RE: Hello, I am Amanda, very happy to be with you

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Hello, I am Amanda, very happy to be with you

in beautiful •  7 years ago 

na ini kwan bru lgi.....ayo kt brbagi ssma msih level 25 biar kt branjak naik k level slnjutnya....stju kwan??siapa lagi dong yg mbgkitkn kt klo bkn ssma level rndah..yg level tinggi krg mrespon kita kita yg msh kcil ini...slm dr @fauzan11....stju????

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I'm amanda, I'm breaking up boyfriend, I need men

wow .... awesome I have a friend like you "I want to find a girlfriend for you? which type how do you like? karna if the girlfriend in my place a lot ... oh amanda reply your upvote me? I let more exciting again we kidding ria ...agree????😄😄😄😄😄🤗🤗🤗🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏