How to - Make your own lipbalm

in beauty •  7 years ago  (edited)

I promised this was coming and here it is. The recipe to make your own lipbalm!


This is something I had wanted to do for quite a while last year. I have searched many websites for a quick and easy way to create your own lipbalm, but also hand creme and scrub. I haven't found a good way to make hand creme yet. Atleast none that don't leave a fatty layer (which is just fine for extra dry skin by the way!) or need exotic/expensive ingredients, but I did find easy scrub and lipbalm. Here's the free bonus: Easy facial scrub is basically just baking soda (If you're interested in more about that, just tell me and I'll write up a little article about it).

There, that's one out of the way, now onto the lipbalm!

For this, you'll need a couple of ingredients you might not already have lying around. Namely shea butter and beeswax. You also need coconut oil.


It's an easy recipe, quick to make and you just need to decide on your containers. I first used really small bowls, because I didn't have much else. Later I ordered empty tubes online (AliExpress has cheap ones), because I just love to have an easy stick for my lip balm. With this recipe, I managed to fill up 13 lip balm tubes, which was all I had. I could have probably filled another one or two tubes if I had them.

What's awesome about making your own lipbalm is you know exactly what's in it! I remember a little while ago, many news articles about how bad retail lip balm could be for your health, so I was glad to have my own now. It is also a nice gift idea for your friends and family. I've been using this for over half a year now and I'm not going back to store-bought ones. Neither is my mum apparently, because she finished her last batch and asked me to make more!

Now for the shelve life, I can't promise you much. All I can tell you is I've been using the same batch for over half a year now and they are still well. Haven't gone bad at all. One thing to keep in mind: the colder it is, the harder the lipbalm gets and the warmer it is, the softer your lipbalm gets, due to its ingredients. Nothing wrong with it, you just need to know!

Now before we get to the recipe, there are two ways of melting everything down. Microwave or hot water bath. I suggest the microwave if you have a microwave-safe container. The beeswax can be quite annoying to melt down in a hot water bath. If you use that, cover up your container to try and keep more warmth in and refresh (well, reheat) your water a few times. You'll basically be stirring and refreshing a lot by the end.



  • 4 Tbsp coconut oil
  • 3 Tbsp beeswax
  • 2 Tbsp shea butter
  • Optional: a couple of drops of your favorite flavor oil to give a nice smell (I use either vanilla, orange, or mint extract).



  1. Put everything except the flavor oil inside an appropriate container for either of these two options: Microwave or a hot water bath.
  2. Either microwave your ingredients with 30 second intervals while stiring inbetween, or set your container in a hot water bath and stir once in a while. Wait until everything is completely melted and mixed (you might have to refill your hot water bath, because the beeswax takes a while to melt and needs a higher temperature than coconut oil and shea butter).
  3. Add your flavor oil and mix well (this could harden out a bit, just stir and maybe reheat for a couple of seconds).
  4. Pour your mixture into your tubes, bowls, pots, whatever you picked and wait until it is cooled off completely.

There you go, your own lipbalm!

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This is just what I needed! I work in an air-conditioned room and it dries my lips. Just need to find where to get beeswax...or is there a substitute?

Yeah I had to order beeswax online :D

I hadn't looked for substitutes yet and found this when googling just now:

Soy wax is all-natural and can serve as a substitute for beeswax. It is most commonly found in candles, but it can also replace beeswax in lip balms, lotions, body butters and other cosmetics. It is no harder than beeswax, so it can be used in equal amounts in recipes.

But I'm guessing soy wax would also be an online order ;-)

P.S.: With the big bar I bought, compared to how little is needed to make 10-15 lipbalm tubes, you'll be almost set for life with one bar! (My bar is in the brown paper on the pictures)

@playfulfoodie This is the kind of post that increases steems value. Good work! I bet the DIY crowd will enjoy trying this out. Cheers :)

Thanks for your kind words @bluefoxy! :D

This is so awesome!!! I'll have to look around the house for coconut oil, as I'm pretty sure I've got the other stuff on hand <3
I've always been a big lip balm fan, and you're right, although I really like the store-bought one I'm using now, maybe it's a good idea to switch!

I really hope you find a good hand cream recipe! The ones I've tried to make (found online) came out really fatty or really hard, so...:O
As for the scrub, do you have a different recipe or is it just baking soda? (I've tried that on my face, but used too often, it gets too drying to the skin and irritating).

Wow, you've reminded me of a passion I forgot I have, thank yoouu <3

Happy to have reminded you of your forgotten passion!

For the scrub, I make a mix of baking soda, a couple of drops of essential oils for a good smell, and a little bit of water to mix it all together and get a good paste. I keep that in a container near the shower. I only scrub my face once or twice a week and usually put some lotion on it after the shower, which works perfectly :-)

Oh thats super cool @playfulfoodie!! I will definitely try it out. I often wonder about the shop bought lip balms because it almost seems like your lips become somewhat dependent on them so that you continue to use and purchase them... because if you stop, then your lips dry and crack terribly.

Happy to hear you're going to try this @jaynie! Yeah I feel like my lips are dependant on lip balm aswell, though I'm not sure if that's still the case now. I always use lip balm when I go to sleep, because I can't stand dry lips, so haven't tested it yet! What I like most about this is that I can identify every ingredient I'm putting on my lips. Seeing as you'll probably eat some of it accidentally, I'd rather know what I'm eating :-)

hahaha yes, very good point @playfulfoodie.... as it is there is already so much stuff which we throw down our gullets that can hardly even be described as edible lol

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Awesome post I’m going to have to try this! When you mention flavor oil do you mean essential oils or extracts used for cooking like vanilla ect ?

Thanks for sharing @playfulfoodie!

Thanks @dayleeo, happy to hear you want to try this! I don't know exactly what essentail oils are safe to ingest and seeing as you're probably accidentally eating a bit of your lipbalm from time to time... I went with the ones I use for cooking, so vanilla extract.

Aah got you- yep no worries will do some research- ive heard you can use leftover EOS lip balm cases to make your own as well- ive always loved that little ball

Ooh yes, they do look pretty cute :D

Great post with one caveat: you should NEVER put oil based products like this in plastic. Plastic slowly are dissolved by contact with oils and yes, you end up slathering the chemicals on your lips and from there, you eat them and absorb them into your bloodstream. In my Pure Thai Naturals biz we use small tins, but little glass pots are great too.

Hi there @artemislives, thank you so much for your comment, I'm happy to learn this. I really like using tubes, because they are so easy, however I guess using the little glass containers I used the first time might be a better choice after all! I do also have a few small tins, so they don't give any problems at all?

Tins are fine, glass pots are fine. Love that you are putting it out there to use less toxic commercial product. :)

hopefully it can be done perfectly and successfully, thank you for sharing your story today, I like