Patent owner of spike protein denies creating super virus..

in baric •  3 years ago 


Behold fat Ralph Baric, owner of the patent on the spike protein and infamous presenter on “how to profit from the pandemic”.

He should have been arrested, tried, and executed. No one should be making viruses more deadly or contagious.

These are bioweapons and the people who make them have proven themselves to be liars and the worst kind of traitors, the kind who could lead to the collapse of human civilization.

It’s amusing to contemplate the stupidity of people who advocate 100% vaccination with deadly chemicals for one single government engineered comparatively weak virus but never try to enforce the Geneva Protocol banning all this bioweapon creation.

It needs to be said over and over: if governments keep getting away with this, we will keep getting these engineered viruses.

SARS and MERS were also engineered.

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