Another Victim of Eve- teasing: Human China in Protest!

in bangladesh •  7 years ago 

Eve-teasing victimized a College girl here at Mughaltoli in the town yesterday. With this, death toll around the country due to Eve-teasing reached. The victim, a 1st year student of college,had been irrigated by her neighbour Zakir for several months, according to her family sources.
Yesterday while she was on her way to College, Zakir along with some of his friends blocked her way and made suggestive remarks. As she protested they pulled her scarf off and salpped her on the face. No one around dared to come and help her from fear of the teasers. Could not tolerate such insult, and so returning home she committed suicide With her scarf tied to the ceiling fan in her room. When the news of her suicide reached her college, all the students and teachers came out on the roads. They formad a human chain from Shashan Gacha to Mughaltoli in protest of Eve- teasing. When asked, a protester Tahmina Islam said this correspondent, "We earnestly hope, this human china will create public awareness against Eve- teasing.

Later,the students and teachers gathered in the Town Hall field. The gathering was addressed by Principal, Victoria Govt. College ; Principal, Ajit Gulu College and some student leaders. They all demanded examplary punishment of Zakir and his friends who were the cause of death. " A case has been reported to be filed with Sadar Thana in this regard.

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