Beat Battle League Results | S2:R2

in beatbattle •  7 years ago 

We have twenty-six (26) incredible entries in Round #2 of Season Two of the #beatbattle .

Looks like the theme this round of Space Elevator Music brought out the best of the producers in the community.

So much talent from all over the world (as the map below displays )and it made judging this round very difficult. You will notice a lot of close calls and a lot of 4s in the rankings as a result of how high-quality these entries are. Any one of these can stand on their own merit.


The markers off the map are locations not available or in space :)

The judging panel of @chiefmappster, @danyelk, @beatseb, and @derekmiller thank you so much for all the time, effort , and resources that went into creating your entries.

Sit back and enjoy these epic creations from these Steemian producers in this second round of Season Two of the #beatbattle League.

Remember the entries for the Beat Battle League are judged on:

  • Sound Quality: does the beat sound crispy, in speakers and headphones, is there cracking or recording errors? How loud can we play it before you notice quality issues? etc

  • Technicality: what are the skills you displayed in making this beat? The technical aspects of the your craft. The layers and sounds do they match? How many? etc

  • Creativity: how unique your entry is. How well it revolves around the universal theme? Holy smokes we have never heard that sound before? A creative video and/or artwork o yeahhhhh.

Without further adieu, here are the results from S2:R2 of the Beat Battle League:

Beat Battle League.jpg

Courtesy of @nicnas

FIRST WINNER: @a4v with an average of 4.77 from the judging panel winning 8 STEEM and 42 SMOKE for 50 points.

Man o man this is such an incredible Space Elevator entry.

That "spacey" sound you bring it at 0:10 sets the tone so well right away.

Love how you arrange this beat. It just flows and makes it so easy to put on repeat.

My favorite part is when you bring that beat in with that power around 1:07 holy smokes.

Thank you for the time and effort you put into creating this high-quality sounding entry.


Support this winning Steemian here:

SECOND WINNER : @paradigmprospect with an average of 4.75 from the judging panel winning 4 STEEM and 36 SMOKE for 40 points.

"Welcome to Upwards."

Wow what epic theme related vocals you integrate into this instrumental. Reinforces the theme so well.

Love the direction you went with this beat with the uptempo vibe and that incredible brass.

Reminds me of something you would hear in those high-class luxury hotels in New York City.

And you spin that with the space elvator theme. So dope.

Much appreciation this is such an epic entry. Mind-blown.

Support this epic Steemian here:

THIRD WINNER: @novili with an average of 4.74 from the judging panel winning 2 STEEM and 31 SMOKE for 33 points.


Music here:

Ayyyyyyy this is some space elevator music right here.

Love how you defined the parameters and your approach on the theme.

I really enjoyed the synth based approach you took and the sound quality was quite awesome in the headphones.

Thanks for taking the time and effort to create this and share it with the community.

Support this awesome Steemian here:

FOURTH WINNER: @grizzle with an average of 4.74 from the judging panel winning 1 STEEM and 26 SMOKE for 27 points.


Such a dope spacey entry.

Love that sound you bring in around 0:24 creates that space vibe right away.

And that "spacey bass" you have throughout the beat is so epic in my opinion.

Such an awesome video to reiterate the theme. Captures it so well. And with your beat going it's an ideal combo.

Much love and respect.

Support this epic Steemian here:

COMMUNITY FAVORITE: @auxsen with an average from the judging panel of 4.57 with $41.98 in community support, 64 upvotes, , and 13 comments winning 20 SMOKE for 20 points


To listen go here:

"Elevator going up."

Ayyyyy love the route you went with the theme of your entry.

Such a happy, upbeat beat with those spacey tones in there.

Totally can envision this song being played in that luxury space getaway. Or even that super-exclusive super fast space elevator :)

Much appreciation you taking the time and effort to create this masterpiece and share it with the community to enjoy.

Much love and respect.

Support this awesome Steemian here:

The following are the honorable mentions in order of ranking based off the judging panel off this specific theme:

@poorkidbeats with an average of 4.72 from the judging panel winning 18 SMOKE for a total of 18 points.


This is that soulful space elevator music right here.

Create such an awesome twist on future funk with this one.

You hit us with so many epic sounds and change-ups it is so amazing.

Love that sound you bring in at 1:56 (what is that sound? haha) adds such an awesome and then how you take the beat back to the next level at 2:14.

Appreciate all the time and effort you spent in creating this high quality instrumental.

Much love and respect.

Support this awesome Steemian here:

@auditoryorgasms with an average of 4.70 from the judging panel winning 16 SMOKE for 16 points.


Wow this entry channels space so well.

Such a peaceful atmospheric arrangement you created with this entry.

Love those deep spacey sounds you bring in around 1:09 reinforces the theme so well.

Appreciate you creating this vibration raising space music.

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@heaterville with an average of 4.60 from the judging panel winning 15 SMOKE for 15 points.


Whattttttttt this is such a dope take on the theme.

Absolutely love that sound you bring in at 0:17 reinforces the theme and sounds so epic in my opinion.

And that switch-up at 0:55 yessssss so freakin awesome. Love that energy shift and the positive vibe I got from it.

Great use of a transition around 2:17 in my opinion. Gave us a little breather and built up the emotion for the next sequence to come.

Much appreciation for creating this and sharing it with the community.

Support this awesome Steemian here:

@adriansilas with an average of 4.58 from the judging panel winning 14 SMOKE for 14 points.

This is such powerful space elevator music here.

The sounds you use in the arrangement in the beginning set the tone right away.

And love how you integrate the vocals into this beat. Hits the soul.

My favorite part is right after that second drop at at 1:15 you bring in those vocals on top of those sounds so incredibly in my opinion.

Much appreciation for creating this soulful space elevator music and sharing it with the community.

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@d-vine with an average of 4.57 from the judging panel winning 13 SMOKE for 13 points.

dvine s.jpg

Wow what a soul resonating entry.

This one raise my vibrations to such an awesome level. Medicine for my ears.

Love the combination of sounds you use in that first 30 to set the tone and then we are off on the journey.

And love how you bring the beat in around 1:53 that spacey and uptempo vibe so awesome.

Such a high-quality production. Thanks @d-vine for the time and effort you put it to creating this.

Much love and respect.

Support this epic Steemian here:

@hilladigahackles with an average of 4.57 from the judging panel winning 13 SMOKE for 13 points.


Wow what a 9+ minutes of music holy smokes.

So many awesome change of paces and additions and subtractions of sound. No doubt keep the vibe going with that long elevator ride.

I really like those sounds you used around 1:41 that spacey bass lets gooooooo.

And how you brought the beat back at 4:43 after that transition is incredible in my opinion.

Thank you for sharing this awesome experience of an instrumental.


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@inthenow with an average of 4.56 from the judging panel winning 12 SMOKE for 12 points.

DTube video:

You didn't hold anything back with this Space Elevator Music o weeee

You set the tone so well in my opinion with those two sounds you bring in (one at 0:23 and one at 0:30) and then are off on the space elevator.

My favorite parts is when you bring in those sounds at 1:32 and those different sounds at 2:48 man o man so epic.

Love the energy you bring to the space elevator music theme. This is would be one bumpin ride.

And the sound quality is clear and o my does it go so hard when you turn the volume UP.

Appreciate all the time and effort it took to create this awesome tune, the dope artwork, and the classic video.

Much love and repsect.

Support this Steemian here to increase their chance to win the Community Favorite prize:

@cjsound with an average of 4.54 from the judging panel winning 11 SMOKE for 11 points.


Wow wow this is such an ideal Space Elevator Music tune.

You get that intergalactic vibe right away with the sounds you selected.

Love those sounds you start bringing in around 1:18 and how you slow us down a couple times to keep us in the zone

This raised my vibrations to an awesome frequency and would make a trip in that space elevator so pleasant.

Appreciate you creating this and sharing it with the community.

Support this awesome Steemian here:

@armageddonparty with an average of 4.51 from the judging panel winning 10 SMOKE for 10 points.


Woahhhhhhhhh we are going to space with this one.

Love the galactic tone you create with your arrangement in the first 0:45 and then you bring those other sounds in and we are off.

I enjoyed that xylophone you have throughout such an awesome vibe you create using that. And such awesome space sounds you add around 2:49. Reinforces the theme so well.

Thank you for the time and effort you put into creating this.

Support this Steemian here to increase their chance to win the Community Favorite prize:

@musicmojonez with an average of 4.48 from the judging panel winning 9 SMOKE for 9 points.


Ayyy this is that bumpin Space Elevator Music right here o weeee.

Love the sounds you integrated in the beginning set that spacey tone so well and them wham at 0:44 you bring it that BASS so awesome.

My favorite part is around 1:05-1:20 that combination of bass and "spacey" sounds is so dope.

Appreciate you taking the time and effort to create this Space Elevator music that flows. Will definitely make someone want to rap on it during that elevator ride o weee.

Much love and respect.

Support this awesome Steemian here:

@onemedia with an average of 4.47 from the judging panel winning 8 SMOKE for 8 points.

What a cross-dimensional portal this entry is holy smokes.

This entry makes sure you get to the next dimension that's for sure.

Such a combination of vibrations raising going on here with the fusion of elements and sounds you choose.

My favorite part is around 1:33 holy smokes does that combo of sounds drive such emotion.

And your video holy smokes so captivating and reinforces the theme so well. So easy to get lost in your video and music.

Much love and appreciation for all the time and effort you put into this entry. It exposed us to that next dimension that is for sure :)

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@mindseye-music with an average of 4.46 from the judging panel winning 7 SMOKE for 7 points.


"Therefore as we set sail..."

Wow such an awesome JFK inspired intro to set the space tone.

Love how you bring that uptempo spacey feel with the sounds you use.

At 1:00 love how you bring in those extra sounds to take the beat to the next level.

Such an awesome almost 5 minutes of high-quality production. Appreciate the time and effort it took you to create this.

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@maxizee with an average of 4.46 from the judging panel winning 7 SMOKE for 7 points.

Woahhhh what a calming beat.

This is that music to get your vibrations right before or during that elevator ride to space.

My favorite part is around 0:57 when you bring the beat in. Hit me in my soul.

Such a dope video that set the theme so nicely.

Thank you for taking the time and effort to submit an entyr much love and respect.

Support this awesome Steemian here:

@antminer with an average of 4.44 from the judging panel winning 6 SMOKE for 6 points.


Man this is such a dope spacey beat.

Those kicks and those sounds you use in the first 45 seconds create such a intergalactic feeling.

And how you use the spaceship noise as a transition around 0:48 so awesome.

Such a high-quality inter-dimensional entry in my opinion and its so easy to keep playing. Meaning a space elevator ride with this playing would be beneficial :)

Much love and respect for this awesome entry.

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@joymatters with an average of 4.43 from the judging panel winning 6 SMOKE for 6 points.


Woahhhhhh this is some energy Space Elevator music right here.

Love how you set the tone with those spacey sounds and piano and then wham at 0:30 you hit us with the energy boost.

My favorite part is around 1:15 when you elevate the beat to the next level. So awesome in my opinion.

Thanks for sharing this energetic Space Elevator music with the community.

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@a0i with an average of 4.42 from the judging panel winning 5 SMOKE for 5 points.


Holy smokes is this an on point Space Elevator Music entry.

Build that space vibe right off the bat with those first 0:38 of vibrations raising music.

And love how you bring those sounds in around 0:41 definitely gave it that spacey vibe.

My favorite part starts at 1:19 with that soul resonating sequence man that is awesome.

Appreciate you sharing this inter-dimensional travel music for the community to enjoy.

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@deadeversince with an average of 4.31 from the judging panel winning 4 SMOKE for 4points.

Time for elevator takeoff

You use those samples and sounds so well in my opinion to create such a spacey entry.

Love the beat shift at 0:44 and then at 1:01 created that energy so awesome.

Appreciate you sharing this with the community. Hope to hear more high-quality instrumentals from ya :)

Support this awesome Steemian here:

@fresheiremusic with an average of 4.28 from the judging panel winning 3 SMOKE for 3 points.

What a powerful Space Elevator entry.

Love how you bring that piano in at 0:45 hits the soul.

And those sounds you bring in at 1:14 holy smokes so awesome.

Really enjoyed the depth and beauty of this entry. Who would have thought space music could be so powerful.

Appreciate the awesome video you came up with. Definitely helped to reinforce the theme.

Much respect for this entry.

Support this awesome Steemian here:

@falseyedols with an average of 4.27 from the judging panel winning 2 SMOKE for 2 points.


DTube link:

Love this inter-dimensional entry.

You combine that synth and those snares so well in my opinion. And to sample three different snares o wee that's awesome.

This puts my frequencies at the right level to enjoy a space elevator ride.

Love that artwork you created as well holy smokes.

Appreciate you.

Support this awesome Steemian here to:

@lefthouse with an average of 4.25 from the judging panel winning 1 SMOKE for 1 point.

Woahhhh what a vibe you create with this one.

Love that sound you bring in at 0:21 sets the calming spacey tone. So awesome how you intertwine that "bird" sound in there as well.

My favorite part is how you bring the beat in at 1:52 such a dope transition using those vocals.

Dope, captivating video as well holy smokes the cuts are wild in this one love it.

Much respect and love for sharing this with the community to enjoy.

Support this awesome Steemian here:

@simgirl with an average of 3.83 from the judging panel winning 1 SMOKE for 1 point.

Wow wow let's goooooooooo

That guitar though o weeeeeeee. What a way to set the tone.

Love how you bring that extra sound in :45 and then we are off.

Enjoyed how you intertwined the drums, guitar, piano, and synth to create this entry. A little repititive but that's part of elevator music. And wow does it get stuck in your head so catchy :)

Appreciate the creative video as well. Building a rocket ship alright lets goooooooo.

Much love and respect.

Support this epic Steemian here:

Here is my scorecard with two columns added to reflect average from entire judging panel of @chiefmappster, @danyelk, @beatseb, and @derekmiller and respective overall ranking in this week.


This concludes the results an analysis for Round Two of Season Two of the Beat Battle League.

Stay tuned for tomorrow for the details of Round #3 of Season Two the #beatbattle League.

Beat Battle League Week 7 Synergy.jpg

Thanks again for another epic round Steemians. You bless us with your hard work and dedication and we thank you for that. So much talent in this community. Much love and respect

And to connect and interact with other Steemians, join the Steemit Music Alliance Discord channel here:

For more information about the live Round #3 of the Steemit Music League Challenge go here:

And for the results of Round Two of Season Two the Steemit Music League Challenge go here:

And for information about the live Round #3 of the SML Feedback Contest hosted by @inthenow go here:

And for more information about the Kill the Pad Challenge hosted by @jamesgetsit go here:

And for more information about the live Chord Challenge hosted by @antminer go here:


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Thank you as always for your time and attention.

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Man oh Man! This is freakin awesome soooo beautiful to see the communtiy growing and see and hear all these entries, im still going through them as im typing! There's so manyy great music lol WoW Kudos to all participants and ur amazing submissions, Chief that map looks dope! Love itttttttttt

Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyy much apreciation for your words and spirit @djlethalskillz much love and respect.

Such an incredible community props to all you do to help build. And thanks for the feedback wanted to show the global feel of the community visually.

Appreciate you

Once again, an incredible cohort of participants. Everyone should be proud of our Steemit Music League! Of course thank you to the judges whose job is just about close to impossible!

Amennnnnnnnn appreciate your words and what an epic group of talent displayed this round.

And you're welcome. You nailed it, so much awesome talent it sure is an experience judging :)

Appreciate you much love and respect

...and another great week ahead... Peace, Love, and Respect to you too!

Amennnnnnnn :)

Aaaaaah 0.02 away from the 4 winners! Gonna have to grind to the max for next time!

Congratulations to the winners and anyone who entered. As long as everyone has done their best and brought the great music I've heard throughout these competitions <3

Keep grinding those SML tags everyone, love you all ^^

Amennnnnnnnn love your words that is all you can ask for :)

Much appreciation for your incredible entry it got me smiling so big.

Thank you for being apart of the community

honored to be community fave. i'm ausxen94 on OL/BTS by the way.

O heck yeah man is your song incredible. My gut feeling is that it is going to come in handy one of these days for you.

And sent you your SMOKE enjoy :)

Hello, your post was nominated for an upvote by a fellow within the Sndbox incubator. Thanks for sharing @chiefmappster. Steem on :D

Wow thank you for the acknowledgment. Much appreciation and will do :)

Well that was unexpected with all the great entries this week, good job everyone!

Ayyyy such an awesome group of talent, can't go wrong. And thanks again for your incredible entry.

Appreciate you

Impressive line up!!! Congratulations to everyone!!

Ayyyyyyy appreciate you so much.

Go Penguins :)

Congrats all the winners and thanks for the mention! Another great round of beats!

You're very welcome. Much love and appreciation for sharing your art with the community.

Congrats to all the winners. Happy to have made the honorable mentions, didnt expect that.
Haven't listened to every beat yet but space luv from @poorkidbeats was my favorite.
Looks like there's a good beat producer community growing here.
Look foward to the next round

Appreciate your positive words and spirit.

Man did I love @poorkidbeats entry as well such an incredible take on theme.

Let's keep inspiring that real, positive change.

Love all of ya <3

Ayyyyy much love to you as well.

What an epic entry :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

welll shit thanks I feel honored :p
This was a nice experience and I feel really up to doing more. It also seems like theres a marker rather close to me on the map is anyone else in vienna?
My name on bitshare is novila-di btw.

Oops I think the Croatia marker moved a little too close to you hahaha

Awesome to hear; excited to hear more music from ya o weeeee.

And you're SMOKE is sent :)

Hats off to all the winners!! There's some serious Heat on this post!!! I'm excited for more for real!!

Ayyyyyyyy apreciate the positivity for the community.

So pumped. Round Three is dropping later today o weeeee

Weeeehhh, happy to have been a part of this great RD 2!!


O heck yeah what an epic round :)

Much love and respect let's keep inspiring that real, positive change

Another awesome round! Congrats to all the winners! I enjoyed the theme and it's always fun submitting a lil somethin somethin over here. I totally forgot to give you my bitshares too fals-eyedols :)

O heck yeah that makes me smile. I really enjoy your music, hope we hear more from you kind sir.

And your SMOKE from this round and last round is sent :)

wow. extraordinary. thank you for posting a friend!!

You're very welcome.

Appreciate you

Hi Chief, just going through my entries and leaving my Bitshare address for rewards - grizzle-grizzle - many thanks!