Architecture Mosque Oman Banda Aceh Beauty Of Oman Yaman Style

in bascom •  7 years ago  (edited)

No need to go all the way to oman, if you want to see the beauty of oman-style architecture. Just play to Banda Aceh.

The mosque that was destroyed during the last tsunami disaster, was rebuilt as it is now on June 19, 2006 after the Memorandum of Understanding Between Head of State Representative of Oman Sultanate in Jakarta with the Mayor of Banda Aceh at that time. Finally on Tuesday 19 May 2009, Al Makmur Grand Mosque was inaugurated, and several times underwent a paint renovation.

Now, this mosque has entered the list of tourist attractions Mosque in Banda Aceh after Baiturrahman.


Tidak perlu jauh-jauh ke oman, jika ingin melihat keindahan Arsitektur ala oman. Cukup main ke Banda Aceh aja.

Masjid yang hancur saat musibah tsunami lalu, dibangun kembali seperti sekarang pada 19 Juni 2006 setelah adanya Nota Kesepakatan Antara Kepala Perwakilan Negara Kesultanan Oman di Jakarta dengan Walikota Banda Aceh saat itu. Akhirnya pada hari Selasa 19 Mei 2009, Masjid Agung Al Makmur diresmikan pemakaiannya, dan beberapa kali mengalami renovasi cat.

Sekarang, mesjid ini sudah masuk ke dalam daftar kunjung wisata Mesjid di Banda Aceh setelah Baiturrahman.

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