RE: Beauty first - Brains who cares?

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Beauty first - Brains who cares?

in beauty •  9 years ago  (edited)

Yet when we look at it from a scientific standpoint, we actually can see intelligence on a person's face, with characteristics such as the length of the dent in the upper lip/ratio to the face etc. People are actually attracted to non-stupid people. People get annoyed or even violent or hate people based on how far the eyes are opened, or how far they appear to be shut. The distance between eyes... It's how we avoid breeding with people that had fetal anomalies, like fetal alcohol syndrome...
People that were taken away from their families at a very young age, then reintroduced later on have a major attraction to them, because we're attracted to people from our home area... (although we have an aversion to our relatives/breeding with them if we aren't taking hormones, which mask that useful tool) Looks aren't as simple as it appears. Even people that really don't have it all in the looks department can do very well if they have the right hip to behind ratio... overweight people included. It's not what we really see with our eyes, so much as it's what we see with out instincts.

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Great insights! Thanks for your input