Michael Jackson Scream

in banned •  7 years ago 

Facebook blocked me from posting, commenting, messaging, for the next week after I posted something about marriage in an English group. Facebook said it is not allowed to make illustrations.

Screenshot at 2017-09-06 20-16-55.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 20-16-40.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 20-16-18.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 20-16-18.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 20-15-57.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 20-15-46.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 20-15-36.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 20-15-14.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 20-15-02.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 20-14-50.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 20-14-40.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 20-14-32.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 20-14-24.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 20-14-03.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 20-13-45.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 20-13-36.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 20-13-30.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 20-13-21.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 20-13-08.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 20-13-00.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 20-12-40.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 20-12-26.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 20-12-28.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 20-12-05.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 20-12-02.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 20-11-57.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 20-12-00.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 20-11-57.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 20-02-36.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 20-00-10.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 19-40-03.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 19-39-52.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 19-39-31.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 19-39-09.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 19-39-06.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 18-36-01.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 18-29-34.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 18-28-33.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 18-25-10.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 18-23-48.pngFACEBOOK BLOCK FOR TALKING ABOUT MARRIAGE 2.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 18-08-58.pngAGUS TALK JOEY AND ENG GROUP 2.pngAGUS TALK JOEY AND ENG GROUP.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 17-31-08.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 17-29-19.pngFACEBOOK BLOCK FOR TALKING ABOUT MARRIAGE 2.pngFACEBOOK BLOCK FOR TALKING ABOUT MARRIAGE 2.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 17-14-33.pngALTayeb Jendoubi HATES JA.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 17-13-30.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 17-12-46.pngBANNED 7 days on FB for NOTHING feedboack on FACEBOK .pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 17-06-02.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 17-03-36.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 16-58-50.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 16-53-24.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 16-52-23.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 16-46-54.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 16-46-54.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 16-44-08.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 16-43-44.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 16-43-30.pngMUSLIMS BLOCK NON MUSLIMS.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 16-42-40.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 16-28-21.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 16-23-07.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 16-08-27.pngBLOCKED FOR TALKING ABOUT MARRIAGE AND AISHA.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 16-28-13.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 16-40-31.pngAISHA 11 not 6 ohhh 6 too young but 11 is ok for marriage and sex with old man said MUSLIM and so i am bad but he is ok.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 16-20-42.pngMARRY IF MET ON FACEBOOK YEA CUZ MUHAMMAD AND AISHA DID AGE 6.pngAISHA 11 not 6 ohhh 6 too young but 11 is ok for marriage and sex with old man said MUSLIM and so i am bad but he is ok.pngDan M Beaty.pngAISHA 11 not 6 ohhh 6 too young but 11 is ok for marriage and sex with old man said MUSLIM and so i am bad but he is ok.pngFACEBOOK BLOCK FOR TALKING ABOUT MARRIAGE 2.pngVisualVenture is Daniel Smith FB.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 18-53-21.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 18-51-44.pngALTayeb Jendoubi HATES JA.pngMUHAMMAD WIVES WIKIPEDIA.pngBANNED 7 days on FB for NOTHING feedboack on FACEBOK .pngBANNED 7 days on FB for NOTHING feedboack on FACEBOK .pngBLOCKED FOR TALKING ABOUT MARRIAGE AND AISHA.pngMARRY IF MET ON FACEBOOK YEA CUZ MUHAMMAD AND AISHA DID AGE 6.pngMUSLIMS BLOCK NON MUSLIMS.pngMARRY IF MET ON FACEBOOK YEA CUZ MUHAMMAD AND AISHA DID AGE 6.pngCANNOT TALK ISLAM BUT WE CAN WHEN IT ABOUT BURMA.pngAISHA POSTED.pngSEX WITH 9 yr old WIFE WANNA SEE YEA CUZ MUSLIMS SAY IT OKKKKKKKKKK.pngFREE SPEECH ATTACKED CANNOT TALK ABOUT RELIGION POLITICS AND EVERYTHING WHILE LEARNING ENGLISH ADN THAT IS BAD AND THAT TAKES US DOWN BAD PATH.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 16-15-36.pngOPEN DOORS.pngOPEN DOORS 2.pngOPEN DOORS 3.pngOPEN DOORS 4.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 15-11-01.pngPEACE MEANS ISLAM AND ISLAM MEANS PEACE CIRCULAR LOGIC NO SUBSTANCE.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 14-42-35.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 15-23-13.pngTRINITY MEANS ONE.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 15-37-07.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 14-55-49.pngCERN LIVE STEEMIT POST.pngONLY JESUS SAVES AND ONLY JESUS HAD THAT MESSAGE AND MUHAMMAD HAD A MESSAGE OF FOLLOW SHARIA.pngMUSLIMS ARE BAD BUT SOME KNOW THAT AND SOME DO NOT AND THEY ARE TAUGHT TO ISIS AND MORE AND WILL CONTINUE 3 billion sharia jihad take over world soon or they try to and are killing all the other religions to get peace by killing all other religions.pngJESUS MOST IMPORTANT.pngALLAH CANNOT TRINITY QUESTION.pngJESUS NOT MUHAMMAD OR ALLAH SAVES US AND JESUS IS GOD TRINITY AND U CAN CALL HIM ANYTHING ANY NAME MAYBE ZEUS OR BUDDHA OR ANYTHING BUT ONLY HE CANS AVE AND WE CANNOT SAVE OURSELVES THROUGH GOOD WORKS.pngWHY KILL MUSLIMS IN BURMA MAYBE BECAUSE THEY ILLEGAL AND BREAK BURMA LAW FOR SHARIA POST IN ENG GROUP ON FB 2017-09-06 WEDNESDAY.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 12-40-10.pngScreenshot at 2017-09-06 12-40-49.png

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