SLC season 22 wk 3|| Bakery course Stuffed sweet bread||

in bakery-s22w3 •  last month  (edited)


Greetings Everyone

Assalam o alaikum friends welcome to my blog I am @sualeha from Pakistan it's pleasure for me to again share my participation in Bakery course week 3 ,The sweet bread experience is quite well I followed the recipe explained in course taught by teachers ,So guys let's start my blog and trying to share home assignment below.

Do you think the resting time of bread is important? Explain

Yes it's very essential to give resting time of the bread infact it's very important for good rise and fluffy texture for bread ,the yeast completely fermented completely and the results always yummy and dough became double in size.
Actually yeast took some time to rises the bread dough and keep the dough in dark and airtight container that's also helped the yeast fermentation fast and you bread will be more fluffy and delicious .

Make a sweet bread, you can follow the recipe given in class or try another one, but it must be FILLED SWEET BREAD (NOT FRIED) it must be baked, you can fill it with jams or any sweet you like, you can decorate it with whatever you want on top (candied fruit, chocolates, grated coconut, sugar, etc.) Document the step by step, and put on a poster the date, user and the class label

I made sweet bread I filled it with apple jam and sprinkles sweet chocolate chunks on top ,so guys let's start and share step by step recipe I followed the recipe given in course.

Ingredients list
All purpose flour 500gm
Egg 2
Butter 50 gm
Sugar 1 tbs
Salt 1/2 tbs
Apple jam
Water 1 cup
Yeast 30gm

How I made step by step

Step :1
By first I activated the yeast for that I added water and sugar then added yeast power and mixed it well in warm water then covered it 5 to 10 minutes,the bubbles out from yeast now it's ready to add in dough .


Step :2

Now after activated the yeast ,I took a bowl added egg ,salt ,yeast and butter mixed it well.


Now I kneaded the dough by hand and add water for getting soft dough


Step :3

Now I kneaded the dough ,spread on kitchen counter dust the flour rub and kneaded by hands for good results.


I spreading the dough in square shaped with the help of rolling pin .The thickness of the bread is approximately 1 cm thick.

Step :4

I spread apple jam by spoon evenly all rolled dough then rolled it like wraps .It's very important step on this stage dough was little bit sticky but after rest it will.smooth and manageable.


Step :5

Now I cut the bread in small and large both sizes ,I grease the baking trey and put the egg yalk on top of the bread by brush and put in pre heated oven for 30 to 40 minutes.


Final presentation

The soft yummy sweet stuffed bread is ready to eat I filled Apple jam in it 😋.


The final results of my bread with my user name date I hope you like it ,the taste and texture were super yummy 😋 🤤.I love the simple shape of bread so I never put more effort infact the yummy and tamping taste more important in my eyes .

Tell us about your experience making sweet bread, did you have any complications, share your bread with a family member and document their impression

Well making bread always fantastic results and new experience for me I explore new innovation by this time the stuffed bread new experience for me when I saw the results of my bread I am happy and satisfied but yes the sticky dough in starting made me little bit confused but after rest it because smooth and easy to handle next step .My little son Hasan really liked and enjoyed it in breakfast.


Show a photo of a nearby bakery, mention and describe which is the best sweet bread there according to your taste (you can show a photo of the bread even if you don't buy it)

Well unfortunately this time I had no picture to share here but I bought bakery items from my near by bakery named Fine bakers ,l liked the sweet bread and all cookies from there shop.I love to make cake , cookies and bread at home infact it's pocket friendly and more healthy as compared to buy from market.

To finish I would love to invite my friends @suboohi ,@roohiasif97 ,@uzma4887 ,@lirvic and @m-fdo to participate and share home task and learn new innovation from our lovely teachers 💝. Contest post link share here

Never stop learning, Because Life never stop teaching, Every experience weather good or bad holds a lesson in every challenge, there's growth every failure offers wisdom
Life is constantly evolving and so should we the moment we think we know at all we close the doors to possibility..... stay curious and stay open ,Remember that every day is an opportunity and wiser a little stronger and better than before....Thanks for your time to reading my blog , waiting for your valuable feedback take care


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Debe ser delicioso el pan dulce relleno con el sutil sabor de la mermelada de manzana, a los niños les debe fascinar.

Si usaste levadura instantánea, creo que deberías revisar la cantidad (en gramos) en los ingredientes, parece mucho.

Te felicito por experimentar con el pan, ya ves que los resultados son muy buenos. A veces lo más sencillo es mejor, pero se pueden hacer muchas figuras con los panes, muy atractivas, aunque tampoco suelo hacerlas, pero me gustaría, le da un poco más de estilo.

Éxitos en el reto.

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@yenny47 @katherine012 - this post hasn't been graded.

Me he quedado confundida y ver este comentario pero quise revisar bien antes de responder querido @steemcurator02 . Hemos revisado todos los comentarios del post de la tarea y ese link no fue agregado, esa es la razón de que no la pudiéramos verla y verificarla.

Pero sé que como profesora también debo asegurarme de buscar por la etiqueta y aunque lo hice al sacar los ganadores no me percaté de que esa no estaba verificada.

Me disculpo con usted pero más con la usuaria por la falta de su verificación, y también le recuerdo que deben leer bien las reglas como agregar el link al post de la tarea para evitar éstas cosas.

Estaremos más pendiente y revisaremos más a fondo antes de dar ganadores.

Will you now be grading this post?

Mi asistente al ver la notificación ya estaba trabajando en la verificación.

Un saludo amigo @steemcurator02 ya mi profesora le explicó lo sucedido y debí decir que lo mismo ocurrió con otra usuaria a la que verifique porque la encontré por la etiqueta pero que tampoco había colgado el link en el post de la clase, pero aún así esta se nos pasó por alto.

Estaremos más pendiente y muchas disculpas.

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