in beauty •  7 years ago 

Thought id do this, i did notice a difference!

Ive only tried it once so far, so i dont have before or after pics but i did notice a difference! Going to keep using it and thought id share it for others to try. I did use the Manuka honey!

Homemade Anti-Wrinkle Facial Scrub Recipe


*1 tbsp baking soda

*1/2 tbsp raw Manuka honey (if you don’t have Manuka honey you can use regular honey, but Manuka honey has amazing anti-inflammatory properties and works like magic on mature skin!)

*1 drop pure lavender essential oil

*1 drop Frankincense essential oil


Mix baking soda and Manuka honey together until it forms a smooth paste.

Add your essential oils and mix again.

Open up your pores by placing a warm, wet washcloth over your face for about a minute.

Apply a small amount of the scrub onto your fingers and massage into face in slow, circular motions.

Keep massaging gently into the skin for 3-5 minutes to remove all dead skin cells and get blood flow into the skin.

Rinse off with warm water.

Pat skin dry and follow up with a moisturizer.
Your skin may be red for 10-15 minutes but this will dissipate.
Use no more than twice a week.

Benefits of Facial Scrub:

Balances skin’s pH level
Reduces the amount of wrinkles and fine lines
Remove dead skin cells
Brightens skin
Eliminates scars, dark spots, and age spots


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I've never done a Manuka honey scrub before. I'll have to try this!

I love using essential oils - everyday I moisturize my face and entire body with organic extra virgin olive oil with a few drops of clove EO, balsam fir EO and lavender EO - whatever I feel like for the day.

Thanks for this information!

Your welcome!