RE: Whale on the beach! fitinfun at BeachWednesday

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Whale on the beach! fitinfun at BeachWednesday

in beachwednesday •  8 years ago 

You are beautiful!😘People who say stupid stuff like that have zero iqs really.

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Thank you so much! What a nice thing to say, Damira. When you have a groups of teens - they do not have a filter, so I forgive them.

I think living through this type of comment has made me stronger. When I get asked what my super-power is, I say, "I can't be insulted" and this is true. There's really nothing anyone can tell me that is worse than hearing this as a kid trying to swim.

People can't realize how innocent funny jokes or words like that can hurt others.
You are strong and you are wonderful,have a good day dear!

I'm loving it!