The Benefits Of Vitamin C Serum For Your Skin And Face

in beauty •  9 years ago 

The Most Incredible Article About #Beauty You'll Ever Read

Vitamin C

It’s a fact in society today – those with healthier and more vibrant #appearance gets noticed.

Did you know that someone forms an opinion of you based on 1/10th of a second of looking at your face?[1]

This isn’t to say that you should stop reading books and only concentrate on your looks! It means you need to take care of your #appearance and skin, and make every effort you can to shine. Unfortunately, as you age and your body is subjected to the harsh environment filled with pollution, smoke, and UV rays, your vibrant skin begins to deteriorate extremely quickly.

Beauty: Effects Of Your Environment As You Age

There are many factors that can reduce the healthy glow of your skin:

  1. UV damage from sun light
  2. Reduction of collagen production, a protein that is ESSENTIAL in making your skin look amazing (read more below!)
  3. Wrinkles, blotchiness, dark circles under the eyes, and fine lines
  4. Pollution and cigarette smoke in the air
  5. Chlorine damage (from the water you drink and from the air)
  6. Lack of sleep
  7. Over-consumption of alcohol
  8. Reduction in Vitamin E production, which boosts your immune system and also helps make your skin look vibrant

What if you could drop a decade from your face without cosmetic procedures?

There are many options to reduce the signs of aging from your skin. Some popular procedures include face lifts and chemical peels. These options are expensive and can be painful. Some healthy skin products that promote an #antiwrinkle effect may contain harmful and harsh chemicals that can do more harm than good.

Dr. Mehmet Oz, of Oprah fame, consulted with the top plastic surgeons in the United States and discovered that Vitamin C serums are a safer and cheaper alternative to these intrusive procedures[2], and are also composed of natural ingredients that are produced in your body.

Vitamin C is a critical factor in your body for not only preventing disease, but also maintaining healthy, youthful looking skin. At a young age, your skin is bursting full of Vitamin C. But with age, the levels in your skin decrease.

It’s an unfortunate problem that seems to be irreversible. But with proper foresight, this does not necessarily have to be the case and you can replenish your Vitamin C levels to combat and even reverse the effects of aging and pollutants on your skin and face.

Vitamin C Serum products have been clinically shown to[3]:

  • Reverse skin damage
  • Slow down the skin aging process
  • And improve the appearance of wrinkles

Did you know that vitamin C serum products are the #1 best seller in the #Beauty department on[4]?

Before going further into what exactly Vitamin C serums are, it is important to know how Vitamin C actually works to create healthy skin.

The Science Behind #Beautiful Healthy Skin

Healthy Skin

Your body is full of thousands of different proteins, all of which have their associated jobs and uses. Some prevent disease while others may provide your body with energy. There are two important proteins that participate in creating the healthy glow associated with #beautiful and youthful skin:

  1. Collagen
  2. Elastin

Collagen is responsible for the “fullness” of your skin - it provides firmness and strength.

Elastin, as the name might suggest, is responsible for ensuring the skin’s flexibility.

Collagen is the most important protein when it comes to #beauty and #healthyskin. It is the most abundant protein in the body, constituting more than a third of all proteins in the body, and about 75% of your skin[5]. It is helical in structure, with chains of amino acids twisting around each other that create an incredibly strong protein. In fact, the tensile (stretching) strength of collagen is actually GREATER than a steel wire of the same weight[6].

Talk about providing toughness!

As you age though, collagen production slows down, and the vibrancy and strength of your skin begins to plummet.

How To Produce More Collagen - Vitamin C Plays An Important Role in Beauty

Vitamin C plays an essential role in building collagen. A number of studies have shown that treating human skin cells with vitamin C derivatives can stimulate collagen production[7],[8],[9].

Topical vitamin C may also help preserve existing collagen by influencing the enzymes responsible for breaking down collagen[10]. It has also been shown that certain connective structures in your skin composed of collagen, dermal papillae, become less pronounced and weaker as collagen levels fall. When vitamin C is topically applied, the number and density of dermal papillae have been shown to drastically increase[11].

Vitamin C Has Been Used Since Ancient Times For Healthy Skin[12]

Using vitamin C to improve the look of your skin is not a new concept, and has been done throughout history.

In Tibet during the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD), women who wanted to fight the signs of #prematureaging, in the form of #wrinkles and lines, would rub sea buckthorn on their face and hands. The golden-orange berries of the sea buckhorn plant yield a deep colored oil that is a major source of vitamin C.

Rose hips, the berry-like fruits that are left behind after a rose dies, contain more vitamin C—about 20 times that of an orange. Centuries ago, Native Americans made a vitamin C-rich paste out of rose petals to moisten and heal their skin.

Did you know that cold cream was originally known as “ointment of rose water” because of its two main ingredients: rose oil and rose water?

So, What Is Vitamin C Serum?

Elite Labs Vitamin C Serum

So we know that vitamin C can help re-stimulate collagen production, and higher collagen levels are associated with healthier looking skin.

But, what exactly is vitamin C serum?

This product is topical, meaning that it is directly applied on to the skin, in the form of a liquid, a few drops at a time. Serums are predominantly composed of a derivative of Vitamin C (such as L-Ascorbic acid), vitamin E, and other moisturizers to help keep your skin and face looking as best as possible.

The Typical Ingredients In Beauty Vitamin C Serums[13]

Before using ANY medical product, it’s important to know what you are applying on to your skin. Here is a list of the common ingredients that can be found in vitamin C serum products:

Vitamin C (L-Ascorbic Acid): Is an active form of vitamin C that typically occurs in citrus fruits, such as oranges and grapefruit. L-ascorbic acid is the most common form of vitamin C used in serum products, and is associated with protecting the skin from sun ray damage, increased collagen production, and the removal of skin blemishes all while improving vitamin E production.

Ferulic Acid: Is a powerful destroyer of free-radical found in the cell walls of plants, and is particularly adept at preventing sun damage. When combined with other antioxidants, ferulic acid actually makes vitamin C and E more effective at improving your skin’s appearance then when used the vitamin are used alone. The acid naturally prevents premature signs of aging, such as fine lines, but also can prevent the formation of skin cancer.

Vitamin E (Alpha-Tocopherol): Vitamin E provides sun protection, aids in the removal of free-radicals, boots the efficacy of applied SPF protection (if you applied sunscreen), and promotes faster wound healing. It also can make vitamin C more effective, hence why it is commonly added to vitamin C serum products.

Hyaluronic Acid: Naturally occurs in the body and is responsible for the hydration and lubrication of certain tissues and between tissue spacings within the body. It is a powerful moisturizer which functions to retain water both above and below the skin surface to keep skin looking radiant, hydrated, and soft.

Clinical Proof Of The Benefits Of Using Vitamin C Serum For The Skin

You may still be skeptical of the benefits of vitamin C serum products. Several clinical studies have found that these products provide numerous benefits for the skin to reduce the effects of aging and reverse damage:

  • A placebo-controlled study performed with 25 volunteers showed that those who topically applied vitamin C products experienced a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles in aged skin after a relatively short time period of 12 weeks[14].
  • A three-month double-blind study in 19 patients with moderately photo damaged facial skin found a significant improvement in fine wrinkling, skin moisture and tone on the side treated with ascorbic acid compared with the control side. Photographic assessment also revealed a 57.9% improvement in the vitamin C-treated patients compared with the control group[15].
  • A six-month study using topical application of vitamin C cream in photoaged patients also showed a reduction of facial wrinkles and improvement in the appearance of photoaged skin compared when compared with a control group.[16]
  • Vitamin C was also shown to be of benefit to patients with acne, both helping to prevent and reduce acne lesions. In another study, vitamin C products proved to reverse age spots[17],[18],[19].

The Benefits Of Using Vitamin C Serum[20]

Here is an exhaustive list of the benefits of using vitamin C serum products. Vitamin C serum:

  1. Offers sun protection from harmful or over-exposure to UV radiation
According to Dr. Oz, vitamin C serums offer some protection against UV rays. However, vitamin C is a weak sunscreen and should be used in conjunction with a traditional SPF product.
  1. Stimulates collage production

You found out that collagen is important for vibrant skin, and collagen production deteriorates with age. You also saw that Vitamin C products were shown to stimulate collagen production. Check the above sections for more detailed information about this!

  1. Makes the skin brighter, stronger, and firmer

As vitamin C stimulates collagen production, the toughness and strength of your skin increase. Also, topical vitamin C serums can reverse hyper-pigmentation or discoloration of the skin, by acting as natural bleaching agents.

  1. Aids in making the skin more prepared at repairing itself

With more collagen readily available, the skin is more adept at repairing itself when cut. Vitamin C serums can also be used locally on cuts to drastically increase the speed of healing.

  1. Reduces and prevents signs of aging, such as wrinkles, blotchiness, dark circles under the eyes, and lines

Vitamin C is also known to repair some signs of sun damage, such as discoloration and fine lines. The #antioxidant properties of vitamin C serums are responsible for reversing signs of aging, such as age spots and dark circles under the eye.

  1. Guards skin from free-radical (or anti-oxidant) damage, and from environmental factors such as pollution and cigarette smoke.

Free radicals are molecules that damage collagen and cause skin dryness and signs of aging. Research has shown that ascorbic acid 2-phosphate, a derivative of vitamin C, not only neutralizes free radicals, but also reverses DNA damage[21].

  1. Reverses effects of chlorine exposure

Other than general anti-oxidants, chlorine is of particular importance to mention because it is present in the water that you drink, traditional and public pools, and as well in the air you breathe due to the various sources of pollution. If you inhale high concentrations of chlorine or do so for long periods of time, long-term breathing complications may result. Complications can be seen in those who develop severe health problems such as fluid in the lungs (pulmonary edema) following prolonged exposure[22].

  1. Reverses damage from behavioral factors, such as too little sleep and alcohol consumption

As you get older and inherit more responsibilities there never seems to be enough time to do everything you need to, right? So, you sleep less, and drink more to de-stress on the weekends. These two vices impact your health by making you less alert and more stressed. This affects your body and the youthful appearance of your face and skin. Vitamin C serums can help reverse the damage done by these factors.

  1. Helps the skin retain moisture[23]

Dry skin cuts easier and is far less inviting to touch. Vitamin C serums can help the skin retain its natural moisture and lock in the soft feeling everybody desires so much.

  1. Calms any skin inflammation[24]

Rashes or burns can be treated with serums to promote and speed healing.

  1. Stabilizes and promotes Vitamin E production, which is also another factor in healthy skin appearance[25]

Almost as a 2-for-1 deal, Vitamin C serums help speed up the production of Vitamin E, which has been shown to not only improve your skin’s appearance, but also boost your immune system, prevent stroke-induced brain damage, and protect against certain skin cancers[26]. Talk about a power house!

  1. Provides continual skin nourishment

After application, the vitamin C is immediately absorbed (even if you wash it off right away) and stays in your skin until it gets used, for around 3 days. If you continually apply the product, that will be a never-ending source of nourishment for your skin!

An Experiment Demonstrating the Benefits of Vitamin C Serums

An interesting experiment was carried out to prove that vitamin C serum can reduce the effects of aging.

Apples oxidize when left out in the air, resulting in a dark brown color on the fleshy, fruit part. The harmful molecules for your skin, free radicals, promote oxidation. Helen Vong, a skin expert, took two apple halves and placed a few drops of vitamin C serum on one of them. Left over night, the apple with the drops of vitamin C serum applied oxidized less than the apple without any vitamin C serum.

The conclusion?

Vitamin C serum prohibits oxidation or free radicals from damaging that which is alive, namely, your skin and face!

Vitamin C Experiment on Apple

Figure 1. Experiment showing how an apple with vitamin C serum applied (left) is less prone to damage from free radicals compared to an apple with no serum applied (right)[27].

“Why Shouldn’t I Just Take Pills?” Vitamin C Serums vs. Vitamin C Pills

While ingesting vitamin C in pill form has many associated benefits, including strengthening your immune system and also helping your skin look youthful, vitamin c serum offers rapid absorption and deep penetration into the skin which pills cannot even come close to accomplishing. According to Dr. Gary Goldfaden, applying topical vitamin C to the skin is 20 times more effective than taking pills when it comes to improving the look of skin[28].

Moreover, we unfortunately lack the ability to produce the vitamin C that is so vital for beautiful and healthy skin. To make matters more difficult vitamin C is water soluble, which leads to a great deal of the vitamin C we ingest through foods such as fruits to be excreted rapidly. Absorption of vitamin C is extremely limited in the stomach, and the most effective way for replenishing vitamin C levels in the skin is to directly apply a serum.

Even though vitamin C serums may be more expensive than buying a few pills at the drug store, save yourself the stress of wishing the pills would work faster – The serums are far more effective at letting you have the youthful skin you desire!

Precautions and Side Effects of Vitamin C Serums[29]

So you’ve decided you want to buy vitamin C serum. Great! You are on your way to healthier looking skin. But, while vitamin C serums are associated with numerous benefits there are a few things you need to be are aware of:

Always ensure that your vitamin C serum product is in an opaque and airtight container. The biggest disadvantage of a vitamin C serum product is its instability. Light and air can denature the active ingredients and render them useless. For this reason, ensure that you transfer your vitamin C serum product into an airtight and opaque container if it is not in one already.

Also despite all the benefits and glowing reviews, vitamin C products don't work for everyone. For some, the products cause redness, stinging, and irritation when applied. Usually, these side effects gradually decrease as time goes on, but you may need to try a serum product which is less concentrated at first so that your skin gets used to the product. Once your skin is OK with the less concentrated version, you can move to something that is stronger.

Some may experience allergic reactions, which commonly crop up as itchy red bumps.

Some may also be prone to acne breakouts, as some serums may have silicones or other ingredients which help keep the vitamin C stable for longer periods of time.

To minimize irritation, you should start using vitamin C serums at the lowest concentration you can tolerate.

What You Need to Know – Vitamin C Serums
• Looks matter in society today – someone may look at you and form an opinion in 1/10th of a second, without even talking to you!

• As you age, environmental factors and free-radicals damage your skin, from pollution to cigarette smoke, and even lifestyle factors such as lack of sleep. Aging compounds this!

• Top plastic surgeons in the U.S. recommend vitamin C serum products as a far safer and cheaper alternative to chemical peel and facelift procedures.

• Vitamin C has been used since ancient times to improve the look of the face and skin.

• Collagen is a major protein responsible for the healthy look and glow of skin, but production slows with aging.

• Vitamin C serum products have been clinically shown to: improve collagen production, reverse sun and pollution damage, calm skin inflammation, and reverse the signs of aging by removing wrinkles and fine lines.

Renew the healthy glow of your skin NOW by purchasing a vitamin C serum product.

Click HERE to renew your skin’s look NOW!

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