
in beauty •  6 years ago 


My grandmother is a brilliant chef, her dishes are rivaled by none. I asked her once how she learned to cook and she told me that in her youth all the great chefs from her village often came together and shared recipes, the village chief GNUcious encouraged the free flow of recipes because he understood the only way his village could maintain the high standard of good food was if this great recipes are made freely available to everyone in the village.... Anyone was allowed to add or remove ingredients, people could verify the ingredients and avoid what they didn't like or what was allergic to them. My grandmother and her peers grew up reading recipes by great chefs and as a result creativity in the village's kitchens flourished and the village was known as a food haven. But decades later the new chief Microsoftcious got elected, he banned the sharing of recipes and as a result everyone ate the same dull food and no one could add improvements, others tried to reverse engineer the food but they got banished from the village and where given blackhats to wear for eternity.... Microsoftcious had Whitehated chefs make the recipes unreadable by adding excess ingredients, the citizens of the village became very ill from the food and they remembered the great days of GNUcious and his gospel of free and open recipes.... A handful of talented chefs got together they where known as the Greyhat Community an army of chefs so powerful they created new recipes and these recipes where shared amongst their village and other villages. Microsoftcious and all evil chefs Of the world that encouraged closed recipes could not keep up against the open nature of these new recipes and Microsoftcious disappeared from the village.... The Greyhat Community ruled eternally and recipes where shared freely and openly, good food flourished and so did life.

Live free and spread free and open source software for the progress of the world!

Hope u all know Microsoftcious and others.😁

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