How To Become A Talented SteemHunter (Calprut Version)

in beamentor •  6 years ago 


Hello there, i am calprut, you can find my hunt profile here :

As long as I remember, I joined Steemhunt since Juny 2018. Now, i have arround 466 approved hunts

My first three hunts are:


2. Autoilet

3. Filament Blocklet

As you can see, from the first time i joined Steemhunt, i feel its an awesome platform for all peoples, especially for product lovers.

A little vent

In the past, Steemhunt Rankingboard was one of the most contested because the first ranking could get more than $ 200 per post.

However, at that time the competition became very unhealthy. I still remember there was one group that was always on the TOP 10, and always squeezed the pool rewards in a frenzy.

Because of that, my hunt is 'Autoilet' and some of the subsequent hunts are themed as a form of protest so that the abusers are dumped on TOILET!.

At that time, almost all hunt posts had full attributes. Starting from full description, advantages, disadvantages, prices, why the product is cool, videos, and all the complete details.

Day after day, the more Steemhunt is famous, the hunting system is repaired several times with ABV V1 / V2, then updated with hodl based tokens. I really agree with this. However, the thing that still makes me quite disappointed up to now is: 'There is no minimum explanation for the product being hunted'. In fact, only with one image and one link, hunting is still approved, and get a high ranking.

(I really hope, hopefully Steemhunt has a "Writing Guideline" quickly, at least there are minimum rules for explanation. Remember, hunters are paid for with upvotes and tokens, at least there is an effort they have to do).

Haha enough with curse of my heart. I just hope that the quality at Steemhunt is really improved, especially the issue of writing / guideline.

What is a talented SteemHunter?

A talented SteemHunter is

For me, a talented SteemHunter is someone who is able to find "cool products" around the web. The best of the best, products that have "their own uniqueness". For example: products with the latest technology, products that are environmentally friendly, products that can solve everyday problems.

Secondly, a talented SteemHunter can provide the best description for the product they are hunting, can attract the attention of other members, whether it's a funny review, very detailed, and various other methods.

For example, like this one TJbot

Third, they can still comply with the post guideline provided, so they can get "Approved" status from the moderator.

Fourth, they always give "touch" or "response" to comments given by other hunters / members. (I have my own reasons why I haven't done it for the past few months).

Finally, they have their own "characteristics" for the products they hunt. I myself focus more on children's products and education, even though I intersect with other products.

Where are the places to dig for cool products?

Nah, this part is like giving your Gold Mines to others

I have some of the best hunting places that I have been tearing apart

There are lots of places to find cool hunting references. I have done bookmarks, but I can't share everything because there will be too many links.

But certainly, the best place is YouTube, Blog / Website, which has something to do with "Latest Technology Products" such as Mashable, TED, TreeHuggers, CoolHunting, CNET, CES Pages, etc.

What would you like to see in a Steemhunt post?

  • A clear explanation regarding the product.
  • Features.

  • Trailer / Videos : Coz people will always direct to watch the video.

  • Why do you think the product is "COOL". (The most important part).

What are the requirements to post cool products?

Well, actually for this point it's very easy. You only need a little "marketing skill" LOL

Try to attract readers to the product you are hunting for, whether it's a clear and serious review, or with a funny review that can bring interaction from others.

How does one get a hunt approved?

Posting Guideliness is the key.

You can read it HERE.

How do steem hunters interact with each other?

The best way to interact with other hunters is from "comment section". But right now, comment section still become Shxt coz hunter doesnt always reply to other comments.

The other way is to use Steemhunt Discord Channel. We are always waiting you on #Coffee-Lounge
. The best part is @chuuuckie will always serve you a cup of COFFEE.

How to understand HUNT tokens?

Okay, lets make it simple.

HUNT is a token for Steemhunt economy. This will be used as a "Rewards" for hunters / reviewers, entry for companies to offer their products, and also as an investment / speculation / trade instrument.


How to prepare for Review hunt?

This is for a "Social Guy". LOL Joke!.

We only need to prepare and prove our skill as a reviewer, thats all.

Last but not least.....

It might be very difficult for new hunters to understand how the rewarding system at Steemhunt is because it requires a stake of HUNT tokens to reach level 1. However, there are ways that are quite easy to achieve. Of course this is the secret of the Coffee Lounge. LOL

Join us at Steemhunt Discord a.k.a #Coffee-Lounge, and we will reveal the secrets. hihihih

Posted from my blog with SteemPress :

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Thank you @calprut for your submssion.

Autoilet... Amazing

thanks :joy:
thats for throwing abuser into it LOL

Master hunt 😅

Posted using Partiko Android

super rich girl a.k.a cryptos investor

When is the deadline all of this?

20 May i think,,, cmon

damn @calprut
it's really intresting post
especially the emoji😂😂

sorry for late reply
you can use this link

Your dream with HUNT token =
Daybit Centralized Price =
Me? =

After that we will

Secondly, a talented SteemHunter can provide the best description for the product they are hunting, can attract the attention of other members, whether it's a funny review, very detailed, and various other methods.

That’s well said.
As a newbie influencer, I’ve begun scrolling through hunts.
Some have find out more from this link or by watching the video.
Yes, a Hunt should provide a synopsis of the product.

Posted using Partiko iOS

No dude you are not a newbie, i already check all vote patterns of influencers. I think you are one of good IFL right there.

Great post,Thanks for Sharing us

Posted using Partiko Android