Micellar Cleansing Water Review

in beauty •  7 years ago 

Beauty on a Budget - Review of Micellar Cleansing Water


In my first post, I listed the products I use for my daily makeup routine. Included in my list was Micellar Cleansing Water. I saw this on an ad on Facebook and of course, many people were raving over it and a couple people weren't as crazy about it.

Having done the daily makeup routine in the past, I knew I didn't want to physically wash my face every night. When I used to do that, I'd get water on my counter, my baby hairs would get wet, and it just wasn't for me. I've also tried makeup removing wipes and they left my face sticky. So I decided to give this a go.

When choosing between the types of cleansing water available, I chose the Mattifying (pictured at the top) because my skin gets oily during the day.

Being in my early 30s, my skin is more sensitive than it used to be. Using this cleansing water nightly ended up drying out my face like crazy within the first week. It started with small red patches on each side of the front of my chin, under my lips. I decided my skin was just adjusting and I kept with my nightly use.

Over the next week or so, the dryness sort of spread although the redness did not. My skin was getting super dry all the way to under my ear - all across my cheek. I noticed dryness on my forehead & nose as well. I also feel it made the fine lines around my eyes worse because it was drying out my skin. I realized I need to add a moisturizer after using this stuff, so I got an Olay anti-aging moisturizer. This did not help! I swear this made my skin worse.

So what ended up helping? Vaseline Intensive Care Cocoa Radiant Body Lotion. I have this stuff handy for my body, of course. I love it because I feel Vaseline has such great healing properties and low and behold! This has saved my skin from severe irritation.

The irritation isn't my only disappointment from the Micellar Cleansing Water. It doesn't really remove all of the makeup like it claims it does. I use paper towels (I prefer this over using many, many cotton pads per night). After having "removed" the makeup from my face, I have to keep applying the cleansing water to different areas of the paper towel and go over each eye at least 3-4 times. After I'm done with the cleansing water, I wet a paper towel with regular water and find myself wiping MORE makeup off (a little, not a lot; but more than should be there after I "cleansed" my face).

Then, because the Micellar has left little irritated spots by my eyes, I then use organic coconut oil to remove the rest of the eye makeup and moisturize around my eyes.

THE REST OF THE EYE MAKEUP?? Yes. I've now rubbed each eye about 5 times before now, and I'm now applying coconut oil to remove any remaining eye makeup, and applying it over a broad area around my eyes to treat/moisturize them over night.

So what's the final verdict? If you're in your 20s, this cleansing water may work great for you. For me? I need something that doesn't require multiple applications & other products to be used afterwards. I'd love something that cleanses completely and also moisturizes, so my search for a good makeup remover will continue.

What do you use to remove your makeup? Do you know someone who has a great product? Feel free to comment and discuss, and thanks so much for reading!

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