Too close for comfort...Terror in Barcelona...reflecting on my experience today !

in barcelona •  7 years ago 

Today like the previous days of our vacation started peacefully and quietly,but developed into quite a fright, we are about 30 minuts from Barcelona, my primary plan was to go to Barcelona today, to show my daughter the beautiful city...but I changed it as a friend inviter me to her house today, for her sons 18 years bday... which I immediately said yes to, we have a lovely photo on our wall at home, where her son is holding minime in his arms in the hospital here where she was born, she often asks about the friends on photo's from when she was small, and kind of fun to meet up...
We had to take the train about 5 towns South from here...
Happy on our way back from the visit...At least I managed to keep minime unaware of how close we were to this horrible attack...
On our way there we start getting texts from Denmark asking if we are OK ! I thought it was kind of weird way to ask about our family proceeded to tell me there was a terrorristattack unfolding in the center of Barcelona, hmnn then it dawned on me that this might be the reason for the police in front of the station pulling out machineguns from the far everyone in the train seemed unaware and quiet, on the next station, we were told to get off the train and go to another platform where a New train would come shortly... that kind of threw off everyone...
I was getting nervous as the last place I wanna be is on a train heading away from a terroristattack...scary shit, but I had to keep my cool as I did'nt want to worry minime...we got on the next train a continued our journey I was still getting texts with updates...We got to our destination, and I felt a lot safer once we were out of the train...
The bday dinner was lovely, and great fun to see my friends son, grown so big ! We got a new pic of our children together... now almost ten years after the first one...
...and a lovely cake too
Far too fast we had to be on our way back to Sitges again, I have to applaud the extra police and security personel everywhere... at home I caught up on the news... so horrible and cruel an Attack...I will never ever understand people that carry out such meaningless actions against other innocent people ... I cry with and for all victims of terrorism everywhere ... today we all cry for Barcelona, we have cried for too many places these past years and we most likely will cry for more in the sad !

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Glad you and your family are ok.

Thank you so am I, just sad that the world is such a dangerous place and that so few people can terrorize so many...

stay safe dear

Well my reflection on today is that I think we are never really safe No matter how hard we try... the sadness of what terrorists are turning our world into, but I will always do my best to try to stay safe... Thank you and you too

I'm happy that you made it out ok. My thoughts are with the victims and their families. 🌷

Thank you, so am I, and my thoughts too are with the victims of this horrible senseless act...🌻

So glad you and your friends are safe and didn't go to Barcelona..

Thank you me too, just the thought that we could have easily been there if our plans had not changed makes me realize how close we all might be even without realising it...

It is a scary thought, especially when you have children to be concerned for. Be safe.

Thank you, and yes so scary, today we stay in, there are lots of police here and they are making arrests and searches also in the town where I am as the driver is still missing... so it is a movie day !

I'm glad you're okay, and keep you daughter away from this. There is another attack going on in Cambrils, where 4 terrorists were killed by police.

Fortunately the Spanish police responds quickly and effectively, it's all they can do right now.

Thank you, oh No another attack in Cambrils,so horrible, yes I agree the spanish police seems reassuringly effective and decisive in their handling of this, in both towns I was in they had secured all major walking streets with police cars and officers...

So glad to hear you guys are ok.