Is life always unfair?

in be •  7 years ago 

Up until now, this question did not really sink in my mind. It was later then that I realize this contains a facts of facts that the answer is the one you did not want to hear.

Let me tell you something. Earlier this day, I prepared myself to go to my class at 12 p.m. Around 15 minute later, I arrived at the review center and fill up an attendance. I took a seat in the third column, third row, two seats from the left and reserved the remaining 5 seats for my friends. Me and my so called older brother ( not related by blood) go out to grab a bite at the nearest cafeteria. After eating, we parted ways because I have to get the money that my sister sent me in the pawnshop. As I enter the hallway, I just found my things outside of the room.

Why? I don't know. But the caretaker told me that reservation of seats is probihited. What the heck? Actually, I wanted to get revenge to my classmates who did the same thing. It's because the day before, I sit at the back because there's no more seats in the front left becuase of the reservations they made. Even though I'm myopic (nearsighted), I have to choice but to still attend the class sitting at the back rows.

I told myself "Ahhh, so this is it". Then, I also did that ealier for them to pay the price of what they did to me yesterday. But I felt like defeated when one my classmates told the staff they can't sit because of so many reservations. Is it my fault? Nah! I just wanted to take revenge for them to realize that there were students that can't see things at distant.

I wanted to throw tantrums the whole sessions but I can't. Instead, I just have to keep it. I said to myself that I have nothing to gain when I took that revenge. But what about others, Is life really unfair? And my answer is.............YES!

P.s. I'm very sorry. I'm a bit immature.

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