this guy is a windbag-my battery CANNA TAKE IT ANY LONGER!" Cheers
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Hilarious. Nope you have a new friend. And THAT was just because you used word succinct in your bio!! Where are you based?
Posted using Partiko Android
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Succinctality is not a trait I'm overly familiar with. But I'm glad it got me a new friend.
That is always nice, and one of the best parts of Steemit. Friends from all over the globe. I'm based in the Pacific Northwest of the U.S. Been here many a year, and love it.
As for irs, that was in your comment, and probably was a big finger typo on a tiny keyboard in the chill air, (no, I'm not calling your fingers 'unthin'). I just figured it was some sort of clever internet wordism, that I am unfamiliar with, like In RetroSpect, or I Royally Suspect (I even had a short discussion with Google, and all they told me about was the IRS of April 15th. I knew THAT wasn't it). Looking way back up there, I think it was just It's, without the capitol, necessary garnish, etc, so a large nevermind is in order.
Wow, that was a lot of writing, to say very little of much here.
Probably NO battery left now...
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Oh! You sound English. That could be, of course, because you appear to have a vocabulary - no slur against Americans at all, and I can't talk because I'm Australian! And all typos must be forgiven, because it takes to long to.. wwait... my battery is d
Posted using Partiko Android
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Ha haa, love it. And I'm not English, just know a bit of it, and watched my share of Benny Hill reruns when in the woods. (Should I admit that...?) And certainly enjoy cramming bunches of those words together on the electronic page, every now and then.
As for the other, not a problem either. I'm not always enamored of what goes on here on many scales. Language is the least of my worries. Though being a 'stralian, you have the market on classic language and take on life. Always wanted to be one of youse guys or gals. Well, I hope your battery is now charged, and the van still goes afterwards, and all is going great in the wood. ( I can't make that funny battery thing here, as this is a big old mondo box on my desk, with even mondo'er screen. But I LOVE it. Faster than a Crisco'd Gerbil in a benefit rodent grab.
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Hahahah I love your "not near five minute" free write. Writing is a weird thing... It takes a while to write something just to spend a few minutes reading it!
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Ah yes, the longer than five minute'r. They seem to be growing longer by the moment ( :
I agree, it's so true, it can take SO long to write something, and so little time to read it. I've spent a day or two on longer pieces, can't imagine writing a novel. That someone finally reads in 2 days. Then again, thanks be that folks do that sort of thing. Life would be SO boring without.
But I still LOVE writing, even for myself. That's why I love Steemit so much, besides chatting all the time with friends. I used to stay up all hours, putting electrowords to page, then stuff it in the computer forever to be forgotten about. This site has (enjoyably) forced me to actually FINISH something. Up to 300+ or so. That amazes me. And I certainly enjoy getting lost in it, most times. (Except for sleep deprivation, maybe.) I'm sure you can relate to the fun of it, with all the great stories you craft on here. Thank you for that, Steemit. And all my buddies too. Thanks for stopping in for a Thursday chat.
Stay cool. "RIGHT"! -bl
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Believe it or not it was a refreshing night! Lets thank rain for that hehehe
You're right, one can get lost in writing. Once I start writing the world shuts down around me, its just me and the words. There's no hunger or thirsty or need to pee haha just the thing I'm writing and the words flowing out of my head. When I finish I run to the bathroom and then eat like troglodyte cause I spent hours writing hahahaha
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So glad you had a respite from the humid heat. Rain is a wonder for that.
What a bathroom troglodyte, got a big chortle out of that one. I certainly can relate to the thirsty/eating thing. Though heading to the loo, well, some things have to happen, no matter WHERE my brain is going. But that 'zone' is a special place, that's for sure. (The writing zone, not the bathroom zone. EVERYONE knows that one's special...)
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An entertaining tale, like always!
Congrats on the OCD nomination!
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Howdy. Thank you, glad you enjoyed the tale, and the nice thoughts about it. Yes, the OCD was a huge surprise. Never been voted on by them before. Makes one feel very fortunate. Hope you have a nice night, what is left of it in your corner of things anyway. Cheers.
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Being on their whitelist is a privilege and allows you to use ocbd. Be sure and check it out!
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