in becomingrich •  8 years ago 


It has come to my attention that there is another sort of blockchain based banking system project going on, named HumanIQ or Humaniq. It would be similar to Ripple I believe. Therefore I think a lot of banking money would flush into it.

I have known ahead that Ripple would go up in price just by looking at the way it was tied into banks. So there is no reason to think that Humaniq won't be a good investment as well.

But I didn't invest in Ripple, mostly because of ethical issues. Instead I invested then in Monero and a few others, made good profits but also I am not abandoning my principles.

You know the thing about capitalism and investing is that it must be ethical. We know that slavery for example was very profitable but unethical. So ethics is very important, and in a weird way profits depend on it as well.

A free market is built on reputation and demand. If either of those is shaky or shady, then the whole thing can come down like a castle of cards. A castle built on quicksand.

Like if some businessman stole an apple as a kid and wasn't caught, but later founded a prosthetics company that helped millions of disabled people, then maybe he initially had bad reputation, but he made up for it, by cleaning his karma.

The problem is that most of the time this doesn't happen, a bad idea remains a bad idea. That doesn't men it's not profitable, we had banks for hundreds of years, and it was profitable, but it was not necessarily good for most people certainly not after the 1929 crash or the 2008 crash.

The free market eventually tends towards ethics, and even if bad ideas have short term profits, they won't work longterm

What is the issue with Humaniq

1. Banking? Why do we need centralized banking with cryptocurrencies?
2. Biometrics

The reason why I consider Humaniq unethical, is because I don't think we need a central banking platform when we already have other opportunities. Secondly, biometric data gathering is just a horrible invasion of privacy. All the facial scans and voice based logins, is just an Orwellian world that I don't want.

And the biggest reason is that BIOMETRICS DOESN'T WORK, it's horribly insecure. How the hell can you push for biometric login systems, when we know for a FACT that biometric identification is horribly insecure.

It's like locking your door with your name. It makes no sense whatsoever. So why are all these corporate people pushing for biometrics when we know for a fact that it doesn't work, and it's horrible for privacy? This I consider very unethical.

Biometrics will never work, but it will be just another surveillance system, where people will have their faces and voice in a database. And then God forbid it get's hacked somehow, anybody can just enter your bank account. In fact it would be just as easy as taking a video of you and recording your voice.

Now Humaniq also provides a "Device ID" type of secondary authentication, like a 2FA, which will be bound to a secondary device like a phone. Although I am not sure if it will use the Sim Card ID (which is public, just like your voice or face) or it will send like an SMS token (which is a bit better but not too much).

Now I hope that "Device ID" system will send like an SMS token that you will have to enter when logging into your account.

But it's still ridiculously crappy security, given that military grade malware, including phone malware is circulating on the internet:

So really and kind of biometrics is just an insult on the intelligence of humanity. And 2FA is not secure at all, anyone who spies on the SMS channel can get it, anyone who sets up a fake cellphone tower, or just hacks your phone plain and simply.

People have to realize that all of the digital devices are not secure, and it takes a great pain and effort to secure your money.

It's never as simple as putting your finger on a scanner, how can people be so naive? And not just everyday people fall for this, but even rich guys, who should supposedly be more vigilant and risk averse.


Overall I think Humaniq will go up in price, but I just can't invest in it, knowing all of this. I like to be consistent, and I want my investments to actually help people not offer them a false sense of hope.

Besides I think my investments will make even more money in the end, because if ethics prevail in the end, then everyone will realize that the good altcoin projects are better and put their money there. So I will do that too.

Disclaimer: The information provided on this page might be incorrect. I am not responsible if you lose money using the information on this page! This is not an investment advice, just my opinion and analysis for educational or entertainment purposes.


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Biometrics will never work
Several hundred years ago, locks didn't work...and what they had was HUGE and cumbersome.
Several hundred years ago CLOCKS didn't work
Several hundred years name didn't work..
by our standards..

Locks still don't work. Any skilled burglar can get into a house.

Security can only be achieved by complexity and secrecy. Biometrics have none of those.

There is a good chance there is already a database on everyone's face (CCTV surveillance or video chat data) and certaintly there is a database on everyone's voice (phone surveillance).

So the government can just go into your account and steal all your money. Civil asset forfeiture on the blockchain, how cool would be that?

And it's even worse, since anybody can obtain that. By taking a video of somebody and recording his voice, now they have access to all his wealth.

bio-metrics is the general term.
it doesn't JUST mean voice or facial recognition

Any kind of "bio" data has 0 entropy. It's all public information. A secret has to stay private to be a secret. the harmonic resonance of your alpha B brain wave vs your gamma 2 brain wave when you think a certain phrase.. one will ever knowit.

What do you mean? Are you referring to mind reading?

it's biometric right?
it's in the lab right now...

I am no neuro scientist, but the way I understand is that each neuron make dozens of synapses per second, which means that the electric configuration of the brain changes 12-24-36 times per second?

Thats 100 billion brain cells having 12 configurations each that's 438.49 bits of entropy / second.

I'd say that would be physicall impossible to decypther in 1 second, since a 256 bit entropy is already quantum computer proof.

So if you brain configuration changes that rapidly, then it's impossible to use it as a login, because it's changing.

If there are parts of the brain that don't change, then that is already public information (like brain size, etc...)

Now if they were to implant a chip in our brains, that would be a whole another story....

I have seen several reports of a pure gold time keeping device that was found and thought to dated pre-pyramids...along with a small gold toy space shuttle. Also some believe the Giza pyramids are actually a 28000 (i dont remember exact #) year clock. My point is that people have had clocks and calendars throughout history and there are artifacts that suggest we know very little about history and people in the past were much more advanced than we are.

true..but beside the point.

I like your posts...atf should be a convience store __excellent! The problem this site is i dont have enough hours to read/view all the interesting stuff

Ive always avoided face scan stuff. They have your picture if you have a drivers lic. Or passport or have ever been arrested .... which a lot of people they could easily access accounts, but they probably can anyway. More meaninful to me is your commitment to put your money where your heart is and refusing to sell out for wealth. Ive made some mistakes in this area in the past and since have tried to double check where the money is going. Its not always easy to logically determine what right and wrong but i do have ideas and its vital that i maintain my committment to them. Its what defines me.