amanda_stantonnbrunch + @laurenbushnell = best way to start the weekend
skshahid7252Hii. Nice
mylowe7Where are your boots from ? @amanda_stantonn
adventure_babe_423I have boots like that in them! 😍
candicedaniellelHoly your legs look SO long!!!!!! 😍
brettmfitlivinBeautiful photo
amanda_stantonn@candicedaniellel haha i wish they really's an illusion...these boots are the secret 🙈
amanda_stantonn@mylowe7 they are Stuart weitzman 😘
becccamcneil@victorialyn712 omg Lauren’s outfit
victorialyn712@becccamcneil they’re both icons
zen_stars😀 Kind Wishes to you for the month of DECEMBER 2017! 😀 That is a NICE photo! 😀☀️🌙✨💫⭐
therealdhruvLmao I guess if you’ve never had brunch with me...
sandra_m_sagerSeriously you could pass for sisters. Thought it was at first.
amycsleeman@victoria__grace__ dropped roots like this on you