“The coolest thing about virtual reality is that it’s the closest thing to reality, but without the restrictions of time and space.”
BeachHead is the city where everything is happening. Anyone can afford to set up shop and profit with little effort and at almost no cost. You can own a piece of digital real estate, which will allow you to prosper in both the physical can digital world. With Blockchain technology BeachHead brings life to digital real estate, e-commerce and gaming. BeachHead is a decentralized platform that’s based on both Ethereum and Ripple blockchains. In short, it’s a new world economic powerhouse within an all-immersive alternative reality.
BeachHead is a city under siege, but the citizens work side-by-side to defend the utopian world they have created. Whether they are manning an anti-aircraft gun or running a mission into no man’s land the defenders of the city are the heroes that keep it safe and protected. Players will be rewarded with Badges and BeachHead Dollar tokens for successfully completing missions.
At first glance BeachHead 2020 looks like the successor to the classic, and internationally successful, BeachHead 2000 game series. In short, that’s what it is, but revamped and better than ever before.
The new BeachHead 2020 is, in essence, a new reality—an alternative, virtual world that parallels our own. It’s an aspirational, fully-functioning society with a decentralized blockchain and cryptocurrency based economy. BeachHead goes where no other VR game has ever thought to go. BeachHead levels the playing field and creates a new dimension of opportunity where everyone is equal and encouraged to create their perfect world.
“WE are not here to change the world, YOU are. BeachHead gives you the tools, so now it’s time to change it for yourself.”
Some graphics from the city
Visit the BeachHead Pioneer website at and explore the BeachHead world firsthand. As a Pioneer you’ll gain individual access to early game releases, show premieres, and exclusive items.
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BHD is the native token in BeachHead. The Beach Head Dollar which is listed in three pairs
BHD (BeachHead Dollar)
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to keep up with the latest media and what to expect. Make the wise move!!!