Creative content and whatecer else

in batshitcrazy •  4 years ago 

so suposedly they want talent but wgat is the entertaining factors on this site
Well im witnessing qlot of going nowhere posts with soam wording whuch

So as a blog that lacks everytging but a utube link tons of titles that qre utube links which

Id qssume its safe to avoid any links on this site since its evidently whatever but . So the bring your best abd im nit witnessing anybodys best . Hellits just so
A person posted a photo qnd wrote ill probably get 80 bucks so which will she get 80 bucks
But im seei g tons of shit posting for the cash trying to score a quick fix maybe drug addicts that need to take the edge off
Or if your busy on a day you just randomly post some nonesense which
So bacn to the post once a day wgats that even about
So your folowes are goung to judge you abd decide hey this guys a real dork qnd why dk i follow a guy who misses a day
Lije i waited all day to witness his greatness get a littke glory in ny kife and yeah he just fely like being a diva so im goibg to cut him down to size and lesve gis ass

Bye bye mister . Have fun trying to get a newloyal fan asshole because im out qbd im deeply offended which
That would be pretty cool
Some loyal die hard but not die gard qs in
Rhe crazg guy breaks into your house screaming qboyt how its never going to be the same and he has a knife and he smoked a full vad of meth so hes just in a zone of hysteria so ..

Side not this reminds me of the format for that one site that was creared for the righters which was qll qbout free speech abd then they bqsically censored me like 4 times qnd i was lije ok lying ass righties which
I have to sit on the fence since both sides have vannee me qnd censored me so im a voice of rwasingqnd i got street credibility so yeah

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