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It's Not Over Craig, Low Self Confidence Should Be A Crime Like You Said Also Crypto Girl Posted A Video Talking To BCC Support And They Said They Had A Security Breach :)

I agree

Just the fact he has been promoting this for so long and is even still now justifying it while spewing this nonsense shows a lot about who he is.
I always knew he was UBER selfish and just cared about him self. Yet there is a difference between up voting one self, trying to make money and actually scamming and or causing others to loose money.

He's still going BCC wild during the down-time over the w/e I see!

OMG I can't even watch this, what a waste of time.

I miss Craig-Grant...

We all do :)

I think this guy is totally allergic to doing any real work. You can just tell from the way he says "9-5".

He prefers to make all his money getting people scammed by Bitconnect and Mining contracts.

Keep still CG.......... don't fall or nothin :p

He seems like he could be a nice guy and I won't wish him harm, but he deserves some karmic comeuppance. After word-vomiting referral links for years to make his pay, he deserves to dig some ditches.

I'm not going to disagree with you :)

Never in doubt!

No yet!

My stupid chrome won't show emojis, but I am assuming this is positive so I shall upvote you.

Like any usual pump and dumper, he reserves a full 33% of his video to brag about his new furnished condo and how he's going to pay "$10gs a month".

God this guy is a parasitic piece of shit who has never offered anything to the economy. I hope he moves into for $10k a month and relocates to a cardboard box for his next lease.

the pace I am at now is 12k a month, so i am going cheaper :)

A fool and his money are soon parted.

Lex you are allergic to this BCC token I see :)

Yeah, all facts point to it being a scam eventually.

what do you think of this idea of BCC working like that

tell us how u really feel

Btw @craig-grant, this is what demand "not existing" looks like:

BCC Dump 1.png

Very interesting video. Upvoted and followed.

This video is interesting!

Yes, Of course!

Here's a challenge, anybody know the approximate location of the guy in the video?


you wanna beat him or what?

Very interesting video ... sorry who buy BCC :P

This skitzo scam promoter admits fully he gives 0 shits about BCC now because he has enough money. This is the person you idiots followed into a PYRAMID SCHEME! You lost half your money last night in a BCC sell off. Your website is "down for maintenance" lol. OPEN YOUR EYES YOU ARE BEING ROBBED! But greed will keep you pumping this scam to more idiots being greedy. You all deserve what is coming "Idiots and their money are soon parted." It will be a tough lesson for you all to learn but you will learn it when you loose enough time after time.

I don't get bitconnect either. When something offers you a return but then is murky about how they are getting that return, I get suspicious.

Meanwhile why don't you get some Free Bitcoin Cash and see how cheap and fast it is to send.

Well put. I totally agree. As my ranting below probably illustrates.

It is just relaxing! I think in September with bitcoin will happen some uncertainty because of it's upgrade and bcc will fly above $1200!

God, this fucking idiot things Bitconnect is going to get to $1000 and he is going to live off the interest.

If he fell off this balcony , it would save all his followers millions.

This asshole calls the people rightly pointing out this is a ponzi "the most evil people on earth". What a perfect scamming, pump and dumping, affiliate pushing piece of shit.

Blame-shifting like a boss.

Yeah, I assumed that without checking based on the price rebound.

May be the last time to get out decent, folks.

Might be a pump and dump with the last dying breath?? ... or will Frankenstein re-rise?? Be an interesting weekend for BCC.

Indeed. One of my followers noted the website is requesting a 2-day down-time, and another pointed out that Bitconnect is "asking for the funds back".

Like, nicely. Don't have verification on that latter one.

Dude doesn't even understand the basics of crypto: "The blockchain only fails if nobody wants to buy the tokens."

No, idiot, any blockchain can fail when people stop mining it because it's an obvious scam and you never get another block. It's got nothing to do with exchange prices and everything to do with miner operation.

Lol, they won't give it up! Already a bunch of dip-buyers at $38!

Buy low, sell high! LOL!

mee to

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

where can you get it @ 38? I would love to get it at that price

That was the intraday low. The market is throwing you a bone to sell and get out now, you should take it.

I thought @craig-grant quit Steemit; why can't we get rid of him?? (Cry face).

Flag his videos if u hate him he doesn't like that

Thank you for the informations. Now we know better. Nice article. Love it! 😊


What's the craic here then?!

Nice One..!

confusing for me, a new commer... steem ok?

Steem good :)

Yea, ok, I'm sure they'll get right on that and return the funds . . lulzzz

Those honest BCC citizens! LOL!

Thanks for sharing

Thanks for the support @raist :)

You are welcome

Steem on @raist!


I used to be a great fan of Craig... used to...

me too

IT'S YOU!!! Where did the generous upvotes disappear?

It's cool, thanks for sharing this information.

Great post as allways! I upvoted and im following you!
If you want you can participate in my contests and win steem dollars.
My latest contest here:

me too

Steem on instead @dang007 :)

very interesting video sir.. love it!

Hi/Hej, Yes, of course. World is changing and with it traditional Media is changing as well.

I am new to Steemit. I just started using it. I need to learn a lot from you. I am following your account, can you please follow me as weel?


Interesting video by @craig-grant BTW where have you been ?

Craige-grant is miss
We love you @craige-grant

He should've not been made to self deplatform like that due to flagging issues! Oh look! I'm next ....!


  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment