I did do some learning about the barter system (the barter system is a form of free trade/capitalism) The currencies that are used were made because they are an easy to transport store of value. In a simple situation (if the deal is close to my house) I can trade my cow for four goats, but its difficult for me to transport my cow 1,000 miles to trade it for four currency/money was invented. If I want to own goats, I can exchange the cow for a coin. Then I no longer need to travel 1,000 miles to trade my cow with a guy that has four goats, all that I need to do is find someone that wants to sell goats.
So coins are not magical, they just make trade easier (because then I do not need to find someone that wants/needs my cow) The only thing that coins/money does is help to facilitate trade {fa·cil·i·tate
verb: make (an action or process) easy or easier.}
So when ugly communism/socialism raises its ugly head and promises to make everone the same, then take a lesson from the Bible which says:
Ecclesiastes 4:4
Then I saw that all toil and every skillful work come from one man’s envy of another....
So it will not work to try to get rid of envy, At the end of human, if we have choosen to follow GOD's way then GOD will get rid of envy (but as long as we are on earth people are going to work so that they do not need to live like some other guy)
I do not recommend going against a legitimate government, but not every (earthly) government is legitimateso in the cases where the government is not legitmate then the ecconomy might not be so strong and people might suffer. In that case I would tell people about the 'black market' ( and tell people about bartering ( ( Speaking about a barter system, I think that it would be best (at first) to trade with close family and friends because you proably have some idea what your close family and friends have need of.