This is the perfect mixture of brilliant and dumb.

in bakery •  last year 


At no point has making a location a "gun free zone" ever made it safer. It's just an exercise in not-very-smart people putting on a veneer of safety for other not-very-smart people.

Still, Reem's Bakery has every right to implement this policy. I rather enjoy that they decided to apply it to everyone, including cops. Though, I must admit, I'm a little surprised that cops are still a thing in San Francisco.

I do take some joy in cops actually being treated like the rest of us gun owners for a change. I also appreciate that Reem's, unlike the rest of the illiberal left, isn't so braindead as to hold the dueling thoughts that only the police should have guns and that we should abolish the police.

Still, if an armed robbery were to take place in one of there storefronts, which I'm not hoping for, we'll see how quickly they'll be calling for men with guns to get over there.

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