I like to hear them once in awhile, when I don’t feel than life is too complicated to do it. I never put them when I’m too happy or sad, just when I can seriously enjoy them and don’t think about “what if I was lived in that time and watch all those girls, I won’t like to be with them” because is a joke, here are my reasons:
The Beatles are those 4 guys with catchy songs and friendly pictures, you hear a song and it sounds happy, naïve, sticky. You hear the lyrics, talk about loves, happily playing… if you watch them outside. That is what other people see, a fake cortex of four ill-mannered kids, misbehaved boys and promiscuous, typical.
They emerged been teen-adults, growing up surrounded of girls and sex. Long live the drugs, their songs are build around that ideology. When I hear them I don’t hear happy songs, I hear insane lyrics sealing their origin, which is very attractive for me, sadly.
Did I discover the Beatles or every successful band who had an encounter with drugs improvised by curiosity?
I guess I should insult myself because I like the songs of four fellows, who sang about rock and put a tacky chorus, but what can I say, everybody loves the Beatles.