The home of Batman

in batman •  7 years ago 

Wollaton Hall. A majestic looking building with its beautiful facias and decorative brick work.

I believe it was the last Batman film (not superman vs batman) that Wollaton hall was used as the home of Bruce Wayne.



It has long fairly straight drives upto the hall, lined by fantastically old trees.


Look how big this tree is!


Some of the trees are conker trees, i apologise now for not knowing the actual name of these bht there were little spikey balls all over the grass and the drive.


I love this time of year when the leaves start to drop off, the colours are just amazing and although physically chilling, its mentally warming and soothes the sole when walking amongst the dropping leaves of autumn.


The side of the hall is just as beautiful as the front.

To the side/ back there are stunning gardens full of flowers and other wonderful plants. The back lawn runs down hill all the way to a stunning picturesque lake, where the geese and swans share the water with little duckies of many kinds.




If you ever get the chance to Visit Nottingham in the Uk then please visit Wollaton Hall, have a walk, feed the ducks, have an ice scream and enjoy the beautiful surroundings.

Thanks for reading.

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Very nice view, Liked