One can enter a birth certificate CUSIP number in Bankrupcy court, have their debts paid and receive the balance of the Trust Fund (Cestui Que Vie)? A lawyer can make 4% during this process?

in bankrupcy •  5 years ago  (edited)

"Here’s the reason for using the Bankruptcy Courts:
List all your debts on one schedule and when it comes to listing your assets include your BIRTH CERTIFICATE and its CUSIP NO. The value of the Mutual Fund Investment for your Birth Certificate can also be found on line using the Cusip Number under Fidelity Investments. You will discover that it is worth multi-millions but you must have the CUSIP NO. on your asset schedule or the Birth Certificate will be discharged as frivolous by the JUDGE or the TRUSTEE.

The Bankruptcy Judge will then appoint a LAWYER TRUSTEE to dissolve the Mutual Fund Investment; pay off your debts and the balance must be paid to you! This procedure usually attracts the attention of the (DOJ) Department of Justice because they don’t want the LAWYER TRUSTEE to screw up and short change the Vatican; the Federal Reserve and the Corporate United States and so they tend to warn or threaten the LAWYER TRUSTEE to be very careful!

Most of these Mutual Fund Investments usually involve a group of between 10 to 25 Birth Certificates and so only a fraction of that Mutual Fund belongs to you! The Bankruptcy Judge will not certify the final disposition until the LAWYER TRUSTEE can prove his math and every aspect of his work because the Judge inherits responsibility for the Trustee’s errors, if he made any!

After the first LAWYER TRUSTEE resigns, you can probably cut a deal with the DOJ or you can proceed on with the same Bankruptcy proceeding and the newly appointed LAWYER TRUSTEE! Now isn’t that easier and better than attacking or defending yourself against the Bank and a bunch of greedy Creditors; knowing full well that the cards are stacked against you because of the Vatican and the Federal Reserve System?

While you are in Bankruptcy, you are protected. No one can proceed against you for any debts or foreclosure, as long as you have a bond or sufficient assets; the Birth Certificate guarantees that aspect and while in Bankruptcy, you won’t have to pay on any of those past debts!

Your debts will eventually be discharged and the balance of the Trust Fund is to go into your pocket! It’s a WIN, WIN situation any way your shake it and the Vatican; Government and Bank loose the Trust Fund assets they planned to steal from you all along"

"By including their Birth Certificate, they have changed their status in Commerce from a Debtor to a Secured Creditor. The only other problem they may run into is with the lawyer trustee that the Judge appoints to cash out their Mutual Funds that the Birth Certificate is invested in. Jimmy can provide them with those accounts; symbols and values too! It is a good practice to include them on the asset schedule.

NOTE: I have heard of Bankruptcy Trustees trying to protect the Cabal by threatening their clients with criminal charges!"

"The Lawyer Trustee stands to earn 4% of those Mutual Fund Accounts, which means he will make so much that he will never have to work on another case ever again"

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