Basic Basketball | Behind The Back Dribble by Ade Madani Fasya - Basketball #6

in basketball •  7 years ago 

English Language

Greetings Sports! Hello steemian and dtubers wherever you are, hopefully you are always in good condition. This time I will discuss about Behind The Back Dribble. Behind The Back Dribble is a very difficult crossover dribble, involving handling a ball that is difficult to control. If there are no opponents around, I recommend not using this dribble because this dribble can cause turnovers. The basic techniques in In and Out Dribble are:

  1. Beginning with the position of basketball stance.
  2. Reflecting the ball with the right hand from behind to the left hand and continuing onward.
  3. When the ball is in the dribble, as much as possible not to lose control of the ball
  4. Head perpendicular to the fore, so all train to see the opponent who is in front.
  5. Keep repeating so you can quickly control this dribble.

Bahasa Indonesia

Salam Olahraga! Halo steemian dan dtubers dimanapun anda berada, semoga anda selalu dalam kondisi sehat. Kali ini saya akan membahas tentang Behind The Back Dribble. Behind The Back Dribble adalah bentuk crossover dribble yang sangat sulit, melibatkan penanganan bola yang sulit dikendalikan. Jika tidak ada lawan disekitar, saya sarankan tidak menggunakan dribble ini karena dribble ini dapat menyebabkan turnovers. Teknik dasar dalam latihan In and Out Dribble yaitu :

  1. Diawali dengan posisi sikap basket.
  2. Memantulkan bola dengan tangan kanan dari belakang menuju ke tangan kiri dan dilanjutkan seterusnya.
  3. Ketika bola di dribble, sebisa mungkin untuk tidak kehilangan kendali bola
  4. Kepala tegak lurus kedepan, agar sekalian melatih untuk melihat lawan yang berada di depan.
  5. Terus mengulang agar kalian dapat menguasai dengan cepat dribble ini.

Original Write by @amf6
Original Video by @amf6
Keep Steem on @amf6

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Good Post @amf6, Teruslah berkarya di steemit

terima kasih @sulthanalfaris, kamu juga

Basket Ball Never Stop @amf6

of course @teguhrianto. Basketball is everything

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