
in bagels •  3 months ago 

World War 3 to go hot by the 20th of February of 2025 said Alex Jones, they're trying to block the Presidential Election in Romania because the winner doesn't want to poke Russia. The Pentagon is trying to suspend the election in order to declare Trump not the President. I think my Twitter is broken, I got Twitter Blue on the first day of December of 2024, the next day I got 228K impressions, seems like it's been downhill since then according to these X Analytics of the last 2 weeks. 641/ Rule of the game is everybody above guards should be demoted down to guards right now and forever unless if they're like really cool or something, seems to me that maybe only five people in the server should have roles higher than guards.

Imagine if the Supreme Court rejected the 2024 election, the Trump victory over Kamala Harris, that is what happened in Romania explained Alex Jones. 640/ I actually think most people should have the green guards role, make everybody Gumby, demote everybody to look like a naked turtle.

Bagels; videos: I joined Twitter X in 2009 video, everyone above guards in my Discord Server should be demoted to guards except for five people, Get your loved ones a $10.99 phone tripod this Christmas video; watched: Outlander 709, Rumble - Infowars Network Feed: LIVE 24/7 - Alex Jones Sunday, Stefan Molyneux - Bitcoin Takes the Power of Capital From Corporations, Ron Gibson - Alex Jones, Ron Gibson - SUNDAY NIGHT LIVE [FULL] Sunday 12/8/24 • Regime Change in Syria! NATO Threatens Russia With War


Screenshot at 2024-12-08 23-58-53.png
Rick Grimes needs to shoots walkers in my Discord Server

Oatmeal Daily - 2024-12-08 - Sunday | Published in December of 2024


Discord Screenshot at 2024-09-01 00-04-34.png

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In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.


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Blood Health
2024-12-08 - Sunday - 01:21 PM - Health Log

What pokes holes in blood vessels?
T-Cells which are good
Chemotherapy, radiation, medication, autoimmune disorders

Improve T-Cells with garlic, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, yogurt, vaccines are bad. T cells come out of the bone marrow which is at the center of bones. Inside marrow are fat, stem cells, T cells. New blood is created inside the red bone marrow, that is red blood cells, white blood cells, Megakaryocytes, Monocytes (to fight disease). Yellow bone marrow is made mostly of fat and contains stem cells that become cartilage, fat, or bone cells. Bone marrow contains vitamins A, B2, B12, and E, as well as omega-3s and omega-6s. It also contains minerals like calcium, iron, selenium, and zinc.

Arteriosclerosis is the hardening of arteries, blood vessels; it's caused by cholesterol, fat, high blood pressure (hypertension), diabetes, tobacco, smoking, salt, sugar, stress, lack of exercise, obesity, poor sleep, Chronic kidney disease, Adrenal gland disorders, Thyroid disorders

Sodium thickens blood by bonding with water which surrounds the sodium. Our bodies need sodium to balance or regulate blood pressure, muscles, nerves, fluids. Kidney regulates how much sodium is in the body. Potassium can counteract sodium.

How to minimize sodium?

  1. Eat less sodium
  2. Drink water
  3. Exercise, sweat
  4. Potassium
  5. Magnesium

Discord Drama

2024-12-08 - Sunday - 12:34 AM - Discord Log

640/ I actually think most people should have the green guards role, make everybody Gumby, demote everybody to look like a naked turtle. 01:07 AM: 641/ Rule of the game is everybody above guards should be demoted down to guards right now and forever unless if they're like really cool or something, seems to me that maybe only five people in the server should have roles higher than guards. 12:46 PM: 642/ Caddy only listed 35 channels of mine on YouTube, Caddy probably copied the list from an outdated article of mine from years ago, I've actually created over 40+ channels and notice Caddy mentioned Ojawall-01 but not Ojawall-02 for example; I should try updating the real list. 643/ I started acting when I was two in 1987, I was a child actor like Mack from Home Alone and also Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen of the Diddy Party Full House. 644/ Who is Tiffany Cumbo and why was she the Joy Stick Dolphin Lil Devil 544? 645/ Everybody should be demoted to guards except for five people. 646/ Every single account should be demoted to guards except for five people. 647/ Everybody except for five accounts in our Discord Server should have roles higher than guards and you should be asking which five accounts because everybody else in the server including the rulers and gods should be demoted to guards right now. 648/ Hello everybody and anybody, please share this in our Oatmeal World Discord Server, everybody except for five people MUST be demoted to guards right now and when I say everybody I mean everybody. 649/ Emperor Oatmeal orders that everybody in our server except five people be demoted to guards but you should be asking which five people. 650/ If people are going to ignore what I say on Twitter, then there is no reason for me to return to my own server; most people in the server have roles they are not qualified to have; seems the trolls have taken over the server; nobody wants to save the server? 651/ Alliana, I didn't say demote everybody, I said everybody except five people. 652/ Everybody in my server totally ignores me, I think my own server has nothing to do with me, it is like a bunch of random people who accidentally ended up in my server, it is quite the paradox. 653/ Everybody is free to promote/demote everybody to/from any/all roles but everybody except five people SHOULD be demoted down to the the green guards role and everybody means even the rulers and gods because everybody means everybody. 654/ Caddy can be god in the same way you can pour bleach down your eyes, everybody except five people SHOULD be demoted to guards, we need to find new overlords who can make this happen; notice how only about three people ever see what I'm typing on Twitter X. 655/ Demote everyone to guards to get me to return to the server. 656/ Demote everyone to guards if you want me to return to the server. 657/ Why not demote everybody to guards and start over? 658/ It would be cool if somebody demoted everybody including themselves to guards and then started over. 659/ Demoting everybody to guards is a great idea because many people have roles that are too high in that many people are not really qualified for roles above guards. 670/ This is an ILLUSTRATION of how Oatmeal Fake News is spread all over the Internet with lies and deception about me taken out of context and other things for many years; somebody write a book and document all the lies about me going back many many years. 08:29 PM: 671/ The fact everyone was not demoted to guards tells me everybody in my own Discord Server see me as a joke but someday someone will come and drain the swamp, I cannot wait, we gotta demote the trolls down many roles; most people in my server are trolls. 672/ If you're really cool and you join my Discord Server, I will make you an owner within seconds. 09:05 PM: 673/ Everyone in server should be demoted to guards except those who are at least 50 years old with a college degree and they got to be either an employer with at least 100 employees under them or at least their own boss making a lot of money with a public track record online. 674/ If Alliana isn't willing to demote the trolls, I will have to appoint a new overlord above her who can come in and take out the trash. 10:11 PM: 675/ If you want me to promote or demote people, just show me evidence of how cool or terrible they are, I'm always watching 24/7 waiting to be surprised by both the best and worst that humanity has to offer; potential owners should copy this approach. 676/ I'm ready to promote or demote anybody and everybody to or from any and all roles, you just got to convince me somehow to take action; if you want me to do something, never give up trying to get me to do whatever you want me to do. 677/ We will get new leadership as soon as they come, I'm ready to promote people to owner, just let me know when the cavalry has arrived, ping me, mention me, @ me, I'm always watching the server 24/7, just spam me until I say something, annoy the Hell out of me to let me know. 678/ If you quizzed people on what I said in all those screenshots from my Twitter thread, everybody would fail since they're all trolls who should be demoted to guards. 679/ Tell me why I should promote you in my Discord Server and I might do it since I'm always watching the server 24/7 looking for a super duper Rick Grimes who can take out The Walking Dead Spider Man Venum Eminem Zombie Walker Vampire Werewolf Lolcow Trolls. 680/ I said make everybody guards and everybody includes yourself but you cannot demote your own self of your highest position making my request impossible to do for anybody paying attention which this proves nobody thinks about what I say at a deep enough level to know anything. 681/ I recommend demoting everyone under the age of 50 to guards.

Twitter Tweets

12:30 AM

I think my Twitter is broken, I got Twitter Blue on the first day of December of 2024, the next day I got 228K impressions, seems like it's been downhill since then according to these X Analytics of the last 2 weeks.

08:45 AM
Hey little Billy, here is your new teacher; Alex Jones, what are we looking at right now.

01:31 PM
This is the kind of show I would not want to see end. Should they have Christ die on the cross at the very last episode of the very last season? I think they are trying to do about seven seasons. They could try to have Jesus die near the beginning of the last season and then focus a bit on what happens after the cross. They could be tempted to do spin-offs to work their way towards the story of the Apostle Paul and other things found in the New Testament

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My Adventure in Vietnam

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Outlander 709

2024-12-08 - Sunday - 12:08 AM - Outlander 709

They return to the mother land. There is struggle. Father is sick. There is fight. Man is stuck possibly in the wrong time. He tries to find his son.

06:59 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [FULL] Sunday 12/8/24 • WW3 - The Globalists Launch a Massive Destabilization Campaign

02:05 PM
Speaking of fighting, can we stop the globalists from trying to make World War 3 go hot? Alex Jones is live, globalists are trying to stop Trump

07:08 PM
Globalists trying to destroy America and the world in an attempt to make it too horrible for Trump to reverse explains Alex Jones @RealAlexJones

07:49 PM
Imagine if the Supreme Court rejected the 2024 election, the Trump victory over Kamala Harris, that is what happened in Romania explained Alex Jones.

07:57 PM
Why is the King of China saying prepare for world war 3 asked Alex Jones regarding how the Pentagon is trying to cause chaos to stop Trump from taking office in 2025, NATO is involved with trying to get WW3 to go hot with Russia and Ukraine; North Korea is involved

08:19 PM
Imagine the Supreme Court stealing the election from Trump who beat Kamala Harris in the 2024 Election, that's what happened in Romania because the winner doesn't want to go hot in world war 3 with Russia, globalists trying to kill the winner in Romania explains Alex Jones

08:42 PM
Pentagon is trying to arrest Trump. Globalists is trying to get this world war 3 with Russia to go hot so they can declare a state of emergency where they must not only arrest Trump but also his entire staff explained Alex Jones, somebody get this to Elon Musk, Vivek and RFK Jr.

08:46 PM
The Pentagon is trying to suspend the election in order to declare Trump not the President.

08:52 PM
World War 3 to go hot by the 20th of February of 2025 said Alex Jones, they're trying to block the Presidential Election in Romania because the winner doesn't want to poke Russia

Globalists trying to get Romania to join America in going at Russia which would likely result in a Planet of the Apes situation

Here is a list of what I'm watching

Outlander 709

2024-12-08 - Sunday - 12:08 AM - Outlander 709

02:05 PM
Rumble - Infowars Network Feed: LIVE 24/7 - Alex Jones Sunday

06:55 PM
Stefan Molyneux - Bitcoin Takes the Power of Capital From Corporations

06:59 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [FULL] Sunday 12/8/24 • WW3 - The Globalists Launch a Massive Destabilization Campaign

09:25 PM
Ron Gibson - SUNDAY NIGHT LIVE [FULL] Sunday 12/8/24 • Regime Change in Syria! NATO Threatens Russia With War

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to my Oatmeal Daily which is generally posted & syndicated to different websites daily by me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, feel free to mirror, edit, clip, reupload my content. For more information, see some of the links on this page or you can try to Google search or look me up using keywords like Oatmeal Joey Arnold @ joeyarnoldvn and other keywords. Try using different combinations of words in search engines for better results. Bed around 01:00 AM but was laying around till like 03:00 AM or 04:00 AM meaning I was not able to fall asleep for roughly three hours due to probably a few things like I had a few candy cane balls a few hours earlier, I had some sugar in my tea earlier, perhaps sugar could be one of the issues. I turned off my heater before like 4 and that maybe helped. Maybe something in lower left rib side happening for a few hours last night like muscle spasms or not sure if it involved organs, not painful. Awoke around 07:50 AM. I joined Twitter X in 2009 video, everyone above guards in my Discord Server should be demoted to guards except for five people. Breakfast: 08:36 AM. Sunday school, beth, Matthew 24. I was reading in my health book about how rocks poke holes in the pipes in our body. Mark did the sermon on letting the little light shine, we even sung the song, about how to reach people, he asked everybody and we interacted. Audacity. Just try to find the file in email to send to me. I thought about using a Sonic metaphor. We brought home a blue with white lid cooler full of strawberries, mom forgot to bring home eggs. Lunch: 01:05 PM. 90 minute nap at 03:00 PM. Dishes around 05:00 PM for like 90+ minutes. Compost. Get your loved ones a $10.99 phone tripod this Christmas video. Dinner: 06:56 PM. Food in. Strawberries into RV. Dishes. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, strawberries, scrambled eggs, 08:36 AM. Lunch: fruit yogurt, 01:05 PM. Dinner: chicken carrot green beans soup, 06:56 PM. Tea. 2 baked blueberry bagels with I think red onion flavor humus, 07:45 PM. Tea.

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