Today's Weed News for September 4th 2018 #SEPHORA

in beauty •  7 years ago  (edited)


For today's weed news we talk cannabis cosmetics.

Are you a fan of cannabis? Do you also use cosmetics?

If so, then get ready because Sephora, one of the largest brands in the cosmetics space, is getting ready to launch their brand-new "High Beauty" line and introduce the mainstream consumer to cannabis-infused beauty products!

"When the trend hits something like Sephora that's global and across the US, that is a gauge to show the appetite of the consumer... It's a good gauge for us to say there is a want and a need for it out there," said Cecilia Gates the CEO of Gate Creative, a beauty-products-specialized marketing agency.

The first products in the "High Beauty" line are going to be the "High Five" cannabis facial moisturizer and the "High Expectations" cannabis facial oil.

Melissa Jochim, the person in charge of the High Beauty line was recently quoted saying that the key to bringing a cannabis-infused beauty product line to the market is the ongoing shift of viewing cannabis as more of a wellness product rather than just a means of getting faded.

"It just hasn't been mainstream until people started seeing it as a lifestyle ingredient, or one for well-being," said Jochim.

Although the public perception about cannabis and infused products is definitely changing for the better, there are still a vast number of roadblocks and legal barriers in the way.

The schedule 1 status of cannabis makes doing business across the nation difficult for many companies. For that reason, High Beauty made the choice to produce their cosmetics with hemp seed oil only, meaning that they will not contain any THC or CBD. This way they will not encounter any problems trying to ship products across state lines.

That's kind of a bummer if you ask me because I know the power of those two magic ingredients. But I understand where they're coming from and you got to do what you got to do to get started right?

So even though the products offered by High Beauty will be very limited as far as the cannabinoid they will contain, the simple fact that a brand as huge as Sephora is getting involved in the cannabis industry is definitely a good sign for what's to come in the near future.

I feel like CBD-infused products are definately gonna start popping up next and THC ones will not be too far behind.

And that's what's up!


“Take Action Today to Help Legalize Weed Tomorrow” -Kief Preston



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Thanks for the new update ,good for the cannabis lover