Who has felt enough, then no one can afford to give him something. If he feels enough of the world, his name is qanaah, if he feels enough of the hereafter his name is stupidity
See people who feel enough of the hereafter, they hate the ulama, ignorant of science, upset with everything that is religious, do not like the shari'ah da'wah, like the penista
But those who are sufficient with what Allah gives in the world, then arises thanksgiving, born patiently, can not be deflected his tongue because the treasure, not lost his religion because the throne, God is enough for him
Who is enough with the world, seeking knowledge for the Hereafter, doing charity for eternity, then fearing Allah defeating everything, halal-haram become standard,
The one with the hereafter, so in love with the world, not wanting to lose it at all, feeling that the world is forever, will not part with it, then he loses before losing
Which one are we? Including the sufficient to the world or with the afterlife? Which part likes clerics or hates? Who likes syiar Islam or that is blocking?
Just so you know, the world has a limit, the more enjoyed the diminished value. The Hereafter is forever, there is no limit to the joy, and the Hereafter is certainty coming, just as the world must end.