A Mistress shows no cracks to the world

in bdsm •  7 years ago 


One of the many roles in my life is that of Mistress. There is allot of history and mystery around the title of Mistress, what does it mean? Who gets to carry the title? Why? Just generally WTF?

Well in the context of my life it centers around the bdsm community and specifically the M/s relationship.
I currently own two subs, hence the two keys hanging from my neck. One of my subs lives with me, the other visits a few days out of the week. There are several aspects to our relationship. While it is complex for sure, I think I can break it down a bit so its more understandable.


Now right here is a good place to add that everything I do is with consent. Consent is central to the Mistress/slave relationship. Consent is sought regularly, safe words are in place and the light system is always used. Just in case you are unfamiliar with the kink community I wanted to make that clear.


The first aspect of our M/s relationship is Dominance.

The definition of Dominance explains that aspect of our relationship. Dominance is defined as Power and influence over others. I believe that this power is exerted in many ways, firstly to ensure the safety and health (mental and physical) of my property. Second, it's used to guide and instruct my property on how to improve in service to me and in life. Third its used to shape punishments and tasks for my property.

The second element is Control. There are many "Dominant" people on this planet. That does not a Mistress make however, there is a real road block to most people when it comes to controlling others, a play time connotation to the orders. That is all well and good for bedroom play or part time submission, or if you think 50 shades of grey is 'neat'.

However, if you are trying to understand how a Mistress exerts control you need to look at the way she comports herself, I issue commands because that is my birthright. I have never considered that my property would disobey me, never questioned my right to command them. I am a Goddess, all of creation obeys me.

I know that seems like allot of ego in a small frame but inside those moments, that is my reality, in my understanding that level of self confidence helps the interaction between me and my subs and carries the control to a deep level. This has been referred to as "sub-space" and I like that term because it aptly describes the state complete control puts a sub into and reminds me of star trek.

So what happens when rules are not followed or orders are disobeyed? There are several things that happen, all of which depends on situation and time. There is allot of focus put onto physical punishments but those are not used for control, control is established long before punishments are handed out.


The third thing a Mistress must carry into the relationship is creativity and drive. I remember everything my property tells me. I map every tick, note diligently likes and dislikes, motivators, blind spots, speech patterns. I assemble all this information, all this gathered knowledge and I construct intricate tasks followed by intricate punishments. I devote hours of planning and often labor into scenarios in the bedroom. I challenge my property, demand improvement in life and in worship of me. A Mistress does not simply sit and point or seek sexual gratification alone. My property serves me well and its for sure lovely but my responsibility to them is to work harder then they do, to ensure that the path is safe before they walk it. Ownership comes with responsibility, there are many forms of Domme, I choose to build people up, I am not one to use humiliation or degradation though I understand why they are important I am just not that Mistress, I take in subs that have been hurt or mistreated and build them up, make sure they get therapy, enforce routine and forward movement.

Its important to note that most Mistresses have sessions and don't acquire live ins. I deal with small numbers and focus on my two to three subs exclusively. No money is involved. We live this way every moment of every day. This level of commitment and intimacy allows space for healing and a safe environment to flourish. This is where creativity helps tremendously, when you have to hold a subs attention for months not minutes you develop technique that is custom to those subs, in time this allows for depth unheard of by most people. This is not a life for everyone. A Mistress is made of Iron and feathers, there are times when gental understanding is called for and times when cold calculated relentless punishment is needed, you must remain above control yourself at all times. Your life must be in order and working, you must be stable and well. A Mistress shows no cracks to the world unless its Rage that drives those cracks to the surface. All of these aspects must be in harmony at all times, plus she must live life and dance and feel joy. To be a Mistress is to care but never allow that care to prevent sadistic punishment for infractions. To hear love in the songs of pain you wrench from your properties body. To be a Mistress is a burden that is alleviated occasionally by worship from your property. It makes me deeply happy.


I am going to leave this here for tonight. I will continue with part two next week.

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Nice to hear your point of view. Thanks for posting.

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This is so interesting in the way that I find the ego or arrogance a turn off..but I feel that is because I also have a dominate personality...so I feel its a trigger...of some weird sort...while I have no issues with this lifestyle choice because I feel it really is about consent & choice.... consent..being the most important vow..in this sort of play or lifestyle...I do wonder...and always have...if the place of the mistress is brought on by her..being dominated and abused in life..if it brings her satisfaction.. to be in this place of power...because of the mistreatment she has had during her own life.. ..by bringing pain and pleasure to others in her control? gives her a sense of peace and satisfaction over a world that has brought her so much pain...beyond her control...when she is mistress.. she is in power..she hands out the pain..and pleasure...returning her to a place of power.. that she feels is taken from her in the outside world....I also find it very brave of you to be wearing your target badge and taking pictures at work while speaking of such major topics...stay bless penny*

I don't think of myself as arrogant, or egotistical really, I'm very self assured and comfortable with myself. I demand perfection from myself before others and always admit when I'm wrong. I'm powerful, and authentic and ask any of my subs they will tell you I'm a Goddess but I try to stay humble🦄🦄🙃.

Ya as I said in the article, nothing happens without consent in my play. This is the golden rule of bdsm.

I don't feel that the massive amount of abuse I survived from childhood makes me want to hurt people. I don't want to hurt people at all really, but I have rules and standards. When they are disobeyed pain is the agreed upon remedy. I believe that subs when left without counsel or ownership can self destruct in horrible ways because of past trama. I help with this in many ways. I do revel in the control but no more so than bwhen I'm doing things everyday. I'm always a Mistress, I'm not lacking in control but I do see more, and know more than my subs so I help them grow. Its an effort on my part that takes allot of time and care. Its not cold hearted torture all the time. Though there is that.

Thanks i m pretty open about who I am, life's to short for trans women to hide and try to buy a few more days.

I do know that some people find dominance a turn on, while I myself am aroused by total surrender. Alas, I never really found anyone I could trust like that and ultimately I don't really need it in my life.

What people do with other consenting adults is simply none of my business. Maybe I'm just old fashioned, but I do think we should all try not to distress children with things they might find disturbing and to keep some things private and out of the public eye as some adults will not understand it and could see it is a threat.

I am sorry you never found anyone to accommodate you, but im glad your at peace with it.

I am going to keep talking about myself. My views, my life ect. If the way i live is offensive people are more than free to unfollow. If kids are cruising the steemit bdsm channel I am going to go ahead and confidently call that a parenting issue and not my problem to solve at this time as I have raised two very lovely young men who had conversations around sexuality there whole life and are now well adjusted and making trails in the world. At 37 I have no spoons for people telling me to get back in this or that closet. Being a Mistress is a Massive part of my everyday life and I talk about it so that people understand and dont run away every time someone talks about it. Im not at all sorry for the lives I put back together or the joy i bring too my property, nor will I be silent about it.

yes, it's appropriate in the right channel... people don't have to read it if they don't want to.
I'm not so sure about making an exhibit in public spaces though... should these guys be doing this in front of kids? Can you really not see that there are two sides to this issue. I just want to be considerate.

So lets do this i guess.

You can just state that you want to pick a fight with me, its cool, I am more than able to articulate my points and make counter arguments defending my position. Im also one who despises false pretense and bush beating. In the future just state you have a problem and get on with it.

First of all as my post is in the appropriate place your point is moot and baiting. I don't speak for the entire kink community, i've never said i do nor would i want to as i am not millions of people, i am one Mistress giving people a window into my world, I don't have to defend jack fuckitty shit.

In the interest of conversation however what exactly is wrong with the above picture? there is nothing overtly sexual about it. Everyone is clothed and consenting. People let kids watch Trump speak, that's got to take more explaining than this photo.

What they are being taught is that the world is bigger than them and their understanding. This is not everyday, its a parade, theres tons of weird shit at parades, you keep saying your an old timer, do you honestly think this is worse than the boardwalk or times square back in the day? Do hedro people get a pass in your book? You understand that kids are people right? Explaining things is part of parenting, sometimes you have to explain uncomfy things. The world is uncomfortable at times. However literally no harm is being done here, look how proud that young Dom is of his pets! that's love, so i guess the kids are learning that love takes many forms as well. I suppose if you hate having hard conversations and want the world to be sterile it could be a problem but who wants that?

Also small side point. People let there kids read the bible. That's wwwaaaayyy worse than anything the kink community has ever inflicted on anyone. perspective, just sayin.

I just don't believe it's necessary to be flaunting paraphilia in public. I don't like having drunks banging on my door at 2:30 am wanting a blow job cuz they think that's what trannies are all about.
I don't like being associated with it.
LGBTQ+ can drop the 'T' any time you like.
Trans is not a sexuality and I've experienced first hand the damage that such images inflicted on how I was perceived and my own child's respect for trans people.

See isn't it so much nicer to just say what you are tying to say?

Paraphilia now is it? Every person involved with bdsm? big accusation, no history or factual backing but cool, i can feel the anger you have invested in this.

I will point out that your personal experience, while valid and relevant to the tapestry, are not indicative of the whole. I assure you that me and my subs having brunch have nothing to do with your drunken knockers, perspective.

Me being open about my sexsuality is not why generations of cis het men created imagery and tropes of trans women as over sexualized. That's part of the fight, or did you not get the fucking memo? You want to fuckin put my life on blast? Me, fuckin really? You want to shame me, a trans women for the fucked up views created over the last two thousand years of oppression. Me who has raised one Cis child and one trans child? Fuck that, you can take that shit right the fuck back and keep it. You aren't being forced to associate with shit, but the blanket of protection provided by the lgbtq community is saving trans lives every day, we on the ground out here kinda need it so please note you don't speak for those of us trying to stop the rising tide of trans bodies.

Nobody said being trans is a sexuality, neither is queer, inclusion is good, community is good, visibility is good. progress is good, victim shaming...not great, in fact, total shit and extremely damaging.

If out of context, over dramatic meaningless photos like that caused you harm its because there was a lack of critical thinking and understanding, that again is not on me, I am unclear on why you believe that casually framing my life as paraphilia is not continuing that hate? You have just run full circle girl, hows that shit feel when your on the other side? Odd right?

The fact that I revel in my femininity and am sex positive has nothing to do with yours or any child's perspective of trans people. If people are only given negative info that's what they believe, as if i'm only one fucking thing. I cant stand people trying to shove trans p[eople back into boxes. Fuck that I lived that shit, thinking like this forced me to live as a boy for 30 years and fuck that road, I will not be silenced because people cant google transgender women. If all you look at is the sexual then thats all there is but who is going through and only looking at things taken out of context proving their one point, you have any photos of two dads with kiddos on there shoulders enjoying a day at the park? What about a trans women reading her poetry to a room full of people, kids too...

Oh shit...what was your point...I think I just added..Another Dimension!!!!! Oh shit! People are complex and not defined by one aspect!!

your vitriolic diatribe and foul language is without reason: Most people, straight or gay, have the decency to confine their sexual antics to the privacy of their bed room.