How the Man Most Desperate for Attention On Earth Can Generate Even More Attention At No Additional Cost

in banana •  last month 


What a publicity whore. He can get even more publicity for himself (the only thing he cares about here) by sticking it up a few people’s asses and then eating it. That would make this whole time wasting money wasting distraction even more artsy fartsy than it already is.

Sun could say his performance set was to “stick it where the sun don’t shine” and thereby get even more social media mentions.

There was a Greek idiot who burned important buildings down just so he would be remembered by history.

The Athenians (I think) passed a law that no one could mention his name.

That how we should treat this absurdity of buying a banana for $6.2 million and saying Justin Sun is going to eat it. Ban the mention of his name ever again.

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I see things like this, and I can't help but think of that semi-cult classic movie Idiocracy... it seems more on point with every passing year...