Barry Cooper reveals five latest NeverGetBusted Tips with Luke --a Must Watch for All Pot Smokers

in barrycooper •  8 years ago 

With famous reporter Luke Rudkowski, Barry Cooper drops some updates to his popular NeverGetBusted DVD series. Listen to Barry’s 5 newest and updated NeverGetBusted tips. Tips include: Handling K9’s, handling cops at your door, don’t trust your lawyer, how to get rid of your stash and fleeing the U.S.

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But but but ....
Barry, I live in California and have a State issued permit to imbibe cannabis. My loving overlords have blessed me with their kindness and wisdom - even though I still owe them my self employment taxes for last year... I suddenly have the feeling they may be irritated at me, nevertheless...
I commend both Luke (search your feelings) Rudkowski and you for providing this service to others not fortunate enough to be residents (not citizens mind you) of California, Colorado, Washington... you get the picture.


In all seriousness, you both are greatly appreciated.
(I've donated enough satoshis to Luke it must total over a full btc by now!)

:^) Cheers !

Obama should pardon everyone that's in prison for pot, if not all non-violent drug offenders. And Private Prisons are an outrage. They incentivize locking up more and more people. Take, for example, the Kids for Cash scandal.

I'm sure there are more cases like this that we don't know about.

Great info. I don't mess with them, but it's all indicative of the problem eroding freedoms. The "war on drugs" isn't a war, it's a racket. As long as there are profits to be made by keeping it so, it'll remain criminalized. It's in our rulers' best interest to keep it illegal at the moment.

Good video! Smart advice for a worsening situation.

Thank you for your tips and advice. Your content is gold for all Jah-People.
A cheer for @barrycooper ! I really respect you as a character and for decisions you made in times past. If just all people in America where like Barry... Best wishes for all and #nevergetbusted

Hey Barry, I was arrested on Memorial day weekend for dui, up in the middle of the mountains of Idaho. I had pot and an open container, wasn't actually drunk just on my way to get beer, when I was pulled over by the forest service and then 4 sheriff deputies surrounded me. They claimed after I passed there walking test and standing on one leg for 30 seconds, that I failed the pen eye test and I was arrested for dui. They then towed my truck which was not even on the road, and found my weed and the open container.
Any suggestions on what to do?

malxdrakon copy your message above and email it to me so I can answer you. [email protected].

Thanks for speaking out, @barrycooper & @lukewearechange !
We agree--this country is anything but free. As our little community experienced firsthand, the powers that be will send in a fully armed black ops SWAT raid if they mistake your tomato plants for cannabis (which is only the most useful plant on Earth and the best medicine in the world):

Thank you Barry for all you do to educate the masses.
Rich Fu

The biggest Irony is the largest drug dealers in America is our own gov, second largest is the pharmas which do more harm in one year than cannabis has in 50 years.