My Vitamins & Supplements Routine | Anti-Aging and Overall Health

in beauty •  5 years ago 

I am doing a video about 101 for supplements and vitamins I get quite a bit of questions about all these subjects and I'm super excited to share more information with you in case you guys don't know I am a registered holistic nutritionist I got my certification in 2015 I do want to mention that all this information is my opinion and I highly recommend you guys to go and talk to you health care provider for anything concerning your supplements or your vitamins or any medications you are taking just to make sure so let's get to I don't want to say huge thank you to the Montreux reserve for collaborating with me and sponsoring this video so first I want to start by saying that I know there's a lot of information out there and a lot of contradicting opinions there are studies that are done literally on a weekly basis talking about the power of wanting and then completely saying the opposite the next week so it can be really confusing and I totally feel you guys the one thing I want to mention is it's wonderful to have supplements out there but those are basically to fill the gaps these cannot replace a good balanced diet you want to make sure that you're eating properly you're eating sustainably you're eating healthy and providing your body with all the nutrients that means let's start by talking about the supplements that I personally take there are three of them and those include omega-3 multivitamin and probiotics so with the omega-3 I take it on and off depends on what phase I'm in so before pregnancy I took it during pregnancy I took it and I was taking it a little bit after but now that I'm kind of back to eating my fish during the week I don't really need to take omega-3 so I kind of taking a break from it if you watched any of my previous nutrition videos you saw that I was taking cod liver oil I used to take cod liver oil especially in the winter because my diet was a little off and also it has a naturally occurring vitamin D in it which is necessary for us especially during winter time but I was done with that and I decided to buy an algae oil algae oil is basically the same version of omega-3 from fish oil but it's a vegetarian vegan option it's also more sustainable because it's seaweed and not fish if you do have any heart conditions or heart problems omega-3 actually been proven to help with that it also may help with any condition like the Fridays with anxiety or depression but those haven't been proven and there's not a lot of studies on it but these are some of the claims that you can find online so if you experience any of that I recommend you guys to check it out and try and see if it can help the next thing is a multivitamin again a multivitamin is basically feeling that the ABS if you feel like you're not getting enough from your diet and you don't eat enough I think that a multivitamin is a great way just to make sure that you get the right things another thing that you can do before you get into any supplements is to go to your doctor and ask for a blood test so with blood test you can actually check which vitamins or minerals you are lacking in and to make sure that you are going and getting yourself the right supplement also I highly recommend for you to start one supplement at a time and then go and do another blood test or even just document how you feel after six to 12 weeks and see if it helped with any condition so multivitamin is again something that I took before pregnancy especially because of folic acid iodine calcium and other necessary vitamins and minerals that I needed to make sure that I am growing a healthy baby and to help with the development I took it throughout my pregnancy and I still take them the next thing is probiotics so probiotic is extremely important for gut flora probiotic is something that I am a big believer in especially because we live in a pretty stressful environment and times these days trés does affect our gut flora directly and gut flora is connected to a lot of different things you can also get probiotics from food sources especially fermented sources such as kefir sauerkraut can move and the more conventional way to get probiotic is your so you don't have to take probiotics as a pill but if you are lactose intolerant or don't consume those foods as much probiotics would be a great way to introduce to your diet so those are three supplements that I rotate in my health routine and then I have of course the powders and adaptogens and other things that I love and incorporate into my daily use so those are matcha maca collagen powder spirulina and protein powder so the first thing is an organic maca powder and this one is from the matcha reserve this is a plant-based superfood and it's an adaptogen adaptogens are great natural healers to help your body to deal with stress and to balance your hormones it helps increase energy helps with clarity and fight brain fog and to boost immunity and metabolism this is great for women because it may help with anything to do with pre menopausal post menopause this is something I started incorporating into my mom's diet this you can easily mix into smoothie it's actually pretty delicious especially chocolate hay also helps libido so it's quiet a great one to introduce into your diet if you in need up any of those things next thing is a combination of two things that I use and it's the much of collagen so matcha and collagen are probably the two powders that are used in most on a daily basis so matcha is basically a pure out of form of green tea and this is my source of caffeine especially when I try to kind of stay away from coffee it gives you a more sustainable energy boost and it doesn't crash your blood sugar and it really rich in antioxidants if you think that I want to mention when you are looking to purchase matcha and the reason why the module Reserve is my go-to place you want to look at three different factors number one is the great you want to make sure that when you look at matcha you see the Japanese Sumo matcha which is the highest grade and the most rich in antioxidants and potency the second thing is the sourcing you want to make sure that it is quality product that comes on the right country with much a reserve they get their machchar from Japan they get their mushroom powders and adaptogens from different countries like Russia so you want to make sure that they are all grown in the places where they're experts in it also I really appreciate the fact that all the powders and supplements on the mattress or website are low quantity because they really don't keep anything on the shelf things are oxidizing then they're not as strong and they're not effective so there's fresh products all the time and this is very important to make sure that you are getting the effect that you're looking for the third thing you should look for when you are purchasing matcha is color I know that we're all accustomed to seeing this vibrant green color but those are usually the powders that companies will use fertilizers and to make sure that that vibrancy is there the higher-quality Matra are usually a little more dull in color and darker green so that's something that you can visually see if it's good great or not another thing that I appreciate about much reserve is the fact that there are a lot of third-party companies that they go to to get certified if it's for organic to make sure there's no GMO in it no fertilizer there is no unnecessary ingredients so that's really important so when you are purchasing any powders for that matter any company that you look into make sure that they are clean and go through the right amount of certifications and testing from third party so this product is specifically my favorite just because you can take it on the go anywhere I put it in my backpack go with me to the office or wherever an add here's a little recipe that I like to make for a quick matcha latte so what I like to do is teaspoon of the matcha or one of those backs of the match on collagen and then I'll add some warm water make sure there it's not too hot to make sure it doesn't kill all the benefits of matcha I'll steer it with a fork just to make sure it combined well and there's no clumping then I'll add a little bit of sweetener I like to add a little bit of maple syrup to it you can also add either brown sugar or coconut sugar whatever makes you happy then I'll warm and sweeten oatmeal to make sure that it's hot and steamy you can also use any other nut milk or milk that you like and then I like to use this electric whisk which was the best Amazon purchase and butter to whisk my milk to make it foamy and very latte ish then I'll just combine it with the matcha and voila there you go you have your matcha latte that will put any Starbucks macho to shame and then talking about the college and that if you follow me on instagram you see I use quite a bit and my smoothies I put it also for the kids collagen is the main structural protein found in skin and in connecting tissue so basically it's the glue that holds everything together the reason why I got into collagen was actually because I had some joint pain and problems with my knee so when I started working out I found that I had a lot of pain so I was doing research to see what I can take to help with that and collagen was kind of on the top of the list I started taking collagen a while ago like I think it's been maybe four to five years so I've been an avid collagen lover and it's only recently that it got so popular for the benefits of like anti aging and wrinkles because collagen is something that we produce but our bodies slowly stop producing it as we age basically supplying your body with the collagen will help supposedly with the aging process I'm definitely not taking it for that but I mean it's a bonus again there hasn't been a lot of really clinical big studies to prove this point but there has been some smaller degree studies that show that women especially between the age 35 to 50 the word taken collagen did notice a difference in their skin texture and wrinkles and things like that but again it takes a while it's definitely not a magic pill also collagen is a great source of protein which is another reason why I use it in my smoothie sometimes and I don't want to use a protein powder so for me this combination is awesome the matcha reserve has been super kind and they are giving my subscribers 30 percent off from the website so if you click on the description box you see the link there and another really exciting thing is that 10% of my link will go to the hunger project which is an amazing organization nonprofit organization around the world and in Africa South Asia and Latin America to help men and women sustainably make progress in overcoming hunger and poverty so 10% of this link will go towards that cause so I'm super excited for that too spirulina spirulina is also something that I love and I use it's definitely an acquired taste because it is seaweed so it tastes gross but that's why for me I love using it in smoothies where there's a lot of other paste to hide that spirulina is a blue-green algae and it's often used as a vegan option for protein and source of b12 the spirulina is known to have really high amounts of different nutrients like copper and iron so if you are looking into iron supplements spirulina can be a great additive to your booty's it has a lot of antioxidants in it and it's anti-inflammatory which is wonderful also helps with blood sugar control and any metabolism problem so definitely something that you should look into if you want to introduce some superfood into your life and then we have protein powders I personally my body digests way and it digests any other vegetarian sources of protein so it's pretty much anything works for me so just depends on kind of a individual preference one of the questions that was asked was if I do consume protein powders even when I don't work out so the answer is yes the way my body works is that I tend to lose weight and I think especially when you have young kids and work and life a lot of us forget to eat or eat enough so I definitely will drink protein powder sometimes throughout the day just to make sure that I need all the nutrient requirements and I don't just swing and then it's harder to build the muscle so I'm trying to do I'm trying to build stuff there was a lot of questions also about if you should take supplements with food if there's the best time of day to take supplements I recommend you guys to check the instructions on the bottles a lot of the supplements will give you a specific instructions Sam you should take with food others doesn't matter when so I think it just attends and what exactly you take that will really dictate when you should take it some of you guys asked about and update about my celery juice experience so I did the celery juice video a few months ago where I was kind of going after the trend of celery juice and it was definitely pushed to the public as like this miracle answer to every health issue I don't believe that there's one thing that will literally solve everything I think that maybe work for some people I think a lot of it is placebo but again that's just my personal opinion but I stopped doing it first of all because I just couldn't I literally had to wake up so early in the morning to make sure that I have it first thing in the morning and the case just like I can't so what I do instead is I will put it in my usually in my green smoothies like green apple and spinach and things like that and I incorporate celery there but I definitely stopped doing the celery juicing altogether not for me someone also asked me if there's any vitamins or supplements that I take when sick so I highly recommend you guys to check sync sync is kind of a super immunity supplement that a lot of people I feel like don't know about a lot of people go and take vitamin C but sync is pretty amazing especially if you have like sore throat and in health food stores there's a lot of like zing sprays and things like that that you can get also elderberry is great I also give elderberry to my kids especially during winter time or when there's a lot of sick kids and their school that really helps with kind of making sure their immune system is stronger and I don't do it every single day just when I start seeing that they are like getting a little stuffy so signs of sickness I'll give them elderberry but that's usually it usually I'll kind of go to the food route where I do vitamin C from like lemons and other citrus fruits and ginger and honey and things like that again we have all this abundance and fruits and vegetables available to us so everything can be found there do vitamins affect your skin complexion I think that our skin usually shows signs of anything that is missing in our body nutrient wide so your complexion will definitely show when something is missing a lot of it is with gut flora inflammation that's why for me I think probiotics is kind of my go-to when I see things are all over the place also depends if it's hormonal acne maca can help so there are some options out there for supplements to help with skin complexion but you also need to really understand what is the cause of it and not necessarily put a bandaid and just assume that one supplement will solve it all so is it stress is it hormones is it like bad diet you eat a lot of fried food or you're eating foods that you may be sensitive to though I really recommend you guys to get to know your own body it's really not one size fits all so take advantage of all the information out there and ask questions and ask me questions and hopefully I can help I hope I didn't overwhelm you there are a lot of stuff out there all of the ones that I mentioned are kind of my go-to for anything to do with health and making sure that I feel my best and look my best thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next time

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