RE: Vouchers prevent choices. Unconditional basic income creates choices.

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Vouchers prevent choices. Unconditional basic income creates choices.

in basicincome •  8 years ago 

A good write up indeed.
And why I do not support UBI right now. As in, it would be used for govern-cement control.

They want everyone chipped, and if you do anything to upset them, they just turn off your chip, and you have nothing.

Govern-cement likes control. And UBI would be made in that image.
To control people.

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You didn't seem to get the message here. Basic income has no conditions. You get it as a citizen of a nation. No chip required. No strings. No ability to tell you what to do.

Look at Social Security as an existing basic income, but with an age requirement. Does the government have increased control over seniors because of it? No. In fact, the exact opposite it true. The government has less control over seniors, and in fact caters to them.

Sorry, I thought we were talking about basic income... Where on this site we have had many people talk about having fines, levies and criminal charges paid out of the basic income.

And I do not agree with your assertion that govern-cement doesn't have control over seniors. Ever have a friend declared dead?

How is it even possible to use UBI to control people? That makes no sense to me. Please explain.

After UBI is implemented. The minimum needed to live will be equivalent to UBI.

If ever the UBI is taken away, that person immeadiately has no house and no food and a has to find some way to make a minimum of UBI right away or starve to death. And, if you have paid attention to the "UBI-like" thing in Australia, you will notice that many people have suddenly found themselves homeless and/or owing lots of money to the govern-cement because of the people in charge of (mis)managing the UBI.

So, if you are living off UBI, the govern-cement can just flip a switch and turn you into a homeless begger. That's control.

Don't show up to a rally, because facial recognition software is tied in the UBI computer. Don't go to certain web sites, or do certain web searches, because those are also tied in the UBI computer...

After UBI is implemented. The minimum needed to live will be equivalent to UBI.


As for the rest of your comment, the fact you refer to government as "govern-cement" shows your lack of ability to have any kind of serious discussion.

UBI is unconditional. That's the entire point of it, to remove the ability of government to dictate terms, and also shrink the size of the state down by removing the need of countless bureaucrats. This is why Milton Friedman himself supported it.

If you hate government so much, what's your solution to the automation of human labor? What do you think is going to happen when millions of paid drivers become unemployable, and millions of other jobs fall to AI? Have you got any answer to offer other than "govern-cement is evil'?

Hell, let's even just look at the here and now. What's your solution to the problem of the working poor? What's your solution to the fact tens of million of people are working, and yet don't earn enough to live above the poverty line?

Well, since section 8 housing basically made all the cheap apartments rent at the section 8 housing level, I don't see how you could claim that the basics will cost anything but the amount given in UBI. It might be different this time, but It has happened in every other controlled environment.

Govern-cement is out to kill or control all the people. So, until that gets changed, I will not get behind any plan that involves the govern-cement. And you think I am just being obstinate? I am just one of those "conspiracy wack-jobs"? And thus I can't have a decent conversation?

I do not hold much kin with Rothbard. But two people who wrote extensively about UBI you might want to read.
Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
1984 - George Orwell