in bailesocial •  7 years ago  (edited)

La tarde de hoy vengo con un video de mi persona con una "conocida" para ese momento. Les cuento que fui a una fiesta social. ¿Que es una fiesta social? es un grupo de personas que bailan salsa casino, donde ponen todo tipo de música, mayormente timba...#ambienteCasinero.

Ok, ese dìa había una competencia de baile social, y yo queria bailar pero no tenia pareja, cuando llego al sitio del evento me encuentro a esa bella morena y le digo ¿y si bailamos? y ella con cara dudosa, acepta el reto... sin siquiera ensayos previos, solo un par de veces... Sin embargo, aceptamos el reto y aunque no ganamos, la experiencia fue fascinante...

"Bailando se olvidan los problemas, bailando se vive mejor, bailando expresas sentimientos con tu cuerpo"

Today's afternoon I come with a video of me with a "known" for that moment. I tell them that I went to a social party. What is a social party? is a group of people who dance salsa casino, where they play all kinds of music, mostly timba ... # ambienteCasinero.

Ok, that day there was a social dance competition, and I wanted to dance but I did not have a partner, when I arrived at the event site I found that beautiful brunette and I said, what if we dance? and she with a doubtful face, accepts the challenge ... without even previous trials, only a couple of times ... However, we accept the challenge and although we did not win, the experience was fascinating ...

"Dancing forget the problems, dancing you live better, dancing express feelings with your body"

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See my post and vote my last 3 post and I will upvote you 100% in one hour.... No reply