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LIGHT~BEARER said to find you on Dtube. I saw your other account and followed you here. I am grateful for Dtube!

Yes watch out for Nicas. He is the guy that was flaming Styx & BPEarthwatch.\

Learned about this account of yours from your email. I was already following your dustinnemos account on here and wondering why there was so little activity on it. Looks like this is your primary channel, so I'm glad I was on your email list to have learned about it. This platform is a little bit awkward to navigate, but it's a great alternative to ScrewTube. Hopefully more people will get on here!

Glad to see you are over here now!

Took a while to find you but really glad I did. Im in the UK but find all this really interesting lets hope all the positive spreads over here.

Q is right - projection. Been noticing this for years.