Actually this event happened last year. We are assisting the agents for thier christmas party at the chateau by the sea.
The event start at 1:00 pm and ended almost 1 in the morning.
Its really a great and unforgetable party.
Most of the agents are satisfied with thier party. The best year end party ever.

This photo was taken around 12 midnight. As you see my teary eyes , its because im so sleepy at that time. We are working for 18 hrs.

Bay wacther. At the back of me is where the fireworks installed. As you see the red cloth. Serve as the cover of thw fireworks.

With my buddy H.O Gadiana.
It rains un expectedly so we need to find a place. This is the best place at food tent. Me , Joseph housekeeping and my colleague.

This was in front of the stage. The sound system where it was installed. Where great music was , where you can see the different kinds of stuff to meet the spectacular and magnificent music.

My colleague. The beautiful and choosen Lady guards.

Thats the stage!!! I was not able to take picture of the stage at the front view.. Hahahah
Mesmerizing the past event!!!! I was sooo exhausted but satisfied with what we've been through. Working for 18 hrs. It's worth it anyways , beacuse of unlimited and free foods and drinks and disco after.