Before George Washington Was President

in beach •  3 months ago 

After my article on making adhesive tape and starting with working in the warehouse, making, and such, I expected AI to post replies by numerous Senators, Congress, state legislators, state senators, and various bureaucracies posting articles on child labor abused, et cetera, et al.

Thanks Saint Kateri.

Bertie knows more latin than I do.

Still recovering. It's beauty sleep.(From proximity to antimatter beings, attempts to turn them into Trojan Horse Mr. Orange bombs. And has a husband asks the ingredients Angel is all clear? )

See, I have four personal guards here and as the demon horde approached from the northwest, they moved in to attack the anti-host. Demonic special forces, flanked and...

So far that hasn't happened. AI posts put in place to destroy the Amish or standard farmers, like the ones near Moscow, Idaho or at our house in Michigan before I passed a high IQ test at age seven. We suddenly ourselves in San Mateo which is north from Silicon Valley to where moved between the brand new IBM facility and it's utopia suburbs and Top secret companies.

Insta zzzzzz.

You don't need any beauty sleep.

Even I can get cranky.


Isn't it time to (redacted, tactics, tasks).

Do it yourself. Oh all right wake up Solange.

Do you know Shelly received a divine made amulet that bounces all curses back. I noticed all your attempts were vain 6
and I asked God what could be done about the obvious.(because my fine readers, ..., which will cause Steem to rise like it was Tik Tok, Facebook, et quorum Bertie sat up - really?).

Yes I don't get mad you ladies. I examine the problems and identify them - Thanks be to the Most High, Great Soul, and Holy Spirit.

For example, military recruiting would be higher if instead making certain all back taxes are paid and all prior history is spit spot before promotion to an Intel officer as in not non-com. There was wipe clean. It's cheap, effective, and George Washington did not require such perfection in his soldiers. Nor did he desire to be captured instead of fighting to the death on the front lines like when the landed on the west beach of the Delaware. Which behind it is a huge swamp, that was frozen solid.

Need I say more?

Yes, Bertie's thinking up something to say -

Uhz, hut fagruh, bomo, yug hug. Kateri butted in(Sp?)

sa deus decorum. Et fili a Hades.(Something like that).

So, when we add it all up, we see that: somebody has to do it. I cannot tell a lie and in order to win against impossible odds and resources one must take what is given and use that. For victory is the only acceptable outcome. Instead of a taxable income.

Anyways, throughout the years, I met numerous named after the man in the title, also met those named Jefferson, and, whatever they're faults.

One man remained chaste, "They're crazy and kookie, mysterious and spooky, ..." The northern army as they matched.

Instead Belinda Gates or Bloomberg handing money to President Biden for women's rights and Jewish rights or whatever the published reason, which are amounts a bit large according to law. They should admit it is for an exemption to the repatriation act. Which with penalties, interest and, so on, knock them down several pegs.

I watched Armageddon, the movie, with a bang up cast. And a bunch of oil well drillers were tasked with a task to prevent the extinction of Earth by drilling a hole..., I am not a spoiler for movies.

Although I do like to see how my scripts turn out. Even if I cannot print them out, end up cursed and stuck in a desert.

Muslim down voters - what's wrong with living in the desert? If you were Muslim, you would know. But since, just about everyone here ... That's why they call it Intel.

Let's continue on with the story -

Those with last names of certain personages who statues were torn down recently amidst the predictable riots that could have averted, often talked about facing and overcoming adversity as if they had ancient relatives and stories about them about how they did what?

It was freezing at the beach but the cold I did beseech upon passing Valley Forge one day, the snow flakes might huge made high slippery too the mountains were only 4,000 feet tall, I said thankfully.

In the Dakotas that don't happen, where ice grows upon stuff rapid. So fast you can't come under weight at the scales. And just they let you go' cause filled with potatoes and they want those Christmas.

Mister Pelosi has an itch. Nancy starts
to twitch. It's the way they invest they say.

They came across by tax because they weren't at all lax, just like it is today. The way that did win was by getting rid of them. As they hit the beach, hit the beach after keeping their boats wright, to lee. After keeping their boats ______, in the freezing night.

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ESte texto tiene tantas referencias intertextuales que los lectoires deben sumergirse en mares profundos para comprender su nivel de ironía y sarcasmo, jeje.

Hay algunos que vamos a la playa solo para contemplarla; otros qu requerimos echarnos un chapuzón para sentirla.

Me agradó leerte. Suerte.


Interesting, Confusing, and Entertaining

Your message is a delightful mix of various topics, and I find myself both amused and a bit lost. It’s like navigating a labyrinth of ideas!



On the end I took a deep breath...