Bastrastanovia Part 7

in bastrastanovia •  6 years ago  (edited)

The King had time to find himself dancing with a dancer in Pruere. The dance was bitter sweet. The pending actions to follow post deliberation of deciding whether or not to overload the boarder nation were weighing heavily in the King's thoughts. The action was considerable considering the boarder nation. In future book form elaboration of this novel characters will be provided names. This dancer happens to be a special operations commanders sister. The father of this gem from Pruere is entangled in illegal abuses of devices where concerns of citizens privacy has called the King to investigate further. Ties to entities of terrorists, and corrupt, have both been active in Pruere. The ties of corruption often bend to terrorists because their nature is the same. The action to overload the air superiority is one that is definitive of a war status. The action may surely induce war due to the high profile targeting of the mission once air superiority is overloaded. The corrupt in the boarder nation have cultivated their life among civilian population.

The King of the boarder nation has reason to oust the corruption by means of overloading air superiority for a multiple of reasons. The corrupt nation makes claims at air superiority that are false securities propagated and forced upon the citizens of the boarder nation. The boarder nation lays at the western boarder within the body of Bastrastanovia. The boarder nation uses militant forces to destroy the smaller property within itself that was it's among the originating places of legal occupancy. The people of the nation whom have their land find a genocide committed against it are being slaughtered by the masses. Those masses are the only reason the King's order in the mission is to forego any sensibility toward the civilian population. The protocol defines that in the evening of the sixth month on the sixth day that the overload is set to begin. It is not the dance that offers a change in protocol to delay the onslaught of multiples of rockets aimed at the targets within the boarder nation. The protocol is changing in the mind of the King all the while dancing. The protocol of the boarder nation's cryptic verses adjust to provide a message that will define the readiness of war has come with great planning. The covertness of the operation calls for weapons specialists to align targeting to expel teaser rockets before loaded rockets. The analysis of continued teasing of air superiority defense comes with an additional revelation in weakness. Perhaps, to protect structures from being accidental engagement it's revealed that mortar fire below a specific altitude faces no threat of the air superiority collective. Therefore, additional triggers in mortar fire can be laid by the operatives working to oust corruption from the boarder nation. The targeting is slightly excessive. But, the operation doesn't come without a continued sustaining of the boarder nation to preserve the image of the faith it represents. However, a complete coup of the boarder nation will take place by default due to targeting of the government body. The governing body is guilty of multiples of crimes in consideration to citizens in a multiple of sovereignties. The sovereignties are no longer fooled once enlightened by the King's movement. The divide of the boarder nation from diplomacy is long standing and the nation has been condemned by a majority body of existing nations. Targeting is set to begin at a latter date which provides Pruere the ability to extend the time of their example. The dates have been pushed back to fall within closer proximity. The underlying insiders with motive to assist the King have uncovered evidences of insurgents stripping the faith of respected world leaders by way of marriage. The King's knowledge of weddings is one where only love would act as the consideration to conjoin two souls for eternity. The bastardization of proceeding generation ties government corruption of the boarder nation to those enabling criminals within sovereignty. The trace of funding has made ties with the boarder nations corrupt and failed to have justice served for their criminal actions. They appearances to the mass body of the public comes with intent that a foreign nation will likely defend the interests of the corrupt due to marital ties playing direct ties to the potential of moles within. However, the King has hedged that the collection of the body of corrupt with ties in the boarder nation are to be targeted. A response from the foreign nation of reference concealed may create an insecure state. Should such an insecure state occur, the objective is prosecution of justice by way of militant means shall be an effective method at eliminating subordinates of the corruption within the foreign land. The foreign land over the sea of reference has made initiative to eliminate the terrorist body once legally assuming control by way of election won. The war will not cease before all namesakes targeted are limited by sub catagorization 18 chapter of the King's Book of War. Hiding cryptic protocol in novels. The chapter provides the intent is not to harm those that are under the age of 18. However, they shall not take precedent of action. Where the ability to salvage the life of the corrupts children is offered comes with small stipend to prevent the previous wealth inheritance to take up similar invasive tactics against the King. At the age of 18 the chapter no longer supports the protection of those left after the war. Those that are over 18 become target to dissolve any wealth interests into the government body. The government, once assumed, can begin to free itself of imposed hatred deriving from corruptions manipulation of the states claimed faith. The children surviving shall not be harmed nor enslaved. The children surviving shall take upon themselves a new name. The names shall be achieve within those whom are assembled to have attempted to overthrow the King's sovereignties. The namesakes will come with historic warning by way of hypnotic suggestion build throughout the Kingdom's in the future. It will not be damnation for the children because they will be educated and free from the governments control over them upon adulthood. Those that remember their parental entity will be told never to speak of their names. The children will be provided with reason that their life depends on their ability to never tell anyone their previous names. The reason provides historic reference to slaughter of the once corrupt body assembled to aid and abed harsh offenders by freeing them from illegal conducts in foul legislation. The boarder nation will be fully occupied post it's insecure state. This will appear as if by choice where foreign nation has prepared for a new body to assume positions of the governance. This will allow for the sustaining of the King's movement to be a dual pronged attack where alliances can be won post threat of certain leverage of the corrupt nations controlling agents. The protocols of the controlling agency has revealed additional proof of intent where a I Island sovereignty is considered. A recent bypass of taxation movement has occurred that bars extreme wealth from employ within the Island sovereignty. The protocol in actions have bribery specialist at the helm of naturalization creation for foreign immigrants perhaps exposing espionages return to fatherland. The Island sovereignty nation is told to take note of this loss in potential taxes, business, and inheritance. The Island nation could have easily accepted the wealth into itself and delays prevented the movement. There is potential that such delays have been created by espionage within the boarder nation. The devices of control are not only intercepted by hack elements. The method of the hack element depends on ability to overload device signals to the tower receiving transmission. The greed within the corrupt body has assumed technologies that are corporations offering the services themselves. The selection of services provided to the nation over the sea are provided only two options. Both corporate bodies are owned by foreign espionage. The top service providers have insurgency into the last of free service providers. A merger is presented that may off access back into the body of devices that have switched to a hypothetically free service. The services insurgency creates the ability for foreign body to command from the administration of the corporation. The King has come to realize that there is only one option to free him from the threat of intercept. The King's dance in Pruere may result in a wedding for he knows that service providers abroad aren't fully subject to the espionage stranglehold on services offered. The intent to control the service for reason of intercept is likely due to the nation over the sea containing multiples with entitlement abroad. While, the King's entailment is the most excessive, there is reason to suspect that others attempting to gain dual citizenship abroad may have been forced into defaults and properties assumed abroad. Inheritances of this nature are desirable to the controlling corruption. The greed of such corruption has proven to be insatiable, and expansion of espionage infiltrations is suspect. It is revealed that the war of Bastrastanovia has sufficient evidence to suspect initiation was made by the boarder nation carved out of Bastrastanovia's western boarder. The illegal occupancy of lands surrounding the nation were fully consumed in planning and futures created terrorists in Bastrastanovia to assist the corrupt. Trace evidence of terrorists only made sense when deducing that it was the boarder nation fueling the war to illegally encroach on more properties. The advancement of strategy made greatest ally to the western boarder nation abuse diplomacy to steal intellectual properties. The boarder nations advancements of intellectual properties are evidences of thefts that resulted when defaulting citizens in attempts to gain their entitlement abroad. Consideration of such interception would also have initiative where great wealth could be derived from technologies. Investigations uncovered suspects whom created technologies that were found dead and mirroring technology found among the boarder nations collective of technology start ups. Hard drive trace provided initiation of multiples of technologies stolen in this way. In some considerations the boarder nation was murderous in it's practice to conceal the corruption offenses of the corrupts conduct. The initiative would call for freedoms full display, and return fire should Preure not stand with those assembling against terror. The full purpose of eradication of terror was commanded in further protocol. While the considerable trigger set could overload, and eliminate targets, additional targeting was deemed necessary to eliminate the powerful corporate bodies namesakes standing to inherit money earned in a corrupt fashion. The protocol delay would call for a full assault on the fourth day of the seventh month of that year. The symbolism of conjoined efforts to restore freedom from espionages illegal poaching operations is part poetry of the King's protocols. A mass bombardment would be triggered should the failure to oust corrupting body be sustained at time of expected launch. Return fire would consider commanders of Preure taking comfort in entering thought Bastrastanovia should they attempt to assist. The delay would provide enough time so that the launch itself was entirely by remote command. Whereby, no response attacking Bastrastanovia would threaten elitist militants. The militants were protocoled to lay the triggers that would be strung to time of command. Whereas, upon the strike of the hour dusk was set to begin loadless lures would pull interceptors from launchers. The follow up would provide more than the previous 190 projectiles. The discovery of mortar fires ability to pass below the defenses awareness would also create reason for additional strategy to decimate targets housing the corrupts aiding and abetting associates. The initiation of this war would provide for no additional options in planning due to the precision of assumption for restoration of freedom to a body of faith-filled people. The King's dance ended with the idea to follow his corrupt lead further to the father of the dancer. Protocol was issued and plan to meet up again would be offered. The acceptance of the plan placed the King in a good mood despite the necessity to eradicate the corrupt forcing terrorists into sovereignty to assume properties abroad and advance with skilled documentation adjustment. Those abroad in places of assumption are under investigation where proximity DNA arrives. Sovereignties cleanse has returned bodies of large losses where suspect insurgent origins are ready for investigation. Espionage may potentially have infiltrated sovereignties with document assistance but cannot hide the results of mandated DNA extractions to follow in sovereignties cleanse. The public in sovereignty cleanse zones is protocoled to have every citizen enter their DNA into the systems analyzing for medical studies. The nature of the reason for extraction resulting in DNA extrapolation would provide additional case investigations in the event there were other's to survive forced defaults when seeking their entitlements abroad. The King's work was marvelous as it was filled with intent to stand against those whom threaten the world and faith of a nation insured by corruptions interests. The moon was pale. However, the waters reflection of it was brilliant. Preure was given more time to free their commanders of any threat. The tandem in strike back against suspect terror triggering the overload was protocoled to target positions held by Preure commanders. In addition, the source of terror insurgents assisted by Preure took on more funding sources. Those sources would also be struck in tandem. Responses may threaten the foreign land over the sea that would carry out response to the Western boarder nation Strikes. The corruptions exposer was all the evidence needed to activate the elitists to carry out the King's protocol. The revelation of a world post their existence was one that provided no innovators live would be threatened for creation of independent intellectual properties that may offer such creators wealth. The air was still and stars shined no less brightly this day.

A science fiction by @Sutter

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