Economic warfare: How the U.S forces other nations to accept worthless paper in exchange for goods and services of real value

in banksterism •  8 years ago  (edited)

There are many acts of aggression, like economic warfare, that can force another person / organisation / nation to

feel compelled to retaliate in kind, if they can, and if they cannot, by brute force. If you enter and room and

observe one person striking another, you might jump to the conclusion that they are the agressor, at fault, for

instigating the attack. Often the other person has provoked that attack in 'non-physyical ways', such as verbal

abuse, theft, fraud, insult, etc...Kings viewed their realm like any robber baron, as a business enterprise, and

'agressive takeovers' were considered legitimate ways to increase personal wealth...a 'cover' such as 'religion'

was often employed, to motivate 'subjects' where paid mercenaries were either considered too expensive, or were


Germany found it could not feed its 100 million population from local production, and as Hitler put it, they had

the choice of engaging in international trade, exchanged manufactured goods for raw materials and food, or of

engaging in the same typical military theft of agricultural land from neighbours that was the 'traditional'

behavior of Britain, France, And Russia. The other means by which Britain and France especially gained the access

to the raw materials and foodstuffs they required was through trade, at beneficial to themselves rates, forced upon

foreign nations a.k.a 'colonies' and 'protectorates'. A 'protectorate' is the oldest form of protection racket. We

will sell you insurance that we ourselves won't kill you, and in return we won't kill you!'. What a bargain. The

original 'offer you can't refuse'.

Hitler had been advised by his agricultural specialists, the same ones who had invented and developed artificial

fertilisers during WWI to help feed Germany during the British Naval blockade of Germany (which was against all

international law and the law of the seas, but which the U.S, supposed defender of freedom and law and order,

conveniently overlooked from the very beginning, while demonising Germany when it responded in kind, with a

submarine blockade of Britain), that the use of these fertilisers would sterilise the soil, in the long term,

making all agricultural production in Germany unable to sustain the current population. Anyone familiar with the

current agricultural crisis will see these dire warnings are being played out, with soil degradation reaching

almost universally dramatic proportions.

And so it was Germany's policy, long before Hitler was elected to power, to seek to satisfy the long term needs of

German surivival, via the insurance of an adequate supply of foodstuffs and raw materials, via trade. German

manufacturing blossomed due to the industriousness, inventiveness, and talent of the German people, and soon

overtook Britain, which had enjoyed world wide dominance in manufacturing for the previous decades, it having been

the first nation to industrialise.

Around the world consumers came to prefer German manufactured goods over British manufactured goods. False friend

'controlled opposition' author of 'Hope and Tragedy', revealed his true motives and the motives of those who

published, and widely marketed his book, by constantly pretending that the only reason that German goods were

capable of out-competing British goods on the world markets, was because the Germans were willing to work for less

than the British. In fact the reality was simply an attack on British pride. German goods were of better quality,

more innovative, and offered at a better price, with better terms, quality control, service, and customer


The history of England, Holland, and France, are littered with wars fought over trade rights, protection rackets,

trade restrictions, and all the various forms of 'economic warfare' intended to cripple competitors, close them out

of markets, and prevent them competing fairly.

Trade concessions were fought over as much as territory, since the beginning of the industrial revolution. It was

more important to secure trade relationships, using 'gunboat diplomacy', than to secure territory. Thus the British

Navy was the power of England, like today the U.S aircraft carrier is the 'fist' that forces nations around the

world to trade with the U.S on terms set and enforced by the U.S. Trade terms very unfavorable to the trading

partners, who otherwise would not accept them. Saddam Hussein and Muhamar Gadaffi are the two most recent world

leaders who rejected such trade terms, and paid with their lives.

Today nations are forced, at the point of a gun, to accept worthless pieces of paper and electronic ledger

transfers denominated in worthless U.S dollars, for goods and services of real value. Even total service sectors,

industries, and islands are going from the hands of foreign nations, into the private possession of U.S

corporations and Banks, in this way. The 'economic hitmen' of the WTO and World Bank are no less robber barons than

their predecessors. Their methods are not even less subtle, once your actually see what is happening. See past the

fake news and propaganda. Saddam Hussein and Muhamar Gadafi refused to accept worthless U.S dollars in exchange

for oil, and other products of real value, and were murdered as a result. Their nations pushed into chaos and

anarachy. Millions of people killed, and left homeless, and hopeless, simply to enforce the unfair trade

relationships upon their nations.

Germany emerged as an industrial power with superior goods and services, into a world dominated militarily and thus

politically and economically by Britain and to a lesser extent France. Britain used completely unfair and illegal

methods to maintain its hegemony. It denied Germany access to world markets for its superior industrial

manufactures and services. Thus Hitler arrived on the scene at a time when Germany was being choked to death

economically by Britain. But rather than seek a redress of the trade issue, Hitler looked to the East, to the

relatively undeveloped and underpopulated Russian and Ukrainian agricultural lands, as a solution which would not

involve war with Britain.

Japan was in a similar situation. Japan sought its solution in Southern China. The U.S imposed such agressive

economic warfare upon Japan, threatening to stop all oil supplies to it, against all international law, and the law

of the seas, all tradition, and thus crippling its economy, which, like Germany, was dependent upon foreign exports

to pay for the import of foodstuffs and raw materials, which, failing such imports, the nation would starve. So

Japan, seeing no way out of the British and U.S stranglehold on international trade, decided that the ONLY defense

was attack.

Just stop for a moment and consider who we are being told is a real and present military threat to the 'free'

world. Which nation invaded and occupied more nations in the 20th century than any other, even the U.S? Which

nation murdered tens of millions of its own people, and the people of foreign nations, sending millions to be

worked to death in work camps? Which nation was locked in a supposed 'cold war' with the west for half a century?

Which nation had planned to invade Western Europe, and had amassed the largest ever European army on its Western

border, ready within a few months to attack? (This is fact. No longer disputed by any serious historians). Which

nation has one of the worst records on human rights vis a vis its own people, being the last in Europe to ban

serfdom? Which nation was occupied and controlled by the most discredited of all political philosophies of all


And which nation was the first among the Western nations to wage war against this nation, and that political


Does it not strike you as absurd, or at least deserving of your attention, that Britain and the U.S allied

themselves with this nation, in seeking to destroy Germany?

Can you imagine what would have happened if Hitler had not made the preemptive strike against Russia? Hitler's

motives were survival. The need for fertile agricultural land and raw materials, to ensure the British stranglehold

on world trade would not destroy Germany. I do not condone war of any kind. But I can appreciate the natural logic.

And at that time all the nations of the world acted in their own national interests, and considered war and

invasion a 'legitimate' form of political action. So Germany's invasion of Russia was in no way novel. Nor any more

selfish than any other war any other nation has engaged in. No more racist or nationalist. I am neither racist nor

nationalist, so I would never condone such a war. But comparing apples with apples, Hitler did no more than any

other world leader would do, in the same circumstances. And as history has proven, with far more humanity than any

other world leader. Hard as that may be to swallow, given the massive saturation demonisation propaganda we have

been submerged under for the last half century, it is the conclusion that the facts support.

History has since demonstrated the nature of the Soviet regime. It DID invade Europe, and occupy it. Its intentions

were NOT honorable. It never intended 'liberating' anyone. If Hitler had not lead the preemptive strike on Russia

at the time he did, sacrificing up to 10 million Germans in the fight for freedom from the Bolshevik menace, it is

clear that Russia would have overtaken all of Europe.

Britain and the U.S, as soon as they destroyed Germany, entered into a 'cold' war with the same enemy they had just

enabled to Destroy the natural ally of Britain and France and the U.S. So it is clear Hitler was right. History

proved him right. Communism could be dealt with by no other means than military attack. The half century after WWII

proved this. The entire world was faced with the possibility of destruction simply because Britain and the U.S

prevented Germany from defeating Bolshevism.

And today the fake news is claiming, once more, that Russia is the threat to world destruction again. That Russia

is forcing the U.S and Britain and NATO into waging World War Three. Against the same enemy of Germany, and Hitler.

The same enemy Hitler would have defeated, at such relatively low cost, compared to the costs imposed by the

Bolsheviks on Russia and the rest of the world. Not just in terms of lives, but all the opportunities lost.

I am against all notions of racial supremacy, which is why I am anti-Semitic, and so I loathe the idea of 'ethnic

cleansing' of Russians and Ukrainians from their homelands. But the Germans would have done this much more humanely

than the jewish lead Bolsheviks did. And after the terrible intitial periods, there can be no doubt that the

standard of living of the people that would today be living there would be much superior. We cannot even be sure

that the 'ethnic cleansing' some people claim would have occured, actually would have or not. As I say, I find it

totally unacceptable that any people be divested of their homelands by force. So I would never condone many of the

Nazi plans for Russia and Ukraine that have been presented by historians. Whether these are real or fake, I cannot


The real World War Three began the day the Saudi's were tricked into signing their agreements with the U.S, and on

the day the 'Bretton Woods' agreement was signed. Since then the U.S has brutally put down any opposition to its

economic warfare. Its financial and trade invasions of sovereign states. Today there is no sovereignty left. Their

is an effective world government run by the Banksters, who are mostly 'Jewish', and enforced by a U.S military that

does the bidding of Israel, and has not acted in the interests of the U.S citizens since, well, the war of


I explain all this in my 'Welcome to the New World Order' trilogy, which has been banned by Amazon, and most other

retailers. Email me for 'free' copies of any of my TROONATNOOR books. You can support my effort, sacrifice, and

risk by sharing, seeding, translating, and printing out my 'welcome to the new world order' books. And you can

support me financially using my [email protected] paypal account.

Of course the more resources I have at my disposal, the more I can help you, and your family, and all your future


I have no ulterior motives. I don't belong to any political ideology. Any organisation. Any religion. I am not

racist nor nationalist. My ideal utopia will be vegan, and anything less than that is not worth the effort,

sacrifice and risk I have, and continue to, invest in this world.

I will not reproduce myself, and hence force other sentient beings to endure this world as it is. When you

reproduce yourself, you reproduce this world. This world, as it is, and what it is soon to become, are not worthy

of reproducing. So I will move onto other worlds, in next lives, if I have any choice, or if I have learned the

lessons this world was maybe designed to teach us all.

But while I live I promise I will live according to the principles of truth, justice, and beauty, with respect for

all sentient beings, current and not-yet. I am 'controlled' by no-one. My opposition is real, authentic, genuine,

and based on the most thorough and holistic understandings of TROONATNOOR.

I can only write, unless you give me access to the resources required to actually change the world for the better.

If you have ever considered giving money to any religious organisation, or any sort of charity, please consider

supporting me. I will probably suffer terribly if you do. You have no idea of the potential the truth has to

totally undermine the current new world order's enslavement of us all. Sooner or later I will attract their

attention. They will realise my potential. The potential of my understandings. The threat I might pose to their

vicious hegemony. I will probably live longer and better if no-one pays attention to me. No-one takes me seriously.

So I don't really care, personally, whether I become a world leader, or remain a neglected, ignored writer.

But I promise that if you give me access to the resources and power I need to defeat this new world order, I will

remain true to the principles I have outlined in my books. And continue to seek better, more optimal, means and

ends. There is no 'truth', just the quest for truth. There is no 'final solution'. No final 'dogma'. No final

'prophet'. No 'end to history'. Life is a process. THAT is what makes experience possible. That is the closest

thing to 'the meaning of life' we shall probably find. Unless of course we are all slaves to some sentient beings

that use us as means to their ends. I offer all sorts of scenarios in my books, for you to consider.

So I am saying that if you give me the means, I can deliver the ends. If you don't, I will keep working at my

writing. At 'advising'.

But given executive power, I could do more good than any other person who has ever lived.

I was born with the sense of response-i-bility. But with very little response-ability. Almost no power at all.

Except the power to research, think, and write, and self-publish. Today even the power to self-publish has been

taken from me. Soon the censorship will be total.

So its time now to either help me help you, or pray to whatever gods you pray to, that for some random reason your

next lives might be better than your current lives, and the lives you will soon be enduring, and which you are

condeming your offspring, for countless generations, to.

Today it is the Central Banks that have all the power. They print the money to pay the NATO mercenaries and their

suppliers with. These mercenaries force everyone, at the point of a gun, or nerve gas, or missile, to accept that

worthless paper in exchange for their lives, their time, their blood, their sweat, and the lives of their sons and

daughters, their lands, their corporations, their democratic rights, their sovereignty.

Do the 'Jews' control these Central banks, and the mass media propaganda machine that keeps you ignorant and

misinformed? It seems so to me. After years of investigation and research.

Yes I have to state I am now anti-semitic. But what does that mean? Why do you have such a negative knee-jerk

reaction to that idea? Are you FOR racism? FOR racial supremacist ideology? FOR slavery? FOR rape? Have you ever

looked into what 'SEMTISM' is? Have you read its 'origin story'? Its 'sacred texts'? Its' holy books'? Looked at

the consequences of this set of detestable ideas called 'Semitism'? Don't you think you might at least give the

topic a few moments of your time? Why on earth would I risk everything most people hold dear, by stating I am


I don't hate any person. I hate ideas that any reasonable, freedom loving, justice loving, truth loving person MUST

hate, if they are sane.

But back now to my new book which should complete my TROONATNOOR cycle. It brings together the most efficacious and

optimalising insights of Zen, David Hume, Schopenhauer, Erickson, Psycho-Cybernetic,s and Richard Bandler's 'NLP',

into the means to escape history, and to set our own, optimal trajectory into a bright future. Like any tool, this

new guide will have power for good and evil. So as usual I am conflicted about my work. Am I simply empowering

monsters with more power to do more harm to other sentient beings?

For this reason I hope that any of my books encourages you to real ALL of my books. So you realy 'grok'

TROONATNOOR. And find yourself where I am. Only in your case not alone. For if we find a million like souls, we can

set up a vegan nation. Or we may inherit that 'kingdom of heaven on earth' that many prophecies promise us. A

vegan planet. A planet of justice and truth, peace and beauty. Not the 'jew world order' of the Old testament,

Torah, and Talmud, but the vision of an optimal world offered in 'the good news' a.k.a 'new testament', a vegan

planet. A return to, or realisation of the promise of, a true garden of eden.

Of course my most recent book 'Planned abundance' is all about that.

Please overlook all the typo's, poor language formulations, and other cosmetic imperfections of all my books. I did

everything myself. And I am in a rush to complete my TROONATNOOR cycle while I am still free to write, think,

investigate, and publish. It is the old law of diminishing marginal returns. The time I would need to invest in

proof reading, improving, correctin etc has a huge opportunity cost in terms of new ideas I can present, new

insights, new understandings. It is logical to focus on adding the greatest value I can. But personally it is

embarrassing to see all the typos, and less than ideal expressions. I am an artist. A wordsmith. And my vanity

would demand I show you the very best of my potential. But I sacrifice my art, my vanity, for the serious work I

need to complete, in all its imperfections, while I can.

If I get the chance, I will revisit, edit, and improve all my books, to satisfy my vanity, and who you just how

well I could write, in terms of form and presentation.

Please, as I always beg of readers, correct me if I am wrong, and help me if I am right.

It is up to you. If I get the resources, I know what to do with them.

If I don't, I will keep 'advising' and researching, and publishing as long as I am free to.

Happy Next Lives

Go Vegan

'For as you do unto others, so shall be done unto you'. 'The kingdom of heaven is within you'. 'And ye shall be

beings of light'. 'And the lamb shall lay down with the lion'. And those who evolve to the levels necessary to

enjoy, rather than destroy, a garden of eden, will inherit it. The kingdom of heaven on earth.

Don't forget I do NOT belong to any religion or political group. I am a practising ZEN Humean Skeptic. I seek

truth. I don't claim anyone can know anything. But pleasure and pain are the final 'proof' of a heuristic 'rule of

thumb' for any reasonable sentient being. And not just personal pleasure and pain, but that of all the sentient

beings that take part in any society.

Better go now, get back to my new guide. I invested so much so far, with such a tiny impact. But untold billions

have paid higher prices to get me this far, and if I fail, untold billions will continue to pay. So, back to work.

'Joy through work' ???

Happy Next Lives

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