Bastrastanovia Part 8

in bastrastanovia •  6 years ago 

The King's delay to deploy the rocketry and weaponry that's operated by remote triggering has been made for a multiple of reasons. Rumor of ancestry visiting has created reason for the delay. Pressing back the date offers ancestry safe passage in pending war to follow failure to arrest the bribery specialist. The date of selection to initiate the war against the corrupt boarder nation has provided additional protocol during this time period. Whereas, no war shall begin before safe passage of ancestry is assured by elitist militants offering their skills provide effective onslaught when progressing into war with the boarder nation. The boarder nation has released into the press that subordinate agency is not outside the ability of prosecution. The rumor of travel applies additional nations with reasonable means of requests of security to maintain ground positions within the boarder nation. The influx of militants for securitization of the Royal ancestry offers additional tactical specialists to enter regions where potential occupancy is currently illegally held by suspect subordinates of the bribery specialists affairs. The additional information includes a list of names in association with those to favor a corrupt shield offering that passed within voting of the government body within the corrupt boarder nation. The militants offer no assistance aside from the protection to the King's ancestry. However, they may be enabled, and justified in their travels. Protocol offering isolates the King as the sole commander of operative and those targeting the list with localized explosives for later triggering are provided information in cryptic that their actions are at their own recognizance. However, if discovered, they may pledge allegiance to the King. The reason provides their confession to protect the history of their world, and includes that the media may choose to fail to openly express references to the King. In previous discovery the media has failed to acknowledge the King's activity and requests in assistance to prove his noble lineage for recall of Royal Commission items upon acceptance with sufficient evidences.

The cleanse our sovereignty mission has resulted in extraction of DNA samples that have been tested. The results have offered information on reverse trace of origin where terrorist enabled by protester chaos creating an overload disabling response of sovereign authority. Evidence accounts in executions are stored in top secret evidence files to ensure that there is history trace of militant conduct by sovereign militants. The command has offered the bodies of these militants be burned, harvested as carbon, and processed into gems. The initiative offers a gain from expenses which attribute to military expenditure combatting terrorists.

The localized extraction of information questioning legal retention of data has formulated enough data for investigation. The investigation takes on case files within the localized area in which the King's device victimization is priority. The agency retaining information has a ready achieve of localized accounts that have yet to furnish warrant with or without silence order signed by a official judge. The agency has compiled an offering of protocol strategy for superior agency investigative branches to call for the warranting of devices used by those including but not limited to; Officers of the law, private investigators investigating cases in the state of focus, and those that may be rouge retaining data with commercial devices. The protocol offers strategy where address is made by superior agency and recorded as it will be distributed throughout nations abroad under investigation. The warrant will be active upon address and details mandate appearance of localized police department employ to sustain their position and offer cooperative information when apprehending devices, hard drives retaining data, and accounts of data retention. The address provides the information that the King has organized a rouge agency to assist him in pursuits of justice. The superior agencies that respond are provided they must do so to protect the security of the officers under investigation. Whereas, the King's protocol has consented a rouge action of execution where evidences compilation shall be provided with information of corpse retrieval. Making reason to believe that executions may be conduct to enforce upon those illegal retaining data with aggressive devices. Within the address, the offering of King's protocol is revealed to raise awareness to the justice department branches under investigation. The offering of superior agency request zero harassment of the King and in addition an immunity for his character is not of the moral fiber to willing and knowingly break the law. The superior agency is also told to question any that should fail to arrive for mandated meetings location due to the fact that localized executions may have begun. The superior agency is provided with reasonable evidences offering that victimization and further abuses of the King's private data must be ended by legislation correction. In the event the legislation doesn't act to prevent illegal retention the executions may be singular, once investigated offer illegal retention of data is actual, and continue until a full cease and desist is effectively carried out by the nations of interest. The protocol offers information directed to superior officers investigating illegal data retention ceases that those whom are assembled are to be questioned for their practices of data retention. Officers that confess to illegal data retention shall be provided no immunity nor reduction of potential prosecution in cases favoring punishment. Officers are told that if they are to lie and purger that additional offenses will offer accountability in reporting of the investigative conduct titled; "Operation King's Data."

The King has taken the time to seek asylum in a multiple of nations abroad. The communications are made with intent way to offer acknowledgement to direct body offering criminal suspect offender to have abused the King's devices a direct form of notice once investigation of asylum requests are carried out. The intent is to request that no further asylum is granted to believed subordinate of bribery specialist. The extension of asylum threatens ability to prosecute offering discoveries that result in a multiple of treason accounts. Whereas, should asylum be granted to the suspect of the King's device abuse is offered, the party accepting of such extension can be condemned by way of offering aiding and abetting evasion of a known criminal treason offender. There are no examples nor ultimatums. Delivery is direct and questions the ability for a non-criminal to seek asylum when feeling threatened by governance leadership that appears to have strong ties to the criminal organization funding known treason associates. The King is said to have attempted to report additional accounts of treason considering aiding and abetting of the suspect victimizer fleeing upon the date of call reroute sited in police report that furnishes witness to the account. It is the King's intent to expose the truth of the corrupt organization aiming to rewrite the historic trace that reveals his Kingdom's in part have been illegally occupied by boarder nation facing the 190 attack protocol on date relevant to a day of independence.

The ballerina has left Pruere to perform elsewhere. The King issues the additional protocol and travels to proximity where corruption in Pruere comes with exposure of militant elitist investigation. The source of exposure is traced by funding elements where terrorist entities have successfully rallied, raised funds, and insured with dual organization taking upon themselves all sides of the current war in Bastrastanovia.

Thanks for reading this science fiction action thriller outline by Christian Thomas Sutter


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